What is the worst thing "gaming culture" brought out?
What is the worst thing "gaming culture" brought out?
People who spend every waking moment circlejerking against SJWs
Literally worse than actual SJWs
the anti-liberal faggots who spend all day provoking liberal faggots and giving them more ammo to complain
camwhores playing vidya who get money from betas
competitive gaming
Everything. Defining your persona by your hobbies is the dumbest thing a human can do. And yet it's the only thing people are doing these days.
>we gamers am i rite xDD
This. Although it's more the "lonely geek" culture and its consequential frustrations in general than vidya specifically.
The gamer.
Sup Forums
I'm still conflicted on it. If you were here in 2012 you know just how awful Anita actually was, but at the same time not being able to have a thread about a game with a black character in it is awful.
the difference was Anita and tumblr never shit up threads on Sup Forums
this, absolutely. can't help but laugh at those who identify themselves as gamers
no, but they are just as bad
They had a tangible effect on videogames though. Anita was invited to talk to game studios and shit. It's not much of a comparison really.
SJW gamers and Twitch culture
Casuals and SJWs.
>worse than actual SJWs
Nah, in fact they work fantastically as a huge distraction.
THIS. How come there's overflowing amounts of futa porn but barely any good futa games?
Hygiene issues. Seriously, what the fuck is the deal with videogame and anime nerds more than any other subculture in that they're almost always stinking up the joint? Not even Warhammer dweebs are nearly that bad.
Contrarian faggots who just call every popular game shit/casual/sjw/whatever
Anita wasn't on this fucking board like swarms of autists.
She was shitting in her own pathetic tiny corner of the internet.
Anita did jack shit before Sup Forums decided to fuck with her. You guys did this yourselves.
>Twitch culture
I will never understand this shit if it comes to chats. Its LITERALLY only spamming emotes and repeating the same shit several times if something happens. You could replace all chatters with bots and no one would notice.
esports and competitive videogames
That's a Sup Forums thing on every board.
And the UN.
the only reason Anita ever got any exposure was the constant bitching people did about her which gave her ammo. but she never influenced the industry in any noticeable way, it's still the same shit games and shit industry but with a big dose of rabid virgin basement nazis shitting up any thread that triggers them
Meta threads are the worst thing that has come to this board
Sup Forums on suicide watch, how are you fucbois ever going to recover?
PogChamp is the best emote ever. Prove me wrong.
not that
Which happened after Sup Forums shat on her.
SJWism on a large scale, and subsequently MGTOWs/"redpills" (not to be confused with actual redpilling)
But that's not every face of Dan's. I seriously hope you guys stay subbed for the hot new emojis.
It's actually reminiscent of the first days normalfags started using memes.
Go back to neofag fag.
only after autists spammed her and her followers social media with stupid shit for fucking years. she had so much "evidence" of a sexist and racist gaming culture after that of course the groups who have only a passing understanding would believe and support her
E-celebs and the human scum that worship them. This goes for Twitch users as well.
>this board
Twitch culture is just another subculture offspring from Sup Forums, except its comprised of mini-meme Twitch emote spam and SJW thinking from across the spectrum from places like neogaf and reddit.
Sup Forums
PogChamp is great, but I'm of the firm believer that Kreygasm is that GOAT of all emotes.
>Twitch culture is just another subculture offspring from Sup Forums
After Sup Forums had daily hate threads.
Its easy to explain. Twitch chat over say 1 or 2k viewers is unusable for actual discussion. So instead look at it like a stadium full of people and you can see everyone's reactions simultaneously. Participating in twitch chat is pretty fun, actually, and there's some really creative stuff past all the usual spam.
no, you faggots are objectively the biggest cancer on Sup Forums. sjws stick to their own websites. you autists poison every thread looking for something to get triggered over
anything twitch related
reading kappa and pog champ shit in vidya chats is retarded
ANYTHING is better because anything is relatable to vidya and not e celeb "vidya"
>MS Paint Comic.jpg
Showed me.
>Proving his point.
FrankerZ = Dog Face (no space)
Why can't we all be friends and enjoy video games together?
Not really because Sup Forums memes have infiltrated Twitch as apart of the subculture.
>Implying he had one
The belief that half A presses exist. They don't.
BrainSlug = Big Nig (no space)
the us vs them mentally
>sjws stick to their own website
objectively wrong. try again some other day.
btfo'd yourself
check and mate you mtf lesbian cuck
Computers being easily accessable.
Gaming was better when it was enjoyed solely by turbonerds who could both build a computer and work DOS
Speed running, E-celebs
>A-All those people calling both sides shit can't be neutral and understand the horseshoe theory
SJWs are stupid enough to take their dumb crusade in to the real world though. At least Sup Forums users never leave their basement.
please take your turbo autism back to your daycare board
ResidentSleeper = Man Nap (no space)
Twitch/the rise of stream culture
>At least Sup Forums users never leave their basement.
Ironically the "people I dislike live in basements and are virgins" meme began about gamers.
same fagging
btfo AGAIN
just leave
God, it seems like everything. Gaming hitting mainstream was the worst.
>AAA developers who spend 50% of budget on marketing and the other 50% on graphics in order to hit that sweet sweet mainstream demographic dosh
>The almost complete and total dumbing down of mainstream video games to the point where hearing your favorite game series is getting a modern sequel is enough to make you afraid rather than excited
>SJWs who shame developers into following their agenda despite not buying/playing the games in question
>fucking normalfags or attention seekers/"gamer gurls" who desperately want to be with the "in crowd" so they either fake an interest in gaming or make it their complete identity despite playing the shallowest games available and eating up every awful money-grubbing policy that companies can come up with
>Neckbeards who wage public war on the above two groups, making actual issues in gaming look childish as fuck
>E-celeb culture born from Let's Plays/streaming/e-sports ushering in a weird new age of internet drama/celebrity worship
>just awful, awful opinions about video games no matter where you go on the Internet, a whole new generation who console war shitpost as if the issue was ever serious after middle school
I'm sure there's more, but god damn the landscape of gaming has changed for the worse since I was a kid.
>really creative stuff
all I've seen are ResidentSleepers and the Alex19 copypasta
that's a recent thing, though.
i remember like 3 years ago people were unironically using "le" and lenny face
these kinds of people are the worst thing gaming culture has brought out, and they're all over Sup Forums now too
OneHand exists.
forsenE and gachiGASM are better than your entry level emotes
streaming and esports.
why are people so triggered about esports?
>daycare board
well that insult went nowhere fast
we are already on Sup Forums user....
i would cherish your face too
AAA games, and a decline in general game quality
>horseshoe theory
Literally jump off a fucking bridge for ever thinking that "theory" is correct.
Honestly, I'd rather eliminate "meme culture" than "gamer culture".
Facebook is a god damn cancer.
>Being so mad you assume everyone is same fagging when multiple opinions agree on something contrary to what you believe.
Go to Sup Forums if you want a safe space gayboi.
Or learn to handle criticism. Either way.
>actually liking PogChamp
nah there are worse people
KKona is better than both of those
It is correct though. Extremists at both sides are doing the exact same thing using different terms.
>AAA developers who spend 50% of budget on marketing and the other 50% on graphics in order to hit that sweet sweet mainstream demographic dosh
It's funny, because it took an idiot to buy it to start it all. Shit like CSGO crates are mind boggling at how they came to be succesful
twitch """"""personalities"""""
They only exists as a result of SJW, fuck off.
Seeing this makes my blood boil. Where does that shit even come from.
>Extremism is good if I do it!