After finishing this, they need to ban first person stealth games, shit is awkward as hell
git gud desu
Dishonored barely qualifies as a stealth game and thats not even a bad thing.
How underage are you?
The only good stealth games are 3rd person ones.
First person is literal garbage for stealth
first person stealth is the best stealth because you're not blessed with a superhuman ability to peek around ledges without exposing yourself.
t. never played Thief
>enemies shouldn't be allowed to see behind themselves
>players should
>being this underage
I didn't even know you were allowed to have opinions this shitty
has bait gone too far?
>3rd person
Might as well turn on a trainer, shitter
>enemies get peripheral vision
>player doesn't
>barely qualifies as a stealth game
Dishonored is a top class stealth game, if you play it like that.
Try complete dishonored 1 or 2 no kills, never seen first try, it;s tough. especially 2.
just like any stealth game, it becomes easier once you know the layout of the enemies
You're retarded
It's not awkward, it's just not a fantastic game as some people claim. It's ok, fun for some time
fun to play around in.
First time I played dishonored I pirated it and disliked it but soldiered on just to completed it.
Never intended to play it again but got it free so gave it another go, played around doing inventive kills instead of trying to stealth it through.
That is when the game is fun.
It's just rarely done well
Thief does it spectacularly in my opinion, I'm usually not a big fan of first person stealth games either
Somehow I killed someone in Addermire, I don't even know how because I never engaged in combat or used lethal weaponry
Blood Money in first person shits all over Dishonored.
It's stealth is about as deep as Skyrim.
why aren't there any 4th person stealth games?
Thief is mediocre, first three spinter cell games completely shit on it