Would Sup Forums play a game set in Ravnica?

Would Sup Forums play a game set in Ravnica?

where is this from?



That's not Boros

isn't this a meme

>siding with anyone but Dimir


Ravnica block is op as fuck
need to make some mirrodin real shit.
myr for life

That's not how you spell Orzhov.

Not that I'm aware of, I just think it could be a cool setting, especially if it was like an MMORPG or something and the whole city was open. Cities that cover planets are one of my favourite ideas from fantasy.

Literally where?

Looks a bit like that one act in Diablo 3 I guess.

It's a setting from Magic, the city covers the whole planet, with control divided between 10 guilds that all use different magic.

Only if Gelectrode is there.
>made a blue/red deck with gelectrode and nivix cyclops that's super fun and surprisingly decent

Correct tastes friendo. Is there anything more satisfying than cantripping your way into a 1 hit kill with a nivix cyclops?

It's like coruscant, but medieval. and magic.

another user with good tastes.

Island Ravnica looks so incredibly fun to live in.

>tfw no mtg game where you explore, do quests and shit
>end up playing modded Shandalar for the 1000th time

>not farming rot

A ravnica themed game made well would instantly be my favorite game desu. When I first started playing magic I got a bunch of ravnica lands and id just stare at them. God ravnica is so pretty

I'm still mad that you can't order full size MTG card art as prints and frame them. I mean what the fuck guys.

>being a filthy black/green mage
>not mixing it with blue to be tricky as fuck but also having fatties to faceroll with

Okay well, while you're getting blown up by gross old men and mad scientists, I'm gonna be getting high and chilling with my Selesbians.

Same. I love seeing the multiple layers of the city, the fog in the gaps between high-rises, the open plazas on top of the blocks. They did a great job making the world. If there's one thing Magic has, it's good settings.

>Ravnica is just now the superfriends HQ
>Lowryn never ever
>Kamigawa also never ever
>Planechase and Commander planes never ever as well

MtG should have an actual fucking game, maybe they won't fuck around with the lore.

Ever ran one of these in a saproling centered Selesnya deck? it gets fucking stupid.

I think the team just has too many lore ideas and the two set blocks make a lot of stuff seem rushed, like killing the Eldrazi. They need something that allows them to progress the story more than a set every 3 months.


you fucking monster it's funnier in slivers

Jace, and planeswalkers as actual cards, are killing Magic. It's so incredibly fucking dumb.

I used a Selesnya token deck back in the days of Ravnica standard. I actually built it at the Ravnica pre-release in my town and kept it until I lost my cards during a move years later. I really loved that deck.

At least they're making the Conspiracy plane interesting.

But planeswalkers are basically just enchantments that can be attacked. I don't get why people say they're hard to interact with or whatever.

Having $25-50 (or God forbid, baby Jace) cards that are mandatory for most standard decks make standard very hard to get into and afford, it sucks.

did you ever try modifying it and making it modern instead of standard? there's no much shit out there.

>some dudes get together to do what they can before the eldrazi end everything

Neat idea. But the execution was simply terrible - every one of the planeswalkers involved is a boring and stereotypical character.

And trying to make them some sort of permanent superhero team is also retarded.

If only mtg video games got the same treatement yugioh games did. Shandalar's pretty good, but the dotp games just feel empty. Even more so after they added deck editing.

I hear people mention modern a lot, what is the basic premise of that format?

Sup mother fuckers.

You can play every card since 8th edition, minus the banlist ofc.

Power drain is killing magic. Every card that gets printed in the main blocks is just a weaker version of something that already exists. That means that nobody wants to invest in standard, because the cards become worthless as soon as they rotate out, and modern/legacy/EDH players don't invest in the new cards either because it's all worse than what they already have. Except for the small handful of cards that weren't playtested properly that ruin formats, like rhino in modern or Prophet of Kruphix in EDH.

you know how in 8th edition they "updated" the format of the cards? anything from that foward if modern, pretty much.

those high dollar standard staples aren't just planeswalkers. $20+ cards in standard right now include things like grim flayer, avacyn, emrakul, and blue gearhulk. type 2 will always be the most expensive format long term because of pushed mythics, not just planeswalkers

Anything since the change to the modern card frame. Aka anything printed in 8th Ed and up. It replaced the Extended format.

that card is trash, buddy.

>5 CMC

it's already useless from that point.

God azorius legendaries suck. I really wish they didn't azorius is best guild for sure, and my uw edh control deck could really use an actual good general

It's basically Legacy without counterspells or the original Dual Lands.

>5 cmc
>Can be countered
>Dies to cheap black removal
Shit card.

Mythic was a mistake, it should have stayed for Planeswalkers and dumb shit like Progenitus, not standard playable cards everyone wants. Fucking kikes.

>my uw edh control deck could really use an actual good general

Dies to murder. :^)

>can't order full size MTG card art as prints

Isn't that up to the artist?

Brago is a great general to build around, but not as a control general. You can make a good stax deck with him though

that's just strictly not true. the eldrazi from BFZ and OGW created whole new archetypes in modern, legacy, and even vintage. kalitas and grim flayer made it into modern jund, king of goodstuff decks. collected company is insane, prized amalgam turned modern dredge from fringe playable into a tier 1 deck. dig and cruise warped the eternal formats so hard they had to be banned/restricted. even just from kaladesh, paradoxical outcome gives vintage storm a whole new level of power.
tl;dr yeah nah ur a cunt

where are my COMMANDER bros at

most fun format if you can find a group without Oloro and Narset tryhards

you mean most fun format if you are a tryhard and can find a group of other tryhards.

I currently have together Gitgud toad lands combo, arcum dagsson combo/control, and grand arbiter stax for high powered games, and rosheen meanderer fireballs and hydras for casual playgroups

>choosing anyone but Rakdos
Sup Forums is Rakdos as fuck.

- mainly impoverished low class failures and hoodlums
- no hierarchy / made of various rings (boards) that interact
- into all kinds of degenerate perversion and sadomasochism
- torture each other and themselves for their own amusement
- clubs secretly frequented by other guilds who get off on being better or indulging their dark side
- completely reckless and motivated entirely by hedonism (visiting the site 16 hours a day)

>No Magic game that works like the YGO's Tag Force series
>Start as a new planeswalker with a deck themed after your starting plane
>Roaming around other planes, collecting cards/cashmoney after beating random NPCs
>Meeting your /favorite/ characters of Jace & His Pals League© for 2-Headed Giant matches

I mean, I know that Wizards of the Coast can comfortably lazy out with MTGO and whatever bugged mess Stainless Steel makes, but an user can dream, right?

>giving your lands summoning sickness

Seems like a good idea

Isn't Cathartic Reunion played in Dredge too?

Those lands won't be summoning sick except for the land(s) that you just played for that turn.

I played B/R Aristocrats in the RtR block so I represented Rakdos at my FNM. That said I don't identify with them in the slightest, if I was choosing a guild based on who I liked the best it would probally be Simic. I'm a sucker for the whole mad scientist playing god archetype.

You are chilling with your boros Minotaur paladin buddies when this guy comes and traps your ass
What do yo do

I think an MTG game would be way more fun if you were a plainswalker that could go between 4-5 different planes during the course of the game to unravel some nicol bolas conspiracy as the main story with dozens of plane-centric sidequests.
But the plane I'd most want to visit is pre-assrape mirrodin.

I wear//tear that pussy out so hard no amount of sphinx ahas will save him.

>Cannot be blocked if the defending player controls a Plains
>But can't leave the plane
Awful game.

>if you were a plainswalker


What did WotC mean by this?

Where is my Zendikar free roaming platformer? Where I play as a sexy Kor Hookmaster???

Fuck you nerds.

Zendikar's terrain is insane, I though it was a regular plane with floating islands.

no, i'm wrong, the entire plane is floating continents, as far as I know there is no "bottom" to zendikar in the traditional sense.

Before the Internet, the world was a much bigger place, especially for Americans.

was this nigga every played? i tried to put him on a white life gain and archangel of thune deck but i never did too good, specially since the place where i played was all about da metagaem


in standard he was a staple powerhouse.

also one of the best knightly arts in the game, if not, outright the best.

in the ocean they call the spirit of zendikar the Roil, I'd imagine thats as deep as the plane goes.

The Jedi paladin? no, no one used him outside of dedicated hateboard when in standard, but plenty of star wars fags bought him and love him just for the faux lightsabre.

The art is incredibly dynamic for a 2.5x3.5in box.

>first two blocks (Ravnica and Guildpact) were the only times I played paper MtG
>ran B/G
>was really fun

What is best guild and why?

>Acknowledging that certain U/B color pair
its like you WANT to have your mind rotted and grinded away

Ya and then you have the insanity el drazzi shitters to fight in hordes and as giant bosses if that was a thing. think gravity rush/zelda/shadow of the colossus.

you don't understand, even the oceans are contained in giant bowls.

Seagate? where all that shit went down? is a giant continent in the air, they all are.

this always brings up a huge point of debate about "planes" in magic, the fact they are flat and not sphere'd like a planet, where does it end? can you just walk off the plane or is each plane set up where reality "thins" at the edges?

Magic ended at Time Spiral
Dominaria is gone

boros and azorius, tough i wouldn't mind a gruul lackey following me around


Or fuck off


only dumb thing about this art is the damn birds (used simply for scale I know), nothing except gideon using his invulnerability could get that close to Ulamog and not be disintegrated.

Mud>all others

Eldrazi ruined Zendikar though
and the entire game of magic

So glad Eldrazi are gone. They were always toddler Pogeyman shit and ruined the color pie forever.

White > Green > Red = Blue >>>>> Black

you do know the secret twist was that they weren't evil or boogeymen at all, but the actual creators of all the planes of magic, and the only reason any bad shit was happening was because of Mortal (by comparison) intervention?

Emrakul herself realizes this in her own way of 'thinking' and seals herself in the moon, her purpose twisted and useless without her brother Titans, a sad, lonely God-thing.

Red = Green = Black > White >>>>>>>>>>> Kaijudo >>>>>> Blue

Then why do the planes exist after the titans are defeated? Titan is a terrible name for the Eldrazi elder gods though, Titan casually refers to 6/6 for 6cmc monsters that while good, are literal small time compared to the Eldrazi.

They should have came up with a custom moniker for their type.

So they're terrible and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them, too? Wow.

Seriously though there is nothing I like about the Eldrazi.
>set a precedent for "colorless niche is that it can do anything and do it better than the other colors"
>made fatties in other colors obsolete
>BFZ introduced a "sixth color" that had no reason to exist or any clear focus
>devoid sucked

I want to wash my mouth of Eldrazi.

Planeswalkers are retarded

I started playing MtG when Return to Ravnica was the new block. I liked the guild system a lot because it made draft archetypes really easy to understand as a newfag. It also gave me my Angel fetish.

they create planes, they recycle old planes, Ulamog breaks the shit down, Kozilek rebuilds the plane, and Emrakul seeds the plane with new life.

this eldrazi life evolves into the usual races, this is the Eldrazi titan's universal function.

this is why Emrakul can mutate beings, she is bringing their eldrazi origin back to surface, but it isn't her function, so its horrific even to her.

Angels are fucking awesome.

Reminder that WotC killed everything pre-Lorwyn

even Phyrexian ones?

Especially those.


Well they gave it all a last hurrah. That was the point of Time Spiral.