GOTY and also best Hitman game ever thread

GOTY and also best Hitman game ever thread

Why are people loving this one so much?

I was burned off hitman after the kane and lynch cameo in Absolution

Absolution was fine

I have this entire game downloaded but hesitant to start

Absolution was shit

Blood&Wine is GoTy tho.

I swear to God she had more outfits in that DLC than the first Witcher game had armors

It's nothing like Absolution now, more like blood money.

it was a good game, but a bad hitman game

No it wasnt mr hyperbolic teenager

>Le it was a good X but a shit X meme
It was shit faggot, just accept it.

I quite like the story, not because of the HURR DURR GENETIC MODIFICATIONS, but because that's the first time in the entire series that we see 47 actually care about something and doing something mostly for himself. Where as in the previous games he literally lets lunatic murderers go because it isn't in his mission profile.

Blood and wine came out this year? It feels like it's been forever since I finished it.
>You flee my dreams come the morning
>Ciri gets to be best witcher
>That fucking headnod at the end
>Best girl coming to crash with Great in his bitching bachelor pad

if you say so

what's the best way to buy this?

I honestly can't decide between these 2 and DOOM.

Full Experience

Not quite, it was an uneven game. It had a few big levels which were great but in-between there were completely uninteresting infiltration mini maps that had no reasons to be there.

Piratebay in 6-12 months.

Now? The all in 1 pack to get everything. Or if you're unsure whether you'll like it the starter pack but the problem with that it's $5 extra if you want all of it in the end.

I got the full ver for £35 off a key site so should try them.

When you start it, disable opportunities and instinct and you will have the best time ever. Maybe even disable the minimap if you're up to it. I understand why they put these mechanics in the game, but they really don't suit Hitman's style.

Denuvo bruh...denuvo...

I got the full experience from UKgamesplanet super cheap. That's also where I got Dishonored 2.

How's the slideshow, any good?

>no other targets have this type of interaction

When are they going to be finished actually making the game?


Witcher shills need to die off like CTR shills

>need to die
Sup Forums everyone, enjoy 4 years of trump.

Just wish the performance wasn't absolutely shit

It really doesn't look good enough to justify how badly it runs

tfw ultra 60fps.


Please tell the class what "GOTY" stands for. Then tell us if DLC is a game or add on content to a game.

I'm kinda torn between buying Hitman the Complete Experience(or whatever it's called) and Dishonored2... was kinda hyped for the later but the performance problems are bit of a turn off. Hitman on the other hand feels like an incomplete game. Decisions decisions.

Who the fuck is shilling Crash Team Racing 17 years after release?

Tell me what DLC stands for and how the definition excludes Hitman you sperg.

Hitman is episodic. Not one "episode" of Hitman would win GOTY. The entire game would win GOTY. In addition to that, every episode of Hitman came out in 2016 making it a complete game in 2016.

The Witcher 3 was a complete game released in 2015.

I haven't played Dishonored 2, but if its length is in any way comparable to the first game, [TM] sounds like it'd be a better offer.

Anyone else watching Northernlion's playthrough?

People with good taste, that's who.

He plays with the disregard for lives and Silent Assassin ranks I wish I could have.

It plays like a Splinter Cell game, I've finished with the next to hardest difficulty and it felt exactly like that

I know the elusive target is coming soon, but is there already any info which level it's going to be in?
I have only played Paris so far so it'd be great if it was that or the one that comes after but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Will there ever be a way to get the white suit again? I understand it was exclusive to pre-orders, is that correct?

it comes with the retail version and it will be available for steam dlc at the same time

Thank you user

>Allowing marketing terms and content delivery methods to pre-exclude the best game experience of the year from GOTY

>If Blood and Wine was released as The Witcher 4 it would be GOTY
>But it was DLC and called "Blood and Wine" so it's excluded


why do you autists care so much about suits?
like a faggot in a different thread, getting triggered that the standard suit doesn't have gloves.
like who the fuck cares?

>who the fuck cares
So far, two people at least.