Idk but I miss it man. Back when consoles were so serious.

Deader than fake wood pattern casing.

When 90's become retro. It's still 80's retro right now.

I have that gameboy color, 10/10 still works.

Switch pro controller has it.


Little known fact about clear casings is that teh plastic they were made of was weaker than the plastic regurarly used as casing, that's why it had to be a couple of mm thicker, modern electronics would need a thicker plastic casing if they were to have a clear one and it would affect the internal components that are made to fit exactly

Sorry for my bad engrish

>These were only given out in one store in Japan
>You will never own one
Shit was Vaporwave before Vaporwave existed.

>tfw I sold my halo special edition xbox console to buy a 360


now this one is aesthetic as hell

nintendo switch controller is see through

>Tfw stuck with a GB pocket until the GBA came out

I fucking wanted one so bad

only for developers my man



I want a clear Switch so bad


my dick is ROCK SOLID for the Switch, January's infodump can't come soon enough and it's only a few days after MAGfest

Fuck, I forgot how good that thing looks. I have absolutely no need for a 2DS, but I really want to get one of those.

there was also a black one released in japan only

This isn't a console, but I still want it badly. It's only sold in Japan I think.

>firefox os
if it could run sailfish OS then this would be GOAT phone

I think the 2DS has a clear casing version..?
The 3DS is really pretty.

I like it.
Just wish it had a lighter version.

It does look good, user.
At least compared to the phones we have now. Seriously they all look the exact same to me.

Never. People equate it with cheapness now and I wouldn't trust modern Nintendo hardware that's clear anyway. The Nintendium well dried up a long time ago.

It just looks so cheap. Like on par with the Steam Controller or the Ouya.

The 90s have been retro since about 2010 from what I remember, when Facebook and Buzzfeed began splurging out listicles about pop culture from that time

>local thrift store has an xboxbig
>wanna buy it buy never do

I just can't justify it.

I kinda want one actually even if I already have an XL, how's the battery life on 2DS?

Nintendo always does handhelds well imo .

Is that a fucking tile?

Right here

Glad someone said it

>1st party translucent plastic always looks A+
>3rd party translucent plastic always looks like Chinese bootleg
guess which one is more common in the market

Probably never.

Technology now relies too much on optical components (lasers, lenses, IR sensors etc.) and having a clear casing would difficult that.

Reminds me of those old ass clear PS1 controllers and memory cards you could get.

>get it
>buy splinter cell
>get xbox flash cart

Super easy to hack an xbox using the splintercell technique, enjoy free games.

This sounds really stupid but this is what companies think about Western audiences. "Clear plastic covers look childish."

The 2DS with clear plastic didnt sell well and the clear dualshock 4 controller isnt coming to America.

Nintendo needs to bring it back.

Hot fucking damn. Why 2DS only though...

as an american i have a tier list

opaque light plastic > see through clear > see through colored > see through black >>>>> opaque dark plastic >>>>>>>> opaque white >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shiny >>>>>>>>>>>> shiny black