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Am I the only one who finds Annetes voice sexy as hell?

I find her hammer sexy as hell.
It is the best buster.

He literally did nothing wrong. He only wanted to save humanity by making sure only the strong capable god eaters survive. Johannes only wanted the human race to consist of ubermensch.

`>tfw no more daily god eater threads
GE3 when

At worst he just lied to everybody but even then he didn't actually do anything.


The thing is, including god eaters into the project was the WORST idea, considering it wasn't revealed until the second game that oracle cells would cease activity in a post-Apocalypse environment.
As far as he could possibly know, he was bringing a shitton of liabilities with him, who would then still require regular doses of bias factor to not turn into Aragami. A single one missing their doses would just put them back where they were before, since bringing God Arcs with them would be EVEN STUPIDER than just bringing the God Eaters themselves. And that's assuming that they'd have the resources and technology to MAKE bias factor immediately post-Apocalypse.
And on top of THAT, the number he was trying to save was - from what I recall - was not actually enough to keep humanity from succumbing to horrible genetic problems within a few generations.
So no, he did not 'do nothing wrong'. He did a lot wrong.

We need more lewds of Licca and Gina.

second best girl

We need more cute of everyone


How many hours can you squeeze out of this game? Are the battles challenging?

I have over 48 hours on this

Or more crazy in that particular God Eater's case.
I have over 180 hours in just one of the two. Haven't beaten the other yet due to a bunch of IRL stuff coming up. The story battles (which are the ones needed to progress) are not overly challenging, to be honest, since they want you to actually be able to progress. The nonstory missions are harder, ranging from 'just more things than normal' to 'fuck this one' like the double sekhmet and dyaus one in rage burst fuck sekhmets, though they pain in the ass ones show up more later than not. And once you hit postgame you gain access to Perilous Challenge, which lets you apply a difficulty modifier to any mission you want.

Currently playing Resurrection. Why is melee so awful? All weapon types suck and do shit damage. I find myself most of the time using short sword to recharge OP quickly and then dealing damage with my gun. I'm only at Difficulty 3 though.

Is the audio looping bug patched yet?

Spear was enjoyable but no melee weapon can compete with custom bullets


Annette is the second best girl to be honest, and the best God Eater.

It's a crime that she's not in Rage Burst.

>pirate it
>the copy (monhun) is better
>PC game never

It's not that melee weapons are bad, bullets just happen to be way better.

I want to marry Sakuya and NTR Lindow!

I want to bully and rape Nana with my penis

Lindow's cool though. Why would you wanna NTR a guy like him?

She's a pretty nice and caring girl, with the appeal of a mature woman.
You know what they always say? Don't run away from living. It'd actually be more insulting to ignore his teachings and not get with her.
Tits user, when is it ever not about tits?

fair enough

As long as you understand.

>ywn bully Gina for being so flat

>Hot redhead scientist
>Make her a sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

Fuck you game

Why would you bully her for being flat? She's unique in that - a lone plank floating upon a sea of tittymonsters. She is to be celebrated, not shamed!

I want to smell Gina's armpits

I'd do it as a joke because I actually think it's cute

>ywn sit in awkward wordless silence with Gina until one of you inevitably falls asleep on the other's lap.


Hannibal best aragami

>Plays right as you land that fuckhuge damage hit

>tfw you have trouble with a normal Kongou right after killing your first Dyaus Pita
I keep expecting normal Aragami to be really weak for some reason.

>I keep expecting normal Aragami to be really weak for some reason.
Because they are weak?

I know that, it just gave me a bit more trouble than I thought it would.

You're not trying anymore because you rightfully assume that he's weak, therefore making you think that he's not weak when you're really just not playing as well as you could.

Pita is evil, go eat him and save the world!

He killed his son's waifu, that makes him a dick and evil.

Best girl is Gina.
Best boy is Soma.
Best aragami is sariel.

>He killed his son's waifu
What, really? Fug, I thought her getting Soma to stop being an edgelord was cute.

>Best girl is Rachel.
>Best boy is Romeo.
>Best Aragami is World Closer/Last Vestige.

He only technically caused her to end up on the moon, it's not like she's dead.

1.5/3 best aragami was angel dragon and brendan is tied with soma as best boy

Come on man, that was like a happy accident, Worst dad totally ruined his son's love life, and that's why he will never have cute little monster grandchildren to spoil and experiment on.


excellent taste

Technically he didn't really murder her either way, the Devouring Apocalypse ate her. He just placed her near it while none of her friends did anything.

And he was only sacrificing an Aragami (The enemy of mankind) for a good cause.

Still getting in the way of his son getting laid, and now Soma will forever be alone with Sakaki and the best he will do is take care of Yu and Alisa's kids or hang out with Kota and his sister.

Just accept it, Johannes ruined Soma's love life.

Soma just needs to try harder man, it's not his dad's fault.

Sure Johannes made a mistake, but it's not like they don't have rockets Soma could fix to see her.

Would she even be able to have kids?


Does he even know that she is on the moon, always wondered about that?

Don't you know, the whole world is her line of fire!

>Does he even know that she is on the moon?
Huh? Come to think of it, I'm not sure.

They all saw her leave after Arius Nova and she did say something tha timplied she was, but Soma is socially retarded so he probably didn't get the message.
At the very least you'd think he'd investigate the moon that turned green after she dragged the apocalypse up there.

>Don't you know, the whole world is her line of fire!

>Kanon fucks up my devour 4 times in a row
>lose burst

>Go for jumping attack
>Aragami gets ready to slap me out of the sky
>Suddenly fly off in a different direction
>Realize Kanon hit me and let me i-frame through the attack because of it

You must accept the Kanon into your life, not fight it.

Best girl is Licca
Best boy is indeed Soma, followed by Gil
Best Aragami is Shio, who is #2 girl, followed by Hannibal.

Good taste.

Or replace her with superior Gina.
The only reason to bring Kanon is if you're playing Resurrection, and even then it's only for the sound of her voice.

She just seems a little too flat for me.

>getting hit after devouring but before entering burst
Is there anything more annoying?

user, friendly fire is a myth, that's just those guys being stupid and getting inbetween Kanon and her targets!

Well, you've gotta swallow your food, it doesn't do you any good if you're forced to spit it out.
When using Kanon, you either A) stick to combo devours or not bother devouring if it's Rage Burst, or B) set all your devours to fast ones if it's Res, and upkeep by buttsliding through the Aragami.

It's not about size man, it's about sex appeal.
Kanon has about 8/10 on the sex appeal scale, while Gina has 12/10.
You gotta consider more than just their bodies, and Gina's personality is sex appeal given form. That's not even taking into account her heavenly voice.
If you bring Annette and Gina along, it's pure bliss.

Kanon pls go

>That's not even taking into account her heavenly voice.
I always thought it made her sound a little bit crazy which makes it even better.

Going from Resurrection to Rage Burst, I really miss the quick, step, and air devours and predator styles.

You're thinking too much, it's not so much about the content. It's more about the actual sound than anything else.

Also anyone voiced by Elizabeth's VA is instantly raised a few pegs in my opinion.

That is the opinion most people share.
I went the other way, and miss blood arts.

Resurection is 50+ while Rage Burst goes over 100

Well I went from Rage Burst to Resurrection and I miss Fran

I have well over 100 hours in both though.

I only miss the ability to zip through the map with a particular devour style. Otherwise BA are much better, love loading the spear one with unlimited air combo while fighting Sariels and similars.

He knows. Everyone in the 1st Unit knows. They mention it in 2.

>play nothing but Rage Burst since release
>only 67 hours
But I'm a wagecuck. At least that keeps me from burning out too fast, I guess

Wasn't Fenrir researching Oracle cells as a miraculous new energy source before Aragami were a thing? He was probably looking to advance humanity through Oracle technology.

Holi shit mah nigga, I came here only to say this, I like Alissa tits and how she is a cheeky breek but this two girls I would hold hands all day

That reminds me, does humanity even have the ability to go to space or research the newly-terraformed moon? I'd think the ships that were launched via the ark project probably would be the best choice to check that out.

Then again, I doubt the ark ships are still out there because they'd be proper fucked if they were up there for the 2-3 years between 1 and 2.

They needed to make up for leaving out loads of content from 2RB due to story reasons and they actually kind of succeeded in compensating for it.

It'd be funny if we ended up getting a 2 Resurrection that had both Blood Arts and Predator Styles. What kind of systems does GE Online have?

Do God Eaters not have any problem having children? Was Soma's mom the only one to be devoured in the process? Was Nana born before or after her mother became a God Eater?

I just started the game, is Soma the Shadow with some shit past so he acts like a dick with everyone?

Is he gay like Jozubro?

He kinda is, but his new waifu helps him get over it before long.

Resurrection was a 10th Anniversary game so maybe we'll get 2RES during the series 20th year.

Also, if GE3 will follow the same pattern as 1 and 2's releases we probably wont get the vanilla version either and it'll only be localized once a Burst version becomes a thing.

>is Soma the Shadow with some shit past so he acts like a dick with everyone?
Basically yeah. He has a legitimate reason, but it's still a really stupid reason.
Regardless of his reasoning though, it doesn't change the fact that he's an unlike-able asshole.

A significant chunk of the game is about him learning to chill

He seems to have become more of a scientist after hanging out with Sakaki for a couple of years by the time of 2RB.

He softens up and learns to smile again from Shio and the others. He even learns to like Kota and hand out with Kota's family and do fun stuff.

He certainly got a lot better, but you can't deny everything up to his change wasn't uncalled for and really pathetic on his part.
I still don't like him, but I'll admit he's not bad in RB.

>He even learns to like Kota
What a saint.

Who's the best person to bring alongside 2 Kanons?

user, he felt he got his mother killed and was a monster for it, and his father was a dick to him. Him getting people killed all the time certainly didn't help either. Honestly, he softened up once he kinda realiced that the MC and the rest of the 1st Unit wouldn't die on him, and then Shio came to steal his heart and make him dere.

Having your own problems doesn't give you the right to be an asshole user.
Just because it's understandable, doesn't make it okay.

I really hope that undub project starts back up.

A 3rd Kanon

How does she not get fat with all those sandwiches

Oracle cells, son

She was told to eat them whenever she gets lonely.
She only eats them when she's lonely.

We don't really need daily threads anyway

Have you noticed everyone, even the MC tends to talk about food when they finish the mission?