Post edgelords
hard mode: no JRPGs
Post edgelords
hard mode: no JRPGs
the one and only
This Paladins (TM) character is edgy
He was a classic Greek hero
I hate how all cool characters are considered edgy now.
are things suddenly not cool just because you went from being 14 to being 22?
I can't think of many edgelords in JRPGs honestly.
Been a while since I played it, but I don't remember her being too edgy. What's edgy about her?
Eh. Didn't really come off as edgy to me. Just extremely devoted in a sort of "I would give my life for you" way.
I'm saying Jack, is back.
Literally donut steal tier.
baby mode: shadow the hedgehog, Reaper, Dante
more than that, things people thought were cool when they were 14 now fill them with revulsion specifically because it reminds them of themselves at 14 and the kind of thing they thought was cool. so a lot of genuinely cool things get caught in the crossfire.
lol I saw this guy being played in a webm thread and my first thought was
>this halloween skin for reaper is even edgier than usual
I love Caim, he's such a fun character.
This faggot.
>b-but he is so fun! I litirally tgink he is the coolest teen ever! Its how i acted when i was his age!
You are thinking of Dan2e, faggot
>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't know what edgy means" episode
every time
Kratos is hardly an edgelord. He has plenty of reason to be pissed off at the Gods and almost everyone of them is a far bigger cunt than he'll ever hope to be.
He nearly destroyed the world.
Level. Edgemaster
Prehaps lads, i need a clarification on "edgy"
Is edgy
>being a bully
>says mean shit
>really is not interested in cause "x,y &z"
>fucks bitches
Is it any of these things?
Anons, DMc3 dante has hair coveing his eyes all the time.
He wears a long red trench coat.
he has skulls on every ornament.
he cant put a fucking shirt on because too cool sexi
He likes goth and metal
Generally acts like a demon teen bart simpson crossed with a mutant ninja turtle.
He is not fun. He is not wacky. He is not cool. He IS cringe, if not edge.
And if anyone is really edge its the twin with the constant cold.
DMC4 dante is a bro though. Mugging of Nero's rev sword by twisting his own was bretty banter desu.
I think a big problem anons have with Donte is that they probably got bullied by guys like him, while DMC3 dante was LIKE ON OF THEIR JAPANESE ANIMES.
Look at them both. If donte is an awful design then DMC3 dante is no good either.
Can people in this thread please tell me what they think an Edgelord actually is? I wanna know for future refrence.
I thiught it meant aome kind of emo/goth retard but it seems it just means, grumpy, rude and short tempered?
I mean sometimes you gotta get serious and arrogant. Does this mean muh boi in pic related is considered "edgy"? I fucking hope not.
well no shit
the whole point of DMC3 is that he matures out of it
DmC donte doesnt really change though
I think thats unfair to say user. Do you not remeber DmC? He just wants to be left alone. No hero business, and as time goes on, he sees there are people who are weak that need his strength.
He even grew a backbone in light of his brothers ambitions, he could have easily reigned king of the pussy next to his brother if he wanted.
Kazuya is not, but Jin is.
To be fair everyone's better off.
the problem is that the "I WILL HELP YOU AND SAVE HUMANITY" changes in the second level
and doesnt change after that
he is still a hot headed immature jackass he just has motivation now
Yeah. So an edgelord.
26kg is really not that much especially for a full suit of armor with the weight being distributed all over the body. Stupid fucking pansy.
Not really, but Zero is.
>long hair
>screaming the name of the move
lol how is he edgy you teenage faggot?
Correct answers
All the main characters in Watch_Doge are pretty try hard and edgy too
Edgy done right
Grumpy edgelord with good intentions.
Diablo Necromancer
>hurr how is the guy killing innocents to heal himself or who used a random woman so her bones would clog the machine edgy? xD
That's not edgy though, maybe the game is edgy for including those things but the character of Kratos isn't.
all that projecting
Half god, dad is main villain, kill a ton of characters more well known that he is, bones random chicks after smashing dudes head in while everyone else in the city is dying or running, doe's comically stupid stuff but is never called out by the story for it.
Everyone without being a serial murder who ends the world he's pretty edgy.
Why didn't they keep him mute, I'd honestly have called 2 well written if it wasn't for his lines.
The one beats gow1 kratos.
no one
>Generally acts like a demon teen bart simpson crossed with a mutant ninja turtle.
That's not edgy, even when considering that Bart Simpson's behavior was kind of shocking when The Simpsons first aired.
That's just being kind of an obnoxious asshole. Not necessarily 'edgy'.
>He is not fun. He is not wacky. He is not cool. He IS cringe, if not edge.
"Cool" is subjective and he does act pretty fun and wacky in that game.
Not to mention the whole point of Dante's character development in that game was that he was an immature asshole who learned to tone it the fuck down and show more respect for people after losing his brother. It's literally about him becoming more mature.
Not to mention that posts like these forget what "edgy" even means. "Edgy" is like a caricature of dark and seriousness. An "edgy" character is one who is angry, angst-ridden, prone to violence and "badass" behavior to the point of being a parody.
Dante in DMC3 (as well as Vergil for that matter) are not edgy by virtue of being well-developed and well-written, not to mention that we, as the audience, are not supposed to see their moments of dickish-ness in a positive light. Donte on the other hand, IS edgy because he's terribly written and is never treated as the asshole that he kind of is.
>used by the gods for literally all his life
>gods see humans as play things and enjoy fucking with them on a regular basis
>killing all of them after they tricked you into murdering your wife and daughter and having their ashes permanently grafted to your skin, reminding him of their bullshit 24/7
He's a rage machine plain and simple, he's not an fedora tipping memester edge lord like Dante or some of the other characters mentioned
Doesn't Dante spend the entire fourth game mocking Nero?
He mocks him subtly when he first meets him, but after their first fight, he clearly has a bit of respect for him that only grows by the end.
this guy is as edgy as he looks
can't believe nobody posted this cunt yet
used by the gods for literally all his life
>gets his crimes forgiven and given the role of god of war but feels moody so he decided to start smashing up cities, when they tell him to stop it he throws a fit and decides to turn into a giant to smash cities better, Zeus tricks him into sealing all his power in a magic sword by just saying, hey, you could make this sword ultra powerful if you give up all your power bro, he doe's it despite Zeus fucking/killing his mother.
Zeus take his magic sword and kills him.
Krato's was a total retard and just asking to be used, he slightly below Knuckles when it comes to gullibility.
Him having his family's ash's grafted to his body just makes him more edgy.
What doe's fedora tipping memester edge lord even mean anyway.
I get Kratos is stupid if that's what fedora tippings mean but I don't have any idea about memester.
Not a bad pick, still my fave GTA protag.
Really? No mention of Edgelord supreme here?
Edgiest one in the series
>He hasn't been posted yet
Thread is over. I win.
The thing is Donte dialogue and banter is just offensive, compared to Dante's more light-hearted fun. Donte come across as a sadistic bastard who like to patronize people, while Dante sounds like he just want to have fun while fighting
DMC3 Dante's dialogue with Succubus would be something like
>Who are you?
>Oh my, what a babe, wanna go for a date?
>Who the fuck are you?
>Hey hey, don't need to be so rude lady. Name's Dante, by the way
>Dante? Son of Sparda and Eva the whore?
>Yup. Dante, demon killer, paranomal investigator. Want a autograph?
>You want to kill me? I'm 200 years old
>Well you know what they say, after a while age doesn't really matt-
>Fuck you
>What a mouth you have there sweetheart (battle start)