Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that all things considered this is a pretty good game, right?

Now that the dust has settled, we can agree that all things considered this is a pretty good game, right?

Other urls found in this thread: human au

>generate 5 million dollars with a gamemaker game
>you will never be toby fox

>I will never understand the secret to making likeable characters
>I will never be able to use music that effectively.


And he was only 23 when the game released. That's seriously goddamn impressive.

>making likeable characters
they were never likeable anyway. you were persuaded with shitty humor that can be kept with a straight face and was catered to LGBT.

>use music that effectively
you gotta have some creativity in you

>you were just tricked into having fun


>you don't actually like these characters, the game just made you like them

Try making this thread when most American children are in school.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here

I loved the game. Even if I'm not fun of lolrandom shit, temmie had me laughing.
Toby played 71 hours of Dark Souls
what did he mean by this?

Yeah. It wasn't too bad. Didn't cost more than what it was worth.

remove music and it's a 5/10 at best

>last online 265 days ago

when he saw his game succeeding he realized how dead pc gaming truly is.

whats good about it? im genuinly curious
is it the non binary genders?
is it the homosexual relations?
is it the gender neutral main character?
is it the opposition to the normal world where there are men and women and not non binary homosexual skeletons?

because it cant be
there is none
That ties in with my opposition point, the story could very well be the compilation of a couple of gender neutral tumblr bloggers. The whole story feels like a poor attempt at making the sjw rebellion make sense.
piss poor retrostyle

The game has a nice soundtrack but thats it.

I enjoyed this $10 game more than most modern $60 games.

Why do AAA games fail to connect emotionally these days?

Not bad, kiddo, made me reply. But you came on a little strong, so no (You) for you.

Cause they focus on graphics and high budget design rather than gameplay or catching storyline.

>the witness
>0.1 hours played

AAA games are designed by committee and are manufactured to appeal to everyone and end up appealing to no one. Undertale was designed specifically to appeal to the creator. Toby Fox, and as a result ended up appealing to a lot of people who craved the experience it gave. This is the secret behind a lot of beloved games.

>boring, tedious and easy
>shitty unlikable characters (mr skeltals were decent) and a shitty end
>woah twist forth wall xD
>Complete garbage
>Pretty good

To me its just that the game made me happy, I can't describe why

None of Undertale is attempting to sell you a political message.

Toby himself hates stereotyped garbage SJW pandering.

You're obsessed with sjw-bogeymen, just ignore them like the rest of the world

Undertale was charming, emotionally engaging, and took some unexpected turns

Nice sprites, nice music

Plus I like bullet hell games

It's a great example of good storytelling and interactive fiction, but it's gameplay is too unchallenging for the sake of being approachable. Despite a few select moments that held me up and kicked my ass for a bit it was never especially rewarding in the sense of a challenge overcome. It's themes and combat encounters were more focused on the actions + motivations of its characters coming into conflict with you.


Just because people make gay porn of the robot and the main character being androgynous and unimportant doesn't make it catering to LGBT, retard.

Are you even a little embarrassed that you are so autistic that you confuse memes with reality?

There's no non binary genders. The main character is drawn in such a way that you can insert yourself into them and CHOOSE whether you're a girl or boy and it still not interfere with the story.

There are no homosexual relations. There's a joke between you and the skeleton that plays itself out like a boss fight.

Wait you weren't talking about the main character on the first point? What the fuck are you talking about then?

Why the fuck do you think that the skeletons are gay for each other?

Did you even play this game?

Yeah. Its ok not to like it but if you can't atleast understand why other people do you're either disabled or trying too hard.


>The two white guys are the child murderer and Edgy Edgerson Omnicidal Maniac

What did they mean by this?



This fanbase is cancer.

Like it or not, Undertale is a left-wing Feminist's dream game. You play as a genre-neutral protagonist with ambiguously brownish skin, in a world where non-violence can be the answer, there are a handful of same-sex couples and certain topics like maternity are constantly being tackled.

>they were never likeable anyway. you were persuaded
reread what you wrote and try to understand what you just said. i can guarantee that you won't

It's funny, Frisk in't even "non-binary", like most Tumblrfags think; his gender is just never mentioned in-game.

And his skin is totally fucking yellow. Short, yellow, squinty eyes...

Frisk is Asian.

>Undertale is a left-wing Feminist's dream game
So is The Sims. What's your point?

I thought it was incredibly charming and I had fun. I loved the characters. I found it to be engaging and I actually enjoyed it, which is more than I can say for a lot of things. I was having a really shitty time (still am) around when it was released and it made me laugh, it stuck with me for that reason.

One of those games I don't really like talking about though, seems to draw a bad crowd that I'd rather avoid.

It's the work of one autist who admitted she didn't even play the game

>It's okay to be shitty as long as other games do it!

Neck yourself, fag.

Tumblr should never have been allowed access to this game.

And there's a shit-ton of art out there JUST LIKE it.


Find some human au

I'm not saving that shit on my computer.

>I have no argument

The game is cute and charming by using an absurdist atmosphere that gives some decent laughs from it's ability to both take it's rpg mechanics seriously and lampooning them.

Like a lite-earthbound.

It's pretty decent. A solid 8/10. But everyone over-hyped it as fuck. It's nowhere near as great as they pretend it is.


For an indie game in this generation, it was pretty well-made. But it's nowhere near good enough to be getting the amount of praise it's getting. It's an 8/10 at best.

>you were persuaded to like them
I amf ucking crying oh my god


>Yeah, it's alright

Pick one, 8/10 means a lot better than "alright".

>Only one point above average
>Better than alright


Why does Tumblr always draw people constantly blushing?

>Alright is above average

Literal retard.


>satisfactory but not especially good; acceptable.

>Standard level

>Being satisfied by standard



This is really making me uncomfortble

I really enjoyed it. I found the gameplay parts really interesting since even if you didnt kill anyone you still had to do the same bullet avoiding sections. Boss battles even had entire storylines starting and ending within that single battle. Apart from few specific instances it obviously wasnt that challenging, but the mechanic itself was so so well thought out it kept me interested.
The music was absolutely phenomenal, even if you didnt like the game itself its clear that Fox knows to how to make good music. The songs fit perfectly the situations they were played in and the heavy usage of character specific themes made some interractions incredibly memorable.
I also found the story to be very charming. It had clever fourth wall examining moments for sure which weaved in to the narrative well. It of course kept rather lighthearted tone through the entire game but still took itself seriously on those specific moments where it had to.


>Tumblr's obsession with everyone being a "nerd" or "dork"

It's so painful...

I didnt find the artstyle offensive, it did its purpose while some of the pixel art was cute. It did suffer from being inconsistent now and then.

Its not perfect, obviously. I personally wished that it would be easier to trigger genocide run and make the grind in that mode bit less severe. I also wished that the neutral and pacifist run end bosses had ramped up the difficulty just a bit, it would have made the moments even more impactful.

All in all I think that its a great game. Tumblr fanbase for the game can fuck off though, but luckily fanbase doesnt affect the quality of the game.

Why the fuck did two humans have an emo goat child


Tumblr heard the children of biracial relationships tend to be sad kids.

Did someone throw sand on Sans' face?

I had fun becauss of the novelty factor. Just played it once since I didnt feel like replaying for the other endings and extra shit I could just watch on youtube




Fun characters, engaging story, great battle system that keeps surprising.

Short but sweet.

Undertale is great I love it. The combat was really fun and I actually looked forward to fights as opposed to dreading them like in other rpgs. The story was really cool especially the ending, and the writing was fantastic. The soundtrack was also outstanding and is up there as one of the best ever alongside earthbound and jet set radio. Too bad the fan base is so atrocious :/

Papyrus' face terrifies me.


yeah, it's not as good as people say it is and it's not as bad as people say it is

It's too fucking easy.

>Why do AAA games fail to connect emotionally these days?
because they are made by giant corporations with 100's of faceless employees. and they don't take risks, they just work off a proven formula

but you guys are always saying that the dust has settled, doesn't that mean that it hasn't settled at all?

>now that the dust has settled
I am fucking triggered by this shit now
yeah it's pretty gud

The dust is settled until some asshole kicks it back up again.

Undertale fails too.

>Oh look at this nice goat woman
>Five minutes later you fight her to the death

Not nearly enough time to form any sort of attachment to her.

>there are people on Sup Forums defending this game

The reason why undertale was so uncessful with the Sup Forums communitty was because of it's own contrarian spirit.
Since the mainstream and SJW's loved it, it was bound for people here to hate.

Also, most Sup Forums users are angsty, bitter teens \young adults so the concept of a game based in love, forgivness and acceptance is abhorrent to them

Regardless of any arbitrary amount of minutes between her introduction and the fight, the battle is a continuation of her characterization.
The game does this with most major characters, especially with a character like Toriel whom the average player may fight twice.

That doesn't change the fact that Toby expects me to feel bad for killing a character with less than ten minutes of interaction. No one mentally sound forms emotional bonds that fast, so it fails at being genuinely emotional.

>No one mentally sound forms emotional bonds that fast

Unless you are an INFP

>the witness
So much hype, such a huge name behind it, and it was such a dumb game. I enjoyed it for about four hours, until I realized that I had absolutely zero motivation to finish it. The puzzles were kinda cool, sure, but why would you craft such a beautiful island and then fill it with absolutely nothing but puzzles, instead of just making the game about the puzzles? Idiots will jerk off to some abstract story told in the environment, but that's not a motivation. You can see the whole story from the beginning. It's a trick to make you think there's more to the game than just the line puzzles, when there absolutely isn't. Braid had at least some form of story going on, you got a sense of progression, and you weren't asked to spend a dozen goddamn hours doing line puzzles.
Also, Braid had good music, and it's absolutely fucking unforgivable that The Witness had no fucking music at all, especially when the first trailer had that cool medieval-flute Celtic thing going on to, once again, trick you that the game had something that it didn't.

Fuck Jon Blow and his shitty Witness game. He's part of the reason Indie Dev is synonymous with Trust Fund Con Artist these days.


Undertale is cool though. Toby Fox is an okay guy.

>t. Toby Fox

Yeah right, like I'd waste my time posting on Sup Forums when I could be swimming in million dollar honies.

>You don't actually like them because I said so

>No one mentally sound forms emotional bonds that fast
Yes they do, but I won't try and convince you to emotionally invested because that's dumb and pointless. I can instead tell you how someone would connect to a character.
There are way more dimension to making a character likable than the personal time investment. Especially with a character like Toriel, who is by a country mile the most amiable character in the game up until that point. She bestows gifts, shortly kept you company, and, most importantly, saved your yellow ass in the beginning.
As a human, the typical moral reaction to the actions of others is to act in kind. Killing her is not acting in kind, that's in fact the exact opposite of acting in kind, which means you should at least feel the teeniest little bit like shit for committing the act, as a normal human. One may respond, but it's just ones and zeros on a screen, which is true for all games and everything fictional while were at it, since nearly everything nowadays is reducible to ones and zeros.
Mind you, this is really not a big deal, it's really basic stuff. I know this isn't vidya but movies, animated shorts, or any other short form of media have been rapidly connecting audiences to their characters for decades, or centuries depending on what'd you allow. It's absolutely normal.

But he's right.

This is fair.

I think the game assumes that the player will be engaged with the story and attached to the characters. If you feel nothing for either then the game quickly wears out its welcome.

>was catered to LGBT.
Because there was like... two lesbians in the game?

That proves his point.

lesbians should usually come in pairs

Two too many.

Sorry, forgot I was on Sup Forums where the only acceptable form of love is a 30 year old neckbeard and a 15 year old boy with a feminine penis.