Does your bae play vidya with you?

Does your bae play vidya with you?

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What Bae?

Not only do people attend and have to deal with endless bad news from the blundering development teams, they have to deal with these freaks.

Normies need to be slaughtered.

>It's another """Casual""" Mei cosplay.

Same shit with, i haven't seen actual cosplay of these.

He does.

Momokun doesn't shave her ass hair and does photoshoots.

Momokun doesn't shave her stomach and armpits and does photoshoots.

Do not promote this kind of feminist SJW degeneracy. Woman must be clean shaven at all times.

Can't wait until Sup Forums finds a new meme girl to post. Tired of seeing this fat hairy hog all over the place.

The bae with the power

Fuck no. Gaming is for degenerates and any woman that does it isnt worth having kids with.



non ants version

Fuck off with your bitch attitude /cgl/, you backstabbing whores are one of the worst boards in this place.

I love Mei.
Finally a character for fat ugly girls with no budget who want to cosplay.

My ex didn't. Although she didn't give me shit for it either. Now I only want a cute qt boy to play vidya with, desu.

you didn't even bother to change the filename.
I miss when people put efffort into things.

the: when you can't hold it in at the dunkin donuts and gotta blast outfit

bigger user, bigger!

>cute qt

I fucked up.

I played League with my ex, but she was a shitter and got angry every time I told her she could improve her play.

My current gf plays a lot of pokemon and dofus,so we play together. Overwatch and SC2 piqued her interest, also I picked up portal 1 and 2 for her to play, she seemed interested.

she was obese some years ago


She really just plays mobile phone bullshit.

She likes cutesy shit like Tearaway and loves Okami. She liked Onimusha a bit back in school as well, but she doesn't like Souls or BB, so she's kinda eh towards Nioh.

I am a very lonely 26yo KV.

I'll diddle your bootyhole after we play some CoD.


nah dude just someone who browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums who is sick of seeing this fat muslim cunt posted on here in "THICCC XDD" softcore ecchi threads that aren't related to vidya.

>expecting fat bitches to put any effort into anything.
Cmon now.

How does she have so much body fat and no double chin? And before any thicc fags go off on me, I think she is really hot. But she is fat.

>Mei is fat

I wanna see this meme die

I'm 28, wanna jack off together?

Isn't she muslim? What's the difference between selling her body on patreon, and selling her body on chaturbate? Allah does not look kindly upon both. When will she get stoned by her male family members?

also women actually practice their faces

Sup Forumsoodoo

Get a hooker already

The power of the bae

>meaningless sex

>women actually practice their faces
as in smiling in a way that lessens their neck fat?

>Sup Forums

You do it with a hooker so you can get sex off that pedestal.

what would my parents think? also I'm too shy to get it on with a hooker / anyone I think. can't even smalltalk to save my life at the grocery store

Yeah. He's more into games than I am. Pretty much all gay guys that aren't vapid queens like games to some extent.

fucking faggot

She sure does. We don't have too many similar interests in games though so it's not too often.

Oh it's far too late for something so silly as that.

>pay money for sex
>to enjoy it for an hour
>repeated abuses
>somehow removes incentive for having sex

Here's your response

Yes, stand before a mirror and keep trying angles and faces that make you look better

This is why there are so many women who always end up with the EXACT same face for pictures, because they practiced it and found it the most appealing.

Women do myspace-angles IRL.

>Pretty much all gay guys that aren't vapid queens like games to some extent.

Thats good news

I had this lady friend who was pretty gay growing up but she didn't make a big deal about it.

I only just met her recently, since we've been friends over the net up until that point, is it different with guys that they have to advertise themselves that way, or is it a choice?

First gf had a PS3 and played casual shit like Rockband

Second was a GAYMER GURRRLLLLL but we didn't date for very long

Current has never even played fucking Super Mario Bros... she is really uninterested in games.

I'll be playing something on the pc and she sits next to me on the bed playing ps4 with her headphones on. It's as comfy as it sounds.


Who's the bae?

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>implying either of those boards are any fucking better

Sometimes. We played Divinity: Original Sin together and had a blast. Same with Titan Quest, Diablo 3 and a few others. Generally keep to our own games, though. She's all over Civ VI, whereas I'm all over Tyranny and World of Final Fantasy.

>what would my parents think?

why would you tell your parents you fucked a hooker

>also I'm too shy to get it on with a hooker / anyone I think. can't even smalltalk to save my life at the grocery store

just pay her and tell her to take the lead
you really dont have to small talk if you dont want to

source:im a sperg and i lost my vcard to a hooker

was it worth it?