2011 GOTY: skyrim

>2011 GOTY: skyrim
>2016 GOTY: skyrim

how do they do it?

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It's actually really fun. I can see why you autists would hate it though. To each their own.

i dont think anyone on Sup Forums unironically hates skyrim

Oh boy, I can't wait to fight through another cave of draugrs!

Oh boy, I can't wait to spend the entirety of the thieves guild questline returning shit!

Oh boy, I can't wait to do to Companions questline and fight MORE draugrs!

Oh boy, I can't wait to fight the Falmer, Foresworn or more Draugrs!

Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!

Oh boy, I can't wait to ride a horse up vertical cliffs!

Oh boy, I can't wait to spend hours doing LITERALLY the same quests for different people!

Oh boy, I can't wait to explore 'generic dungeon number 246'!

Oh boy, I can't wait for the level grind to become unbearable for no reward!

special edition doesn't look anything like left image, todd really is a genius

I haven't played it in years

I don't hate it, but I also don't find it engaging or fun in any way. And I tried playing twice.

Then again, I also could not really get into Witcher 1 and 2.

I'm literally shaking!

>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight through another cave of draugrs!
there were other kinds of caves too, like falmer
>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend the entirety of the thieves guild questline returning shit!
no, not the entirety
>Oh boy, I can't wait to do to Companions questline and fight MORE draugrs!
except thats just a few quests
>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight the Falmer, Foresworn or more Draugrs!
there are allsorts of different enemies. giant spiders? bears? fuck off
>Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!
not even a real sentence
>Oh boy, I can't wait to ride a horse up vertical cliffs!
you're thinking of the witcher 3
>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend hours doing LITERALLY the same quests for different people!
no 2 quests are alike, dont exaggerate
>Oh boy, I can't wait to explore 'generic dungeon number 246'!
no 2 dungeons are alike, literally every single one is hand crafted and meticulously designed
>Oh boy, I can't wait for the level grind to become unbearable for no reward!
the reward is leveling up, dumbass. you get extra health/stamina/magicka

you are wrong

whats so special about the special edition?

I've never played skyrim but I bought the complete edition in a steam sale a while back so I now have the special edition. Which one should I play? I heard the SE has some fucked up problems

Will open world games ever compete with a finely crafted linear game?

>muh open world autistic roleplaying tho
Why not just pretend you're doing the main quest of an open world game and have 10x the fun?

>Fun is casting a frost spell on the floor causing enemies to fall, then killing them with a sword or dagger when they're down.
>Fun is picking up a jug of oil and throwing it on an enemy, then igniting them with a fireball you control
>Not fun is channelling a firespell for 30 seconds until target dies.
>Not fun is spamming mouse1 to swing a sword and potting when health gets low.

Dark Messiah has better:

>Better combat
>Better story
>Better characters
>Better level design
>Better talent system
>Better traps
>Better crafting
>Better spells
>Better spell casting
>Better UI
>Better stealth
>Better varied locations
>Better sword fights
>Better interactive environments
>Better boss battles
>Better items with interesting properties/stats
>Better enemy AI
>Better enemy mechanics
>Better platforming
>Better secret areas
>Better puzzles

>>Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!
also lol @ pretending this isn't every single ES game back to fucking Arena.

If you think Skyrim is "flail randomly" combat MORE THAN MORROWIND you're fucking delusional.
Try playing Daggerfall and see how that combat grabs you.

Its actually the Special ED editioon for retards that cant stop buying the same game twice

For one, it runs better than a piece of dogshit.

>2011 GOTY: Witcher 2
>2016 GOTY: Witcher 3 B&W

how do they do it?


Exactly. Witcher GOAT


>Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!

Literally every Elder Scrolls ever.

I really like the Witcher and Skyrim.

I liked Skyrim as much as everyone did, but c'mon, the combat is fucking horrible.

>how do they do it?
no competition

I just can't stay engaged with Skyrim at all. I pick a playstyle that interests me and I RP as much as I can but I just burn out so fucking fast.
I lose all motivation when I go inside the 20th cave in that run and its just another draugr cave.
I mean, yeah there are other enemies but the game could seriously do with mixing them up a little. It gets to a point where I'm actually impressed when I see something other than a draugr.
The burnout factor in this game is just way too fast. Once you've done about 5-10 quests you've basically experienced everything the game is going to throw at you for the next 80 levels.

There is the whole lore side, but I can just google that without the need to sit through another quest.

>liking both
Centrist un-opinionated faggot. You're only allowed to like one or the other here.
Skyrim sux

Thanks todd.

Hate is a strong word, but rather extreme dissapointment

But they had all of those resources and 4 or more games under their belt, and they made Skyrim

I unironically bought the skyrim SE, and overall probably glad I did. Personally I like the changes they made to the graphics, obviously it's not quite a 2016 game in that regard but it certainly smooths it over. As a console player the (limited) mods aren't as bad as I expected either. If they could just rip 70% of the dungeons out of the game and replace them with something else this game would be very good.

I do.

Like most mediocre/bad games, the hatred is mostly about everything that surrounds the game. The fanbase who lauds it as a masterpiece, Bethesda for continuing to get away with releasing half-assed buggy shit, the "journalists" for refusing to call any of the problems out, etc.

why am Sup Forums so rude to skyrim?

It seriously pisses me offs people unironically think this is one of the best RPGs ever
And I enjoy Skyrim

Hijacking thread

How to get into modding skyrim? Seems like there's a ton of shit and kind of intimidating. Also, what mods to install

not even bothering with the remaster until someone fixes that shit ass compressed audio

I assume your on PC?
Look up Gopher and his Mod Organizer stuff for Skyrim, then the SkyUI and SKSE and maybe something else, and after that its a cakewalk

Skyrim is gay as fuck. It's an empty game that looked nice so retarded casual goyim can pay a full $59.99 twice.

Mods in skyrim are pretty shit tier also. Some are okay, like SkyUI, but otherwise they are shit. Especially the lewd ones.

>kind of intimidating

are you autistic lmoa


Follow this guide, do all of the essential things he tells you to. Later episodes are him recommending good mods, and then going through the installation process.

He links to other guides about how to use a programme called "TESVedit", which cleans up the base game, making it more stable. Follow and learn the procedure he uses for installing mods, it minimises conflicts and crashes.

I followed his entire guide, installing 90% of what he recommended, then went off and installed mods I found myself. It's crashed like once in 20 hours.

Skyrim is absolute garbage. Horrible writing, repetitive and boring quests, horrible combat system, and a pretty uninteresting world. It and Bethesda are a disgrace to the rpg genre.

as opposed to morrowind's MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS

It's a good game for what it is.
The exploration and sense of freedom is almost non-existent in any other games, which makes it unique.

It's a really shit RPG, untested and unbalanced as fuck.
It's a shit first person combat game.
It has shit dialogue and animations.
A slight majority of all quests are boring, predictable or just uninteresting.

And the fact that people could justify paying to play it again, just with better graphics, is beyond me, and i put 400+ hours into it when it was first released.

Just give us a new game on a new engine and hire some better animators.

>Not understanding the simple Morrowind RPG mechanics.
Git gud

I'd rather have attacks miss than actually hit and have blood flying while doing jack shit.

Honestly all the combat needs are reactions to be hit, hitstop, sounds, and more animations, and maybe a lock on

doesnt it ever get tiring, being this needlessly rude and negative?

You tell 'em, brotha!

Oblivion > Morrowind >> Skyrim
Prove me wrong

>not even a real sentence
not even a real argument, so please go on and tell us how the Skyrim combat is fun and engaging.

am i on reddit right now

Skyrim was good in 2011
Skyrim is the best in 2016
>best out of a pile of shit

Skyrim was so bland and shit man

The fact that could've been so much better than this piece of garbage makes me depressed

How is rude you stupid fucking faggot?

I'm hardly negative I'm actually a pretty positive person, but skyrim is just so bad. I wouldn't even care that much honestly if it weren't for the universal praise it gets

Do I marry Mjoll (with facelift mod) or Sylgja

Morrowind = 9 letters
Oblivion = 8 letters
Skyrim = 6 letters
Morrowind > Oblivion >> Skyrim
This is the objective truth.

What mod manager are people using? I heard that the nexus manager isn't that bad this time.

try asking again, without the unnecessary homophonic slur

I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to the games because I grew up during the golden age. But what really killed Skyrim for me was when I sided with the Storm Cloaks. Turned into a werewolf and raided and imperial camp. Why was the imperial officer flagged for no killing? I no longer even had access to that quest! Would if have been that hard for Bethesda to make him killable?

I fucking love Skyrim's main theme


They don't. If this pathetic piece of garbage is what you call a game you have no real opinion on the matter worth noting.

>get SSE
>download the most popular mod, a companion that's fully voiced
>"blah blah blah sexual innuendo blah blah blah get drunk blah blah blah"

Jesus chtist.

I recently uninstalled all Bethesda games from my computer and switched to story-focused rpgs like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher. Best decision ever. I can't believe I wasted so much time on these games. You literally just clear dungeons and mindlessly roam and kill/loot stuff in Bethesda games.

Meanwhile I am currently playing Mass Effect 2 for the first time. Holy shit the story, graphics, characters, all the rpg-elements, atmosphere, lore, dialogues blows anything Bethesda has ever done. I still have to play the Dragonage franchise and Mass Effect 3, might replay Witcher 3 later. And I am never ever touching sandbox rpgs again especially Bethesda ones.

>you finish another quest
>chad finishes on her chest

ME2 is still one of my favorite games of all time. The ME world is so great

way too open and not linear enough. it's just minecraft without building.

Faggot, as in Fasces, you fucking fascist, stop trying to trample my freedom of speech. There's your homophone

I think this is true. I also think it's stupid. The shit surrounding it has nothing to do with the game. Hating something because other people have dumb opinions about it is just as dumb as those other people and their dumb opinions.

Skyrim is really bland medieval shit, the only cool thing is fighting Dragons. The combat and spells suck, the dialogue sucks and the main quest sucks. There is no persistence or feeling of accomplishment in any of the sidequests, you just do them because they exist. The strongest part of the game is the environment as that tells the story in a more interesting way than the dialogue.

I wish you actually went back to progressively train with the Greybeards so you get a sense of progression instead of just a one time demonstration and then never seeing them again until the end quest. I wanted an engaging story damn it, I wanted DEEP LORE and awesome stories about Dragons, not fucking dungeons with a million Draugrs. I wanted more quests like Discerning the Transmundane and figuring out the mystery of what's beneath Skyrim.

The whole game just feels disjointed, there's no coherence to it, it's like every sidequest is its own game. Worse yet, not a single NPC acknowledge your progress, Archmage? No one cares, Dragonborn? No one cares, Hero of Skyrim? No one cares.

I don't have time anymore to "look for the good stuff" myself. Give it to me or don't.

Bethesda agrees with you considering they straight up copied the dialogue system from ME and put it in FO4.

>Hating something because other people have dumb opinions about it
My entire point was that its not the game receiving most of the hate, its everything that surrounds it.

Me and my friend were playing the Special Edition for several hours on his PS4, and holy SHIT there were honestly more fucking bugs and glitches than in the original 2011 version.

People falling out of ceilings, one vampire attack killing like 4 people in Falkreath, merchants not being at their stands at 8AM, containers glitching into each other in Hearthfire, and whole other slew of shit I'm forgetting.

Every 20 minutes it seemed like we would be calling out a bug.

>Meanwhile I am currently playing Mass Effect 2 for the first time. Holy shit the story, graphics, characters, all the rpg-elements, atmosphere, lore, dialogues
Just you wait, you do the same shit over and over for the next 8 hours; litterally go here, talk to this person, fight through some faggots, back to ship.
At which point the story concludes with some of the dumbest bullshit plot.

This so much. It has 0 depth.

>>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight through another cave of draugrs!
>there were other kinds of caves too, like falmer.
> name three other kind.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend the entirety of the thieves guild questline returning shit!
>no, not the entirety
>t. sarcasm.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to do to Companions questline and fight MORE draugrs!
>except thats just a few quests
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight the Falmer, Foresworn or more Draugrs!
>there are allsorts of different enemies. giant spiders? bears? fuck off
>name three others.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!
>not even a real sentence
>yes it is.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to ride a horse up vertical cliffs!
>you're thinking of the witcher 3
>great argument.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend hours doing LITERALLY the same quests for different people!
>no 2 quests are alike, dont exaggerate
>radiant quests.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait to explore 'generic dungeon number 246'!
>no 2 dungeons are alike, literally every single one is hand crafted and meticulously designed
>open the creation software, its prebuilt pieces some literally lifted from fallout 3.
>>Oh boy, I can't wait for the level grind to become unbearable for no reward!
>the reward is leveling up, dumbass. you get extra health/stamina/magicka
>good thing there arent buffs from items that provide that... oh wait.

>you are wrong
>we get it you are currently on playthrough #1312 and this time you are going to be a spell-thief.

fair enough if that's how you see it, but I feel like I see way too many people who just turn all of that straight into 'game is shit'.

The game is shit, that doesn't mean people straight up hate it. I think Skyrim is garbage but that doesn't stop me from going in every year with mods and playing it for a few weeks.

Whiny faggot, stupid sodomist, disgusting cocksucker.

Better now, you cunt?

>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight through another cave of draugrs!
>>there were other kinds of caves too, like falmer.
>> name three other kind.
>dwemer, vampire, bandit, forsworn - theres 4
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend the entirety of the thieves guild questline returning shit!
>>no, not the entirety
>>t. sarcasm.
>not sarcasm, just you being wrong
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to do to Companions questline and fight MORE draugrs!
>>except thats just a few quests
>literally second half of the questline is fighting the silver hand (humanoids not draugr)
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to fight the Falmer, Foresworn or more Draugrs!
>>there are allsorts of different enemies. giant spiders? bears? fuck off
>>name three others.
>ice wraiths, trolls, jackie chan, skeevers
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to flail randomly so my 'combat' experience!
>>not even a real sentence
>>yes it is.
>no its not
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to ride a horse up vertical cliffs!
>>you're thinking of the witcher 3
>>great argument.
>thank you
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to spend hours doing LITERALLY the same quests for different people!
>>no 2 quests are alike, dont exaggerate
>>radiant quests.
>the radiant quests change their objectives every time
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait to explore 'generic dungeon number 246'!
>>no 2 dungeons are alike, literally every single one is hand crafted and meticulously designed
>>open the creation software, its prebuilt pieces some literally lifted from fallout 3.
>name 2 identical dungeons (protip: you cant)
>>>Oh boy, I can't wait for the level grind to become unbearable for no reward!
>>the reward is leveling up, dumbass. you get extra health/stamina/magicka
>>good thing there arent buffs from items that provide that... oh wait.
>oh i guess that negates the stat boots from leveling...
>>you are wrong
>>we get it you are currently on playthrough #1312 and this time you are going to be a spell-thief.
>stealth archer, actually

suck my dick, i can do this all day

If you're playing a game for hundreds of hours, even with mods, then garbage and shit are gross overstatements. Flawed is probably more appropriate.