Emily Rogers: Zelda is getting delayed again

Do you believe her, Sup Forums?

>choose between male and female
>its just looks the same

literally draw a girl and call it a boy

>delayed even though it never was said to be a launch title


Already a thread for this.


Emily Rogers is full of fucking shit.

Is this the one where you can play as female Link, or the one where Mother 3 comes out on the 20th anniversary?


just wew

Where does it say launch title in there?

Heard from multiple sources.
Every time someone says that they're LYING.

Probably delayed to spend more time adding in female Link.


Stop giving this cunt attention.

Your ignorance is amusing to me.

>yfw you will choose sex at the start, with it having no effect on model or gameplay whatsoever, not even 3rd person pronouns, as Link will only be refered to by name

>Releasing simultaneously in 2017
>Hurr durr it will a switch launch title

People still believe in Emilol

I don't even believe Emily's a 'her'.

it doesn't say simultaneously with the nx release, it says it will release both on the wii U and the switch at the same time

>Emily "Link is a girl" Rogers
>Emily "Paper Mario U won't be Sticker Star" Rogers
>Emily "Mother 3" Rogers
I fully expect Breath of the Wild to be delayed again, but this tranny has nothing to do with that.

Who even is this?
You retards always post some rumor from her twitter and it turns out to be false. Why keep doing it?

It's supposed to be out in March. There's no way that the NX will be out before that.

>It's supposed to be out in March

Post source

She nailed the Switch. She redeemed herself in my eyes.

I don't treat her as a credible source. Just someone who is stirring the pot.

You're just proving him right.

Eurogamer leaked the switch.

And she leaked details that Eurogamer didn't, none of which ended up being wrong. This proves she does have legit sources.

I literal nobody who makes shit up for attention and hopes they are right.

>But she's sometimes right!

If she's ever right about anything, it's publicly available information that anyone can dig up.

If she had real sources, she would go more in depth about describing games, which she never does.

>Emily Rogers

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if some white knight fed her the info early just to save her tanking reputation.

She's going to have to get a lot more right before anyone's going to trust her again.

>not Takashi Mochizuki
Into the trash it goes.

Actually, Laura Kate Dale posted a detailed explanation of how they came across the information.

The way they describe it comes off as if they talk to people involved with marketing and not anyone anybody actually cares about.

Ok someone explain:
1. Who this bitch is
2. Why I should care if she lives or dies
3. Why I should believe anything that drips from her herpes-infested lips
3. Why I should care about the new zelda
3. Why I should care about neo nintendo
4. Why I should care

Also it's not a delay when they only said it was launching in 2017.