Sup Sup Forums?
If I were to ask you what the best ARPG on PC was what would you say?
I'm looking to get into one of them but there are quite a bit of options.
Sup Sup Forums?
If I were to ask you what the best ARPG on PC was what would you say?
I'm looking to get into one of them but there are quite a bit of options.
Diablo II, Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, Grim Dawn
diablo 2 is hands down the best. although the client is in desperate need of an update.
D3 is wasted potential. although I had for with it for about 20 hours.
PoE is very close to D2 gameplay wise but apparently has a fucking terrible end game. overall I had fun with it.
Titan Quest and Grim Dawn are made by the same people and very good, but they don't hold a candle to D2. the character development in those games is top fucking notch.
Torchlight 1 is good but way too short of a game, and Torchlight 2 has some weird ass game design all around. I respect what they were trying to do but I don't like it.
Diablo 1 and 2 are the best.
Diablo 2 is rather antiquated. I think it has a new ladder or league or whatever coming, so old players will reinstall and run it again for nostalgia until putting it aside again until blizzard does another reset.
TQ/Grim Dawn aren't bad. The big complaint is you end up having to spend a lot of the early game investing a lot in passive improvements to your character instead of getting bunches of new stuff to click...
Torchlight were fun enough for a bit. Those salty ex-Blizzard North devs who got laid off went and beat Diablo 3 by making their own version of World of Diablocraft that Blizzard wanted.
Van Helsing has a bad reputation, but the story is fun enough and Katarina a cute.
Path of Exile for the autistic/neet who grinds because it gives you something to do and the illusion of a plethora of diverse builds which will end up being CRUSHED in merciless due to being too ineffective, shoulda played according to metagame fotm.
oh yeah and there's Victor Vran. GOG gave it away for spending $25 on their sale...goddamn I keep meaning to pick that up and play it. I think VV was supposed to put more action into ARPG compared to your average skinner box gear treadmill ARPG.
Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
Pillars of Eternity hands down.
How is Diablo 2 antiquated? Every Diablo clone is just a lesser version of it.
>shoulda played according to metagame fotm
bad player detected
>fucking terrible end game
It's not worse than greater rifts, but it's pretty bad yeah.
PoE defense force signing off.
Diablo II is still the best one.
TQ, PoE and GD are the only other options if you want to play something good.
- stamina bar
- potions
- 800x600
- only two keys cast spells
- old bnet
- 5x5 stash space or whatever it is
- immunes
>stamina bar
god damn, i guess every RPG ever is antiquated then
don't be a faggot, user. you know how retarded they are in D2.
Having played TE and GD recently, why are they so fucking slow/long? Like I'm 30 hours in TE and still haven't finished Act IV. GD is the same, 50 hours and I'm still on Act II. Is it really because I explore every inch of the map or are these two games just time sinks?
None of those are antiquated except for resolution which can be modified. Game looks as sharp as it did back in the day on a proper screen.
Path of Exile seemed overwhelming and tedious to me but I didn't spend very long with it. And it's free so there is that.
Torchlight 2 is like really good intro level arpg. It's kind of easy but still fun and interesting. Playing with a friend is great.
I have Victor Vran but haven't really gotten into it yet.
try out path of exile too since it's free and all, just keep in mind that it's a whole fuckton of grinding, trading and following meta builds on forums to get to endgame and farming it with any sort of efficiency
D3 has the best combat but lacks in everything else
Not the best, but developed by Brevik and fun if you like Marvel even a little bit.
Are you defending the stamina bar? Immunes? Drinking approximately 500 mana potions to level up a character? Why?
Both are single player games so they need to make up for it with a long campaign.
Grim Dawn is really good, but by the two higher difficulties you need to be pretty focused on doing one or two things really well rather than being a jack of all trades.
Yea it's partly because you're combing every inch of the map.
The advantage of TQ (I think that's what you're talking about) and GD is, you can mod it to avoid some of those issues. TQ:AE also has a game speed option in the game menu that will speed everything except the dialogue up.
I modded both for a faster base movement speed after I finished a play through of each. Helped a ton in TQ (before AE came out obviously).
Titans Quest Anniversary Edition
Grim Dawn is good for a playthrough
Torchlight 2 is good for a playthrough
blatantly false. It is the worst arpg I have ever played and gets worse with every update. All characters have exactly one (1) build and there is zero content.
Apparently the new update is supposed to fix the samey-ness of the characters, but based on their track record it's going to be a broken mess and will have more things that players hate rather than what they want.
Don't bother with Victor Vran. Victor Vran is an arcade ARPG, when I saw the character skills/builds were tied to what weapon you're using, i immediately refunded it. It might be your thing, but after the load out bullshit of D3 I can't deal without having building options anymore.
One no one has mentioned yet, but I want everyone to be aware of to avoid is, Van Helsing: Final Cut. It's a buggy ass mess that is a chore to level through. They decided to implement a level scaling mechanic (ala D3) and fucked it up to no extent. Where as in the original 3 releases you were rewarded for playing on harder difficulties with better loot regardless of your level to allow you to maintain growth to offset the difficulty. Not this time around. Avoid at all costs.