PCSX2 becoming finally usable

>PCSX2 becoming finally usable

I sold my PS2 pretty early in its cycle to join the mustards and only had Code Veronica. I'm basically lost when it comes to good PS2 games.

Are the RPGs as good as the PS1 RPGs? Final Fantasy X? Persona 4? Give me your hot opinions.

Also, emulation thread I guess

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Anyone knows if you can emulate Zone of the Enders 2 at 60fps yet?

Emulate Soul Nomad and the World Eaters.
That's my hot opinion.

Spiderman 2 and the DBZ tenkaichi series are personal favorites of mine.

God Hand

whats the point in making a ps2 emulator? to emulate a shit ton of shovelware? why not just work on an xbox emulator?

play this

It's been more than "usable" for a long time



play the PS2 Ys

you could years ago

>Have tried to emulate one game on both PS2/Gamecube emulator with zero success


>PCSX2 finally got hardware mipmapping sorted out
thank fuck
i can play ratchet and clank again

>tfw your 4chin hasn't shown [You] for years and you can't find it in the settings anywhere

Is Dark Alliance 2 playable yet?

anyone knows a fix for guitar hero 3?
it freezes in almost every config. dont know if i have to download another plugin.
tried searching but everything is outdated.

I played through MGS2 and 3 eight years ago

would this fix the fucked up eyes in the Jak games?

Had it for a while, been playing Ape Escape 2 all month. It's just not been in the UI until now.

>mfw playing steambot chronicles in 1080p at 60fps
I never thought I would see the day.

>he just now figured out how to play with the renderer options after years of failure while others played games fine

Ace Combat 5 and 0 are finally fixed, 4 still has a bunch of bugs
Also can't go wrong with Robot Alchemic Drive and God Hand

By the way, how's Armored Core's emulation? Been wanting to get into the series for some time now

Okay but let's get to the important shit

Have they fixed the fucky ground textures in the Ace Combat games?

Do you have a monster CPU? I still get drops in that game, it's unreal.

I don't think so. It might get fixed soon though, Gregory was talking about it last month.


your incessant begging for a xbox emulator will make people hate you and anyone else that wants one but is not bitching like you.

Oh fuck i didn't see that post. Holy heck I'm so stoked. I've been waiting so long for this


Same as people sticking to ZSNES claiming it just runs fine. PCSX2 was pure, unfiltered shit until recently.

Is Jak still a pirate in Jak and Daxter?

God Hand end of discussion

Xbox emulator is borderline impossible at this point. It has the least documented hardware of any of the consoles, custom everything.

Custom CPU based off a Pentium 3, custom drivers, custom BIOS, custom NVIDIA card.

The last guy working on it left a huge rant about the console being x86 actually makes it so much harder, then quit.


did i miss something? last time i checked latest version performed worse for me than something from 5 years ago in burnout games

My PC can emulate most games fine except for Persona 4

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with that game. It stutters on every loading scene


Yakuza 2

Nigga play that shit the way the developers intended

this, if it still runs like shit on armored core I don't give a fuck about it.

The way the intended is the way it was on PS2 where it wasn't as ugly and didn't have as much slowdown. The port is bad and you should feel bad, there's no excuse to not play the PS2 version over it, none.

I'm pretty sure this is outdated.

Any idea of what's changed, does it just work out of the box now? That'd be great.

Exactly. This tutorial was for when the emulator was a lot crappier.

Thanks for the heads up, user. I've got to update and try all the games I have guides for on default some time.

>only reason I wanted to use this was to play Harvest Moon
>frame issues out the ass
Will this emulator ever be able to fix that?

If you're gonna emulate Last Raven might as well go for Last Raven Portable in the PPSSPP.

>Still can't play Urban Chaos

I just want to beat the shit out of people with a riot shield.

The main thing to keep in mind comparing old PCSX2 to new is that there's a CRC adjuster setting, partial CRC fixes a lot of issues in a lot of games. Also that openGL is now the most accurate renderer. That said a lot of other fixes are still needed for certain games. I don't know for sure but I'd imagine that skipdraw hack for God Hand is still required, maybe not though.

Any help on how to play it now? im kind of a fag when it comes to emulation

Ain't the controls on PSP like ultra shitty though?

but the controls are shit without that extra stick and buttons.

>PCSX2 becoming finally usable
Did I get transported to 2010?

Onimusha series
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Final Fantasy X
Resident Evil Code Veronica X
Ratchet & Clank series

Never played them myself, but I always hear good things about the Ace Combat games, so maybe give those a shot.

get the pc version fuckface

> Are the RPGs as good as the PS1 RPGs?
Depends. PS2 is the motherlode of JRPGs but also the motherlode of shovelware after GBA and NDS.

I guess Tales of games are okay (Symphonia and Abyss are largely considered the pinnacle).
Final Fantasy X and XII are both good and bad in their own ways.

Persona 3/4 are good if you like that kind of thing. If you want to be more hardcore thou there's SMT: Nocturne.

Yakuza games are great, play them.

Suikoden and Xenosaga get lots of following but I never personally played them so take it as you will.

Kingdom Hearts should be on your list too, if you like FF and Disney stuff and don't mind following a slightly confusing but oddly enjoyable plot.

>Never played them myself, but I always hear good things about the Ace Combat games
You know what should be done

Last I tried playing ICO with the emulator there was a literal fog wall blocking my view and then the controls stopped working as soon as I enter the 2nd room. Is it fixed yet?

Good taste user, Onimusha doesn't get much attention.

Thou I'd say if he has a PS3 he should get MGS games on that in 60fps and 1080p. Unless PCSX2 unlocks the framerate.

> Ratchet & Clank series
Does that finally work on PCSX2? All he INSOMANIAC platformers had some serious issues with their engine on the emulator, I remember.

i knew someone would say this.
I play with the dualshock, you cant do that on the pc version. you kinda can with joytokey but when you have to do a fast motion that doesnt need the strum it might fuck you over.
i think the wii version it's the same as the ps2, in terms of you press a button, it also does the strum, but i have a whole bunch of mods of guitar heros for ps2.
fuck you tho

Wild ARMs 3
Digital Devil Saga (both parts)
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Atelier Iris 2
Xenosaga series (if you can't stomach #2, skip it and read up on the plot)
Persona 3

>I play with the dualshock

>Never played them myself, but I always hear good things about the Ace Combat games, so maybe give those a shot.
Why? Just fucking play them.

Almost forgot another amazing series:

Shadow Hearts 1+2, 3 is optional.

Ico has been playable for literally ever dude. It hasn't been perfect though, it's almost there but as far as I know the new version that adds in the post-processing(fog and bloom) also adds in this weird annoying line. I'd wait for that line to go away before playing it, probably will happen when 1.5 official is released.

Yes and MGS3 has a 60fps patch. PS3's MGS remaster is only 720p and it doesn't hold 60fps, get the 360 version for that.




pardon me for having fun and not buying that gay ass fake guitar.

Personally VU cycle stealing is a meme - the game doesn't drop frames with it on but all the animations are choppy as shit where as the game runs fine without it (though I do have a beefy CPU). The only setting I've found that really makes much of a difference is EE and most of the time i don't need it at all.

>I'm having more f-fun because I look c-c-cool and imp-pr-press my friends with my index and middle f-finger skills! ;~;


whats the point in making an x-box emulator? to emulate a shit ton of shovelware? why not just work on an ps2 emulator?

nobody saw me playing guitar hero.
and i didnt say i was having more fun, i just didnt waste money on the gay guitar.

That's really outdated. If I updated it now it would talk about the EE overclocking that makes the game 60fps. I also need VU stealing for that though, every little bit helps my dated CPU.

Ninja Gaiden

it's still being worked on though


LOL. Assuming this is the same poster, I like the hypocrisy on the first pic of "YOU ARE NOT SUPPORTING THE REAL DEVELOPER SO PIRATE" while having nothing about the developers on the SotC pic

What game?


You absolute clown.

We're not the same poster and I didn't make either of the images. The second post linked is replying to me, I asked what has changed with the image since I didn't make it. There's a few images like that which people have made.

Different people, I just copied him. I'd put a download link on that image if you could click on it, I hate remasters and ports. I'm pro-backwards compatibility or emulation.

>PCSX2 becoming finally usable
Have you been living in a cave in the middle east or something?

Code Veronica is better in gamecube isn't it?

It's been picked up again, last month there was an update and some games are playable

Some must plays if you like RPGs.

Tales of the Abyss
Valkyrie Profile 2
Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle
Star Ocean 3
Shadow Hearts 2

Other fun games; Mr. Mosquito, Robot Alchemic Drive, The Suffering (skip the second game), Manhunt (also ignore the second game), Urban Riot Riot Response (why it never gets mentioned I will never know, made by the same guys who gave us bamham city), BLACK, Ape Escape 3, HoiHoi San (tiny loli robots vs bugs, plays like armored core)

I'm here to vouch for Xenosaga. It's weird and wildly variable across the trilogy in terms of tone and combat systems, but it's a grand space opera built around a loose interpretation of the Gnostic Gospels and has some of Yuki Kaijura's best work on the soundtracks as well as some stellar environmental design and a real appreciation for excellent pacing. The first hour of the game once you're out of the tutorial is pure world building.

Call me when you do not have to fuck with configs and plugins just to get a game to work properly

I played through the first shadow hearts on 1.0 and 1/4 of the areas just refused to render any of the characters making places like Prague a crap shoot to navigate. the second has issues on 1,4 with the screen going crazy when you spin the judgement ring and in 1.0 you get an insanely irritating high pitch ring during boss fights

No fuckin' way, i've been waiting for Ace Combat to be fixed, that's huge.

Will this shit run on anything like the integrated graphics as long as the cpu is not shit?

Im on a OCed i7 2600k 4.8ghz and I see no difference with EE OCed from base PS2 to 200% increase, emulation just gets slower

i7 2600k 4.8ghz and R9 290

Also if you have Oculus or HTC Vive and Virtual Desktop on Steam you can use the ps2 SBS dll's floating on the pcsx2 forum and run the emulator while inside virtual desktop and tick Full SBS in virtual desktop. Its more so theater mode but you can make screen size seem huge and play SoTC in Full SBS 3D its amazing

What a coincidence, I started getting into GC/PS2 emulation like a week ago. Post your lists, lads.

Depends on the game i guess, i managed to run KH2 Final Mix at 60fps on integrated like a year ago

Anyone running RaC2?

How do I get rid of the black bars around the screen?

Increasing the window resolution does nothing

Reshade 3.0 works with pcsx2 now. Crosire said it supports all backends but only DX9 works for me.

I have read in the past that SOTC will run at 60fps if your CPU is OC'd high enough but I've never confirmed that. I suppose if you're enabling EE OC and you aren't getting any frame gains then it was true.

Interesting. What other works can you reference to give an idea of what the series is like? Thematically, at least.

How would you rate them?

And how's the combat? The main thing that staved me off old school JRPGs is the obnoxious random encounters and extremely slow and grindy Turn-based combat. That being said I'm not completely disgusted by those systems, just that they are often used very annoyingly. I did enjoy Bravely Default and FFX.

yeah thats probably it

sucks cause emulation slows down at PS2 EE cycle rate and 3x native resolution so i get 60fps but like 80%-50% emulation speed. I can never even to this day get proper settings for the game. Each new release of PCSX2 tends to fuck up my finetuned settings

Rev up those nostalgia goggles cause im a huge faggot
Anyone got some good racing game recommendations for the ps2? I vaguely remember playing one of the midnight club games forever ago, but I dont know which

Did you guys know PCSX2 is a PS1 emualtor now?

It's got a bit of everything in it, honestly. Thematically it's got some Ghost in the Shell and Blade Runner influences early on, there's a massive plot thread related to genetically manufactured child soldiers and body hijacking that plays out across all three games, and every playable character goes through a pretty sizable arc of some kind. It's really something you almost have to experience to understand. Also there's a crazy awesome car chase on a freeway involving the cast trying to fend off two mechs flying overhead with clever driving and some clever applications of small arms.

I'd personally give the whole series an 8/10 overall, but I'd rate the second entry a 7 mostly for the realistic art shift and less engaging combat.

Speaking of the combat, it's not horrible on grind if you're reasonably smart about skill investment and balancing your party. Given how in-depth the skill trees can get, there's no shame in using a skill guide to at least get some pointers on how to spread your party for minimal grind. The most obnoxious part of the combat is in the first few hours when there's a few forced stealth sections and during the time where you only have two party members. The combat's not painfully slow, but there's some bumps and difficulty curve issues that didn't really get entirely smoothed out until the third game. I fully recognize that they aren't for everyone, and there's a certain amount of jank in there, but it's one of the real PS2 RPG gems, and I love it.

If you're keen for more of an action RPG, I'd highly recommend Radiata Stories. It's like Suikoden with more energetic combat and personable characters.