So i just bought this yesterday and holy shit, i've got addicted

So i just bought this yesterday and holy shit, i've got addicted.
Is there any secrets/tips?

Nuclear Throne thread

Don't get hit

I shouldn't have reset my save after they added removed self-unlocks. I haven't beat the captain since.

Should I get this or Enter the Gungeon?

They're both in development hell, but i'd say you'll get more mileage out of nuclear throne. Enter the Gungeon runs out of content quickly

Yes. Do a lot of runs, as much as you can, and then just start looking things up.
Some things are stupid hidden, others not so much
.Throne: Fast paced, fast gameplay made for quick bullet-hell runs.
Gungeon: Slow paced, slow-burning unlockable fest that has tons of guns but many are useless.
There are people shit at one, great at both, or shit at both. They're both fun games with tons of replay value and usually cheap too.

is enter the gungeon a rougelite?

What kinds of secrets exactly?
Just found out how to activate the i.d.p.d. portal and get the crown but i just want to unlock the triangle dood.

development hell?

promised content updates which seem to be vaporware

I don't think any of the characters are hidden behind anything too secret. The only ones you need to go out of your way to get require: getting a screwdriver and using it on something that sticks out in the scrapyard, and skipping those exp containers for a bit.
There's some stupidly hard secret chars to play, but don't bother with them. Skins are usually tied to doing hidden things, and iirc you don't have to use the character to get their skin unless specified.
Crowns aren't secret, but you have to shuffle through getting them and winning with them. A true 100% file gets each one on everybody.

Secret levels in basically every zone except the last

Frog is very hidden

how do i get to the secret levels?
and the frog too.

You HAVE to know the exact why to get him and I'm pretty sure they're some challenge char too. I never bothered to get them, honestly, and haven't wanted to play in a while.

Nuclear Throne is content-complete, they plan on releasing a final patch for it eventually but it's obviously not much of a priority.

The last time I played I finally managed to get to the throne after like 30 hours then it rused me so I rage-uninstalled

This must be either a shill or an ironic thread

Get Oasis in the junkyard by avoiding killing anything, just run and grab the two boxes as fast as you can. The boss will show up and if you kill him fast, you go to the oasis

Pizza time in the sewers (blow up the manhole with an explosive)

YV's mansion in junkyard (use screwdriver on golden car)

Cursed caves (bring a cursed weapon into the caves)

Jungle (have last wish mutation, and feed this plant thing your health to get transported there. This place is fucking crazy hard)



Find the 60 FPS Custom Throne somebody made and be amazed at how much better the game feels.

holy shit, how was i supposed to know that stuff?
(i love when games do that) thanks, i will give it a try later.

How to unlock Frog:

Loop, have a gold weapon in the sewers. Hit Ballmom boss with it at least once before she dies and don't drop it until she's dead. She will drop the rusty frog pistol. Store rusty frog pistol in the proto chest that appears in the crown vault when you visit it for the second time in a run (might need to have a crown already don't remember). Then on your next run when you open the proto chest it will be the "golden frog pistol", which you need to play as Frog.

He sucks ass btw probably the weakest character in the game because it's impossible to survive in later loops w/o melee which interferes with his abilities and even when controlled perfectly he's not as maneuverable as normal characters.

Remember when they first introduced the vans, and they could run over bosses and instantly kill them? Half the time they would run over Mom.

damn, i cant even get to 7-1
how am i supposed to loop?

Pop the Rad Can, Weapons Chest, and Ammo Chest on 1-1, get a warp that takes you to Oasis, then to 3-3.

I didnt understand a single thing you said.
Remember i have played this game for 3 hours tops.

Kill the LEAST amount of enemies possible. The glowing cannister? Touch it, open the red chest (Weapon chest) and the yellow chest (Ammo chest). The boss will show up. Kill him as fast as possible and you will open a portal to the oasis. Finish the oasis (It's easy) and you'll jump ahead like 6 levels, in a lower difficulty


Meant for

On 1-1, the first level, there are 3 items, an Ammo Chest (yellow), a Weapons Chest (Red), and a canister of Radiation.
If you open/break all 3 without killing anyone, you open a shortcut to Oasis.
Oasis is a 1 level area full of fish and crabs and a few bandits.
Clear it out and you'll warp to 3-3, that's the 3rd level of the 3rd area.
Normal progression is 1-1 1-2 1-3 (Big Bandit boss on 1-3,) 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 (Big Dog on 3-3)
Oasis lets you skip 1-2 through 3-2, but there's a small catch.
You'll see when you do it. ;^)

cool, the canister is the green tube right?

thanks, this breaks some tedious job

Kill yourself console fag

It's a combination of Isaac's random generation (floors, bosses, items, etc.) and Nuclear Throne's gun-based combat.

Yes, Canister is green tube full of level up goo.
Also, This game has a few unique rules when it comes to loot and enemies. Each level you move through increases the number that will be in the next one, meaning that on say, 4-1, there will be more enemies if you go through 1-1 1-2 1-3 etc. versus taking the Oasis Skip. But, the tiers of Loot also increase with each level done, meaning Oasis Skip yields lower rarity loot than if you took the long route.
Also, if you finish 2 levels without breaking the Rad canister, someone special spawns. Kill them, unlock a new ally.
And if you skip a Red Chest on a Level, all subsequent Chests until you open one has a chance of being a Large Red Chest which has 3 weapons.

If you don't have a melee weapon by the time you hit 5-1, you're gonna have a bad time.
You will not beat 5-3 on your first try. It will take you at least 6 tries, more than likely more.
Just like in Dark Souls, kill the Dogs first.

Fuck little hunter
FUCK elite enemies.

Why is having melee on 5-1 important?

melee is just the OP way to fight in nuclear throne, and the game gets more difficulty every level so you're eventually going to get screwed without it.

Not that guy, but holy shit, a shovel saved me more than a gun at 5-1.

Too many projectiles on screen. TOO MANY.
They may be slow, but they will fuck with your brain.

Don't keep a screwdriver or a jackhammer just for it being a melee, if you see good guns, take them. Just take it really slow later

clears projectiles, very useful against projectile crazy bosses
can sometimes kill multiple enemies
can be used through walls

Melee weapons destroy projectiles.
Read: Enemy Bullets.
Unless you can read patterns like a decent Touhou player, a Melee is mandatory. Or Crystal's Shield. Or Melting's explosion + plenty of Corpses.
5-1 is ironically the only level WITHOUT any enemies that fire projectiles.
The reason for needing melee is a Shovel/Sledge does more damage than most guns outside explosives, hit once, hit hard. And you need to hit those big black stone dudes hard.
It also has some annoying exploding shits, but once you figure out max range/have boiling veins, they aren't a big deal.

sound nice but it still sucks the looting stuff when skipping the levels.

>Just realized I described 6-1
5-1 has two enemies that shit bullets, gorillas that are easy to dispatch with melee. And 5-3 has a boss that shit bullets all over the damn place.

I don't know how people play this post loop. It just gets unfair

One more thing, if you see a Laser Sword, FUCKING TAKE IT, drop WHATEVER you are holding, and fucking take it. ANd if you still have some levels left, beg to get Long Arms/Laser Brain, ideally both.

That shit's the best weapon this game has, in terms of damage,swing speed and arc, among the "normal" ones.

there's got to be an easy way... r-right guys?

>Playing Nuclear Throne
>In Trump's America

Enjoy it while you can, user. Day of the rope in a few months.

melee weps are op

using eye to suck things into wall to hit them through it with melee weps is op

i find pre-loop for me the make or break point is the ice area, depending on how dickish its bosses spawn is.

game was pretty disappointing to me. took much less time than i expected to beat it which would be fine except post-loop feels like they put literally no effort into it. its just a clusterfuck where you pimp slap bodies into bodies. it doesn't feel like the same game i play pre-loop

something between its lazy clusterfuck spam and pre-loops mostly too easy gameplay would be ideal. but we don't have that

that and the variety in weps/mutations is severely lacking. balance too. its fucking abysmal.

So, who's the most useless mutant?
THey are all pretty balanced in my opinion, but I struggle to enjoy playing eyes

damn, never found one.
what level does it drop exactly?

What's the point of playing Horror? Maybe I don't get the character or something but I fail to see how the character is useful in any way.

you don't like more choices and a free nuke?

Energy Swords start dropping at 5-1 if you don't do any level skips or alternate routes. They have the same chance to spawn as any other one, so they are pretty rare.

Assuming you take no shortcuts or side areas, the earliest it spawns is 5-1.
If you're a good shot, Horror beam is great, since any Rads that hit an enemy will be dropped on death.
And if you have the speed Crown, you net more Rads than spent killing.

awesome, never been to 5-1 but now i know what to pick when i found one.

> took much less time than i expected to beat it which would be fine except post-loop feels like they put literally no effort into it.
that's because they did
vlambeer promised so much fucking content and failed to deliever on 99% of it, opting to rush an early release for consoles during christmas time to maximize profit. this game is the definition of wasted potential.

thankfully there are some really dedicated modders out there and they've put some pretty neat (and surprisingly well-balanced) content out

>weapon of choice + throne butt + euphoria
boom looping forever

I'm indifferent to the more choices advantage. I rarely don't get at least one of the mutations that I want for a build. What I don't get is the rad beam. I'm sure it's much better for late game.

frog is utter shit. insultingly bad for the effort taken to gain him.
i also fail to see the appeal to the one that uses ammo for her alt and spawns post-loop enemies pre-loop but i forget if she's even a mutant

while we're discussing balance

energy shovel>energy sword>auto-crossbows with the homing mutation>everything else unless you play skellington post-loop with bloodlust at which point ''the thing that kills the most enemies at once'' is the best wep thanks to his mechanics

more mutations decreases the chances for empty levels where the mutations are either all shit or not relevant to you at all
his alt is pretty crap but healing with throne butt is kinda nice i guess

this promised "content" is never going to release?
that's sad.

rad beam is never good. its simply outclassed too much by actual weapons. the only good pure offence alts are steroids and skellingtons because they make your guns better
melty in post-loop is also good damage alt but at that point you could be skeleton instead which is just better

Yeah but his RMB kinda makes you take a melee weapon just to fend off the shitters you atract. I don't really like melees unless I have Scarier Face and Long arms, I rather have a Grenade Rifle or a Flak Cannon.

Maybe if it was a blood hammer, or an Ultra shovel, but eh.

I like Nuclear Throne but I feel it needs more mutations. More mutations that offer unique things not just melee run or energy gun run or crossbow run.

its a shame there aren't more games like this. i feel like none have really done the formula quite right yet

isaac is tedious as fuck if you don't get good items and so easy if you do they had to make boss hp scale to damage just to have something that doesn't just die when you so much as look at it

this feels half-assed. like really half-assed. most of the weapons just feel like the same **** with +it bounces or +it shoots faster or maybe even it uses a wonky ammo type like hp. mutations are lacking in variety and the balance is utter trash.

gungeon is absurdly tedious. its like isaac if every run you did shit damage for a good portion of it. its probably the worst one.

and starward rogue feels like it had no budget. outside of that one spiffy robot that stops time when its not acting everything just feels... meh. the artstyle is like a flash game, weps are largely interchangeable and the ''super items'' are misleadingly all disadvantages that are all out classed by using them requiring killing the shop keepers

id like to see one dev actually get this shit right. it has potential. no one has reached it.

Risk of Rain is a pretty good roguelite.

its not a top down shooter like any of the games i listed though

if what i wanted was just ''a game with permadeath'' id play DCSS some more, a game better than every game mentioned in this topic put together

but its not

>die to random bullet
>press continue
>cursor defaults to menu