Only 1 hour and 15 minutes until this launches in the UK

>Only 1 hour and 15 minutes until this launches in the UK

Who's hyped

Other urls found in this thread:

>be elite hacker
>have hacker alias on hat

Why would anyone be hyped over this since after the last one?

It's just a shill bot. Report it and move on.

Reverse psychology. No one who's actually in Ded Sec would be retarded enough to wear a hat with it written on right?

Could be good like AC2 that fixed all the problems from the first one.

Fuck off Ubisoft your games fucking suck you frog cunts.


I unironically won't buy it because I don't want to play as a black person

t. underage mobile poster

I bet most people here didn't play the first Crackdown. Race shouldn't matter.

That's so Sup Forums. Shit on a game before it's out just because of M-MUH SJW, MUH GOOBERGATE


I personally pre-ordered the game + season pass because I fucking loved WD1 and can't wait to experience this type of playstyle again.
>hacking your way into buildings
>non-lethal option to all the quests
>manipulate traffic to serve your endeavours

Why do you hate on it Sup Forums? Sup Forums of all people should be thankful for a game that breathes and lives Sup Forums and gaming culture. This is not about some black war veteran mafioso or some russian immigrant, shit that we cannot identify with. This is about a group of people who love technology and its possibilities.

>removed the fun slow mo shooting
>replaced the vigilante and family man aiden pearce with some black dude who got falsely accused but then continues being an actual criminal and shoot hundreds of people

yea no, fuck this game.

Its just a retarded open world made by ubisoft.

YES! Tear down the fucking!

>This is the most active Watch Dogs 2 thread
It isn't looking good, my shill friend

>discussing vidya is shilling
I will never understand this meme.

Not me you fucking wanker

I'm going to get this game simply because I have $100 in my PSN wallet and need an open world game to play.

>Complaining about the removal of Aiden Pearce

If I only know one thing in this world, it's that Aiden Pearce is the worst videogame character of all time.

Just because someone says something moronic on here doesn't mean its a shill.

>Who's hyped

honestly the only time i remember this game exists is when i'm on Sup Forums and someone is shitting on it

>preordering games ever
It's like you enjoy funding more shitty ubisoft games
It that what you want?
More Ubisoft games?

You've made an enemy for life.

>>replaced the vigilante and family man aiden pearce
No one liked him.

The script is the worst shit i have ever fucking heard, its 80s B movie bad.

Fuck off back to your bird house bird nigger

that fucking outfit
he looks like when papa decides to dress hip and cool

what are you talking about?
he was a somewhat blank slate, easy to identify with.
watchdogs 1 is a simple revenge story.
and an origin story for "the vigilante.
it feels like wasted potential to just drop the character completly.
he also had a very distinct look that's easily recognizable as "the watchdogs guy"
he's basically a hacking, shooting, baton wielding batman.

>pre-ordered the game + season pass
>+ season pas
Chen you are a foolish fool.

>wanting to play as any nigger other than CJ
explain yourself

>its 80s B movie bad.

What this review

Game is absolute shite m8 and it even looks worse than the first one

>Aiden Pearce
>Family man

He got his niece accidentally killed because of his involvement in the mob. Then nearly got his sister and nephew killed because he insisted on trying to STILL be in their lives while STILL fucking with the mob.


Good for you user.

I really hope the game is good so you'll enjoy it.

Are you new or something?
Ubisoft shills here all the time. Every time they've got a new game upcoming there'll be 24 hour threads with similar comments.


ACG is the best and most accurate reviewer currently

Like when?

Speaking of the outfit, does anyone have a pic. of that /fa/ggot estimating the cost of his clothes?

I wish watch dogs games were actually good. If 1 is anything to go off it'll probably be a good purchase steam winter sale 2018 for 10 bux. Fuck around a bit while playing dress ups and then probably never touch it again.

That Scottish fuck actually liked doom 3.

I've been trying to do this. It's tough sometimes.


Count me in!

>Being unironically hyped for an ubisoft game in the year of our lord 2016

I'm sure you'll eat those words once this game is out.
Ubi will outdid themselves tremendously, in a very very bad way.

No friend. Tom Chick or his apprentice, Nick something in print and Worth a Buy on the youtubes.

>Ubi will outdid themselves tremendously, in a very very bad way.
>Ubisoft will release a bigger disaster than AC: Unity
>People will still praise ubisoft for releasing the same game and learn nothing

Why would be I hyped lol

You can always refund if you end up not liking the game, user.

Everything will be okay.

Well the music is interesting. I was hoping the game would be good, but it doesn't look that great. I'd get it on sale one day though.


But user they apologized and gave me free things for ACU Ubisofti s sooo coool :)

choose one

No, I mean I've been trying to want people to find happiness in games not meant for me.

id find happiness if you would let me impregnate you

You're not going to find that on Sup Forums

No one fucking wears clothes like this

What the fuck

aiden was the worst mc of any game I've ever played. I'm willing to give the nig a try

Why does steam say the 29th?

I'm not even that tech savvy (by Sup Forums standards, by normie standards I'm leaps and bounds beyond.) and I know the writing is going to make some extremely retarded deus ex machinas situations where your hacking goes beyond realistic capabilities.

That said, the game is going to suck for more than its script, the garbage pile that they call gameplay will be the same watered-down bullshit that 9-5 spare time normie gamers, edgy preteens, and rocks-for-brains xbone drones will eat up.

i have a black friend irl who dresses just like this guy tbqfh famalam

Review brah user seemed to hold that sentiment.

cause that's when the game comes out on steam, duuuh.

I think Claire is even worse, somehow, though he easily takes the cake as the worst MC of all time. He was an unlikable dickhead to the bitter end and I almost burst out laughing when they ended with that "I'm a changed man speech". They really should've just made the whole game about Jordi and T-Bone. At least they had some actual charisma.

It was a loose revenge story, it was your niece. You're some weird uncle Liam Neeson

Don't forget they pay tribute to black lives matter.

Well user, if you ask me.

I'm not a retard like you and I find happiness in games when I actually know how the fuck the game is.

Again, I hope you'll have fun with the game, but I think you're an irremediable faggot.

except a lot of people brought up the fact that the last game was shit, not the fact that it has a black guy in it

not to mention, despite the fact that WD1 can be played like a fucking Sup Forums simulator it was still regarded as utter shit


Americans should stay in their containment board

I didn't even know Watch Dogs 2 was a thing until this very moment. So I guess not.

I made the TREMENDOUS error of giving in to hype and pre-ordering the Division ()


I paid the price, I am the fool. But I have since then learned my lesson. EA, Ubi, Squaresoft. I doesn't matter. I won't pre-order anything ever again

>daily reminder what real hackers look like

Imagine being the translator for this shit and just being like "A-Are we racist?" Even the blacks use "we out der" instead of dare.

>averaging high i.qs
pick one
facts are racist?

How do you know ubisoft is black?

But i'm not even going to play this game, user. I just want anons who are buying it to find enjoyment in it.

Vidya ain't real senpai

what's with This Retarded Capitalization? Can the FBI not into Grammar?

wow im redpilled now wtf

>Wang Dong

>Wang Dong

Going by that logic every video game character should just have an average IQ

my wifes sons farther works for ubisoft as cheif director of diversity

Why is it no wonder that the French have created this game? Gentlemen, how do we fix France and by extension, pussywhipped Europe as a whole?

>wang dong
the only dude there with a reason to be hacking anything

wang dong
This can't be real.

It was made by Quebec

I liked watch dogs. It had a lot of haters and GTAfags complaining

So you did absolutely nothing, great job user.

Then again, it's your money.

I like the aesthetic of the game, but I won't be buying it.

Apparently Hudson Mohawke produce some tracks for that game so I'm hyped for those I guess

Nah, Aiden Pierce was bland and forgettable, but otherwise inoffensive and semi-relatable.

This MC is fucking rotten to the core. Only main character I think I hate more in recent memory is Rose from Tales of Zestiria. If ever there was an obnoxious Mary Sue...

>wtf im a virgin shut-in now??!

>they fucked us the first time, raw
>uhh Watch_Dogs 2? Who asked for this? The game was terrible
>"JUST BUY THE GAME! they'd never do it again, fucking idiots! Give them a chance and your $60 again, fucking goobergate."

what did he mean by this?

See? Even you fell for it, he's just a dumb black guy, he couldn't possibly be in Dedsec, right?

how do you know if you haven't played it


wang dong, everybody