>we finally took out the massive world eater
>who...turned out to be a reincarnation of gig's previous life's lover
>gig, meanwhile, gave the last of his energy to kill her
>actually, he was just pretending
>now, we're off to the next world eater
Yesterday, I didn't do a thread because I was grinding rooms.

What's going on?
>I'm playing through the ps2 game "Soul Nomad & The World Eaters", taking inputs from you
>What sort of party layout I use and who I name party members will be decided by you

Other urls found in this thread:

>What the FUCK is this game?
This is Soul Nomad & The World Eaters, a SRPG created by NIS(who you may know as the Disgaea company)
>Is Gig really that edgy?
>You seem pretty knowledgable.
not at all, I'm playing this completely blind.
>Are you playing _______ next? (embed)
>Who is everyone?
Niggress- the main character(real name Revya) - a child who was strangely bound to an ancient evil
Gig - an ancient evil, the master of monsters called world eaters. He's incredibly edgy, and wants to kick Niggress's soul out of her body so he can kill everyone
Danette - a cowgirl. She's fucking retarded
Levin - a cow-boy. He's a massive siscon
Vitali - a fuccboi. He's also TOTALLY trustworthy
Juno - a mermaid. She's super dedicated to her /ss/ 'son', and wants bigger boobs so he'd be happier with her.
Grunzford - a 'redflank' ie a bullman. super mysterious, knows why danette is a retard, but refuses to exposit.
Galahad - a soldier of the fallen country of Raide. Used to super hate nereids and had a chip over his now-dead commander

oh boy

that's a lot of soldiers.

This might explain his retardation. He's inbred himself.

I think all cowpeople are retarded.

But those danette's danettes though



oh FUCK!


best grill has arrived
hope you have an archer unit to dump her in

MORE incest

Just in time to man that all acher team you made, good job nigger

He does.

oh boy time to rain death from half a screen away




new town? Time to eat everyone!

Gigger, I know you aren't playing FE right now but literally how did you get through the final chapters of TLP? I'm stuck at the indoor castle map with a general as a boss (I think he's the brother of the edgy repear knight)

You should be able to eat heroman by now too

is that the survive map? I sacrificed half my army and had my uber units cheese it.

oh wait
the stupid one.

Cia cheesed most of the later stages, and kelik should be nigh-unkillable by that point.

>Pic related
I didn't use Kelik at all (ended up using Tekun) and my party is relatively average

>I didn't use kelik at all
for what fucking purpose?

all of kelik's snowflake squad is stupidly OP and kelik gets a prf weapon so he's not stealing from tekun.

Sometimes I wonder what direction this game could have taken if Gigify MAX wasn't temporary and your levels stayed 2000+ after Feinne.
So much potential there.



He decided to follow the lyn philosophy and never level anything outside of skill, speed, and luck. He has like 12 strength and Apparently I missed a lot of gaiden's along with a prf weapon

If I'm not mistaken Heroman's stats go up every time you beat him.

you get a fuckton of money thrown at you too and can just get a shitton of stat boosters from hidden shops.

That's basically what the NG+ is about, isnt it? To a lesser extent obviously but you know.




>We can't Dominate DIO
maybe we need a...uh...jojo reference....oh, the pillarmen guys wear masks, yeah? aren't they super-vampires or soemthing?

Are you on your second playthrough or something, you were doing this a week ago and you were almost to this point I thought.
I replayed the game when you started and I'm on my 4th playthrough currently, doing my reveal path2 run then gonna do asagi run then will finally go do alt route.

what happened to 'silence gives consent', gig?

yikes, even the retard thinks Dio's a retard

I like how he tries to show up in evil route and then nopes the fuck out immediately, shame he couldn't be as smart in the regular one

its still his 1st, some places just look very similar

He took a long break.
Also taking screenshots really slows this down compared to actually playing it.

still first. I took almost 2 weeks off, and have been only doing short sessions.

oh my god.

which one?



Everyone is stupid.

if you're confused, make a choice. the numbers are GETs.



Ah, then one thing you really need to shove into your first play is reveal path1 if you aren't already going to do it; it's 5M gold but you can reduce that by a couple million using Hold Hands on the merchant multiple times, and making a few million isn't terribly hard, just a couple hours of rooms. The character you get is an incredibly high stat full map aoe strike mage, and she starts at a low level so you can use the hp +4 on level decor and get her beefy as fuck compared to other mages too.

Assuming you did the "take Gig's power" against world eater at the very start, it doesn't show up until second cycle. If not, then RIP.

I don't even know what's going on now.

I think...his manikin was damaged?

He's on new game.



> hentai

This is an edit, right?


flashback time!

not this time.

This game is magical.

I really hope even when gig gets his memories back in full he remains an edgelord.


What's a manikin?

the game-explanation for how you buy units or set up units in battle.

time for worst girl

Why does she have a pink pip on her hair?

That's a huge plot point.
No seriously.

oh boy, it's bandit girl.

gig, you are a treasure.

wait...isn't this christophe's lieutenant?

I think he's also his brother.

could be nigger, could be

Reused assets, or important plot point?

>tfw you couldn't protect that smile during the Demon Route


it's actually him, so I'd assume the latter.

he fucks off when levin recognizes him.

This game has an absolutely amazing case of reusing assets.

He should have gotten some fucking guns from the cherubs. Would be a kickass front line move yo just shoot the niggers dead.

>I cast Gun.

Have you made any primarily mage teams yet OP?

Revya's the only smile that actually matters.


I think I'm going to replace my knight team with one, make DIO the leader.

That's a normal enemy unit name?

Looks like cheap shit to be honest. ;^)

Do it.

This game, man.

I think pyremage has the better damage skill but could be wrong, either way pack him with some draco mages if you do to up the amount of charges you have. Makes fights much easier when you can nuke half the squad away

All you really need is
>MC group
>9x9 square of Gideons with 3 dmg booster decors and the immortal for 3 turns then death decor
>MAYBE a group for the reveal path NPCs, Lutei and lolspoilers, if you don't just toss them into MC group

Wait, so did DIO get dominated after all, or is he just in your party without that?

NIS's games are full of random names list. It's part of that late00s anime charm.

He couldn't get dominated because you need a real name.
After he fessed up his name wasn't DIO but Odie he got dominated fine.

Which begs the question of who the actual DIO is.

turns out his name wasn't actually DIO
soon as he revealed his name he got dominated


I wonder what that room smells like, haha

we /u/ now?

like fish and holy water

lewd nigger, real lewd


Preaching to the choir, gigger.

>mfw interracial lesbian porn



when I was in high school I spent years writing a webcomic that I only ever posted a couple pages of, the main characters of which were a japanese teen girl and a black teen girl