Who else has one of these to compliment a PC?

Who else has one of these to compliment a PC?

> not the other way around and play multiplats only if they're $5 on sale

This for me. I play all my multiplats on PS4 and only buy older stuff and indie games on PC.

nope, because PC + PS3 = true mustard race. Yes, even today.

I do. Bretty good PC, 3DS, and PS4. Pretty happy with it. Just have PS4 for exclusives really.

why would you do this? most games are sub 1080 sometimes 30fps?

This. But I'm hoping to get a better PC soon and hopefully that will turn around

I want a PS4 to compliment my PC but I'm not sure which to get

the Pro seemed like a sure thing, but all the games that came out run like dogshit

I would've just bough a PS4 if the pro didnt exist and now I am at an impasse, fucking sony

I don't have a good enough PC to run games at a solid 60fps. Plus I don't really care about that shit anymore. Games on PS4 look fine to me. I think this is what becoming a normie feels like.


I bought it to go full idort. It's pretty fun and it's definitely a bit more powerful than my Xbox.

Next year is Switch and Scorpio.

why get a scorp when you have a PC?

OP here, same I was planning on the Pro

Not too bothered about the current problems though with frame rate because that will definitely be patched in a system update, it's probably an issue with the clock speeds

I got a PS3, PS4 Vita and 3DS to compliment my PC. Feels pretty good.

I dont think it will be fixed anytime soon and the fact that it has to be fixed in the first place is a huge issue

Every game except for battlefield has some issue

Gears of War 4 is dead as fuck on PC. Until true crossplay becomes a thing I'm going to just keep being idort. Also I'm one of those shit lords that prefers shooters in a controller only environment.

This. I replaced my old desktop with a MacBook Pro and just play on consoles now. I don't really miss PC gaming desu.

>bought a ps4
>bought bloodborne
>beat bloodborne
>sold ps4
>sold bloodborne

Wow this console cycle was really short huh?

Just bought one last week. It's getting really close to the shitload of games coming out early 2017.

I'm really annoyed at all the gimmicky shit though. I don't want the camera to rotate everytl time i move just a little.

not him but I do similar

>Buy fallout 4 day one on console
>complete it in a week
>trade in after completing get most $$$ back
>will buy full edition 2-4 years later on steam sale for a few $$$ and when mods are decent

I play games on console so that I can complete them and get rid of them, only ones I keep are fighting games, GTA or exclusives, games that are better on console

I bought a PS4 two days ago to play Bloodborne. If other good exclusives get released for the console in the future, that's a win for me.

By the way, the game is great. I'm not too far but it feels like a simplified, faster, no-shield dark souls.

>Gears of War 4 is dead as fuck on PC.
Well with the windows store being fucked, yeah, since the scorp will be using PC version of games, I assume it will be better by then

>Also I'm one of those shit lords that prefers shooters in a controller only environment.

I have a PS4 and still haven't played Bloodborne because I never really liked any of the Souls games. Should I give it a try?

>>trade in

I guess that makes sense, I would want a good experience on every game I play personally with the highest fps and resolution I can

what are you playing then?

No. If you didn't like the Souls games you aren't going to like BB.

Honestly I would say no. The entire game felt like a chore compared to dark souls and the only real difficulty comes from no shields and shit hit detection

I'm this guy . I play all major multiplats and shit on my PS4. Plus I genuinely enjoyed Uncharted 4.

And yes, I know I'm normie as fuck but I just don't play vidya like I used to. I was always more of a console guy anyway.

>I replaced my old desktop with a MacBook Pro

Well I was never that big into PC gaming. I did enjoy Starsiege Tribes and Unreal Tournament way back when but after that I never got into genres that are better on PC. Now I'm in my early 30s and this whole 1080p/60fps thing seems silly to me. Games on my PS4 look and play just fine.

This and the Switch will be the ultimate idort package

I have a PS4 and a Wii U

literally zero point to owning an XBox One

I've a nice, expensive GPU so no need of "the supercharged" PC. The only game that really interests me is Bloodborne and all the videos I've watched show ZERO improvement on the PS4 Pro. I'm gonna skip this Sony gen entirely or grab a PS4 once it hits the bargain bin in 3 or 4 years.

Right here. I play both about equally. It really is a great value. Got it last xmas for $250 w/Uncharted collection. Fallout, Dishonored, Diable, Arkham Knight ($20ea), and just got 4 games for $45 on Playstation store (flOw, Bloodborne complete, heavy rain/beyond two souls).

I'm considering getting a ps4 but a bit hesitant since haven't had a console since my old ps2. Would a pro or standard be better if I want to play through some of the exclusives available on it? Also have the option of buying a friends old one for £150.

I'm buying a slim tonight. Looking forward to being a consolefag desu

My PC is getting old and it's cheaper to go console. And I miss the comfy sitting in bed with controller feeling I had with the ps3. Plus weeb games.

>only good for Bloodborne and PT so far

Seriously, fuck everyone who lied and said Until Dawn and Disgaea are good.


My main system is PS4 now. No need to upgrade PC when most of it's games are obscure indie shit and retro grandpa memories.

I don't play on pc anymore. Even when I did I just played mmo type shit or pirated survival games or whatever.

ps4 is where I do shit and even then it is basically only singleplayer shit.

is it hacked yet?

>most games are sub 1080


>sometimes 30fps?

Also happens on PC.

Uncharted and The last of Us are amazing.

I've used mine for Bloodbourne and Playstation Vue. Everything else is on PC for free games and online.


Shit taste confirmed.

I still like ds3 but I always go back to playing Bloodborne instead...