Wtf I love Noctis now Also XV thread
Final Fantasy XV
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I want to FUCK Noctis
>time skip like OoT
god-tier game confirmed
You can't. Best you can hope for is a body pillow for ladies.
Two more weeks now.
>didn't know about Prompto camera
>play jap demo
>mfw resting and seeing all the photos he took of everyone on our journey so far
What a neat feature.
Has anyone tried staying a whole day just standing still and then checking Prompto's photos?
>preordered a year ago
>try latest demo
>cancel preorder
it's not that it's complete garbage, but man i will get it once it's 50% off.
combat was okay, felt shallow.
sphere grid looked lame.
fishing was 8/10
food buffs are cool.
camping is cool
driving felt limited, didn't get a chocobo but i bet that's fun.
sidequests were absolute garbage, devs seemed to really like MonHun.
so yea i will play it in a year or so, will be hard to avoid spoilers.
Old Noctis is the hottest and manliest FF protagonist.
Out of all 4 main guys, who would impregnate their waifu the most?
Prompto, all the other 3 has a lot of work to do
Gladio easily
Regular and campíng sidequests were disabled for the demo
He's looks and acts like a faggot.
i'll believe it when i see it.
sucks that i will be missing out on the steelbook with kingsglaive but nothing wrong with waiting for half price sale...
i hope it will review well but i bet the reviews will be so fucking mixed in both extremes.
sure will be interesting.
Approximate download size
46.17 GB
Thank God i gave up on the idea of getting digital
Old Noctis and Cor are my sin
Come on Tabata!
Literally NO EXCUSE for no reflections. That's disgusting. Pokemon Emerald even had that. Holy shit Tabata is a fuck up
yeah that's the same as 15's technology
I wish Cor had a bigger role than what I think he has. I want him to be Auron 2.0.
i'll wai to see how the pro 12080p version plays
Old Prompto. Kek
That makes it worse. If a GBA game from over a decade ago can do reflections, THERE IS ZERO excuse for a AAA game being released in 2016 to not do reflections. Tabata was a fucking mistake
When will beards be done right in video games? They always look like rat hair pubes.
I don't think Cor will have a small role in the game. His VA was always featured in those English Voice Cast videos that SE releases. They're probably the ones who will play the most role in the game.
>last-gen game
>next-gen game
Square Enix are you even trying?
This is either very good bait, or you don't understand that that's not a reflection in Pokémon. It's just the sprite rendered again
Global Illumination on water is fucking hard, even if you have an A+ team. Fuckin code the water to reflect light that is reflected of the reflection of the character, good luck coding that on fucking toaster.
That's why most companies don't do mirrors or dynamic water.
Limitless possibilities
Gives you a good idea of screen time.
what a qt3.14 :(
>this is the neo FF fanbase
So tell me why Rockstar pulls it off effortless. Stop making excuses
Literally and unironically fuck off and kill yourself
You first, faggot
I'm actually disappointed with how little there is to explore. Not the content that's locked out of the demo, but just the amount of invisible walls that I ran into or mountains I couldn't climb. What angered me the most was not being able to wrap out of battle. I was convinced there'd be a ton of vertical exploration because of it.
>t. lonely basement Sup Forumsirgin
They had way too many artists working on these
Each new picture I see of Noctis looks like it could pass as another person
What the hell happened here? You guys were shitting on this game until the older versions of the characters got announced.
nothing changed
>Rockstar pulls it off effortless.
When FFXV has a budget of 500 Mill, and more than 1000 employ, then yeah, that would be their fault.
Oh come on, i know it's not easy. But i have rarely seen reflections as bad as the ones in FFXV. They literally just cover 50% of the screen and break as soon as you move the camera up or down
Man Elijah gets younger by the day
FFXV's budget is Rockstar tier though. TEN years.
He summed up the game really well
What seems to be the problem actually? I don't know how coding works, but Lumisnous seems to have this problem for a while now. Not to mention the frame-pacing problem as well.
Shit, if FFXV had taken 12 years to make it could've been heralded as the greatest game of all time.
Boyhood is considered a masterpiece for literally one reason:The time it took to make it.
wait 12 YEARS?!
I like how he usually shills for games and he just can't here.
He's reading the script anti-kun wrote for him.
It has been 10 years. How can anyone that has been waiting for the game since the announcement still be hyped? You should have developed a more refined taste in vidya by now. This is obviously a video game catered to tween fujo's.
He's definitely not wrong. A lot of the shit you do is a waste of time, especially considering your kingdom is fucked
Prompto a shit.
It's confirmed.
Blunder of the generation.
Yet here you are
Going to be one of those open world games where you ignore everything not apart of the main quest. Its not going to be worth the time.
Unfortunately that means missing hidden weapons, maybe delaying when you will find X type, and optional bosses/content like dungeons
Phoneposter here. What's he saying about it?
this is the worst I've saw Conan bash a game and that is saying alot. I'm still going to play it in all it's shittiness though day 1
It has been 10 years that the game was ANNOUNCED. Nomura and his team literally started the development of Versus XIII in 2009. All the in-game footage of that era was just prototypes, not a real solid game that exists. Just a bunch of ideas scrapped together.
Tabata joined the team in 2014, and Final Fantasy XV has been in full development since 2013 when it got re-announced. 3 years in full development.
Stop with this "10 years" meme.
And all he made in those years is this. Should've stayed a spin off or be cancelled or put on hold
Somewhere, Nomura is somewhere laughing his fucking balls off. Jesus Square is so fucked without Nomura
>Unfortunately that means missing hidden weapons, maybe delaying when you will find X type, and optional bosses/content like dungeons
Unfortunately? That shit means NOTHING in this game, the combat is so bad I don't even have a word for it.
What's worse is that we know the plot in the game is terrible too.
>inb4 tons of dislikes
Which is even more embarrassing because now you can't blame it on unforeseen delays/hiatus due to staff changes and the like.
It's not like they were on a timed schedule or anything, and yet the entire development process has been one huge clusterfuck to the point that they are overcompensating.
What the fuck are you talking about? Nomura is working on Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts 3. He's still on Square Enix.
How does the FFXV community outside of Sup Forums behave anyways?
all i know is that normies love twillight princess and Final fantasy 13
I'd be saying that he really isn't the audience and the complaints would be even worse if they were doing a Persona game, but he does have a point.
>the end
HOLY FUCK this is glorious.
The localization team saw Conan's reaction in real time and got bitched at by him for making this shitty game
Tabata is going to be forced to commit seppuku and Square-Enix will restructure their company AGAIN.
Is Conan /everyonesguy/?
I only know about gamefags and they're just as defensive as xv-kun. For some reason the xv fanboys is really insecure
I know alot of this board looks favorably back at Shadow of Mordor so this place isn't the highest of taste either
>this demo doesn't feel worth 60 bucks
I'll never understand that one. It's the one game Sup Forums should hate more than anything but they didn't. Perhaps it was a very massive shill campaign.
Why is there no JUST edit of Noctis yet?
Hold the fuck up. I see the dudes clipping into each other, but are we not stuck wearing those all black outfits throughout the entire game?
He literally said the same thing for Witcher 3
Still got goty
Should i buy this? Never played a FF game before. How explorable is the world?
well demos are supposed to represent what the whole game is gonna be.
and either the demo does a poor job representing the meat of FF15, or the game isn't going to be that great.
that's why i cancelled my preorder, because the demo didn't convince me.
logical, no?
....what? He said that was his fav gaming experience of all time and he thoroughly enjoyed it. That video was great.
FFXV is the only negative review he's ever done.
No matter what this guy wears, he will always look like a chump.
Why are there two almost identical gay couples clipping into each other?
I dunno how you missed the memo but this game is for fags.
I swear SE should fire their marking people. Of all the people to show the game too..
At least fucking tell him to make it look good. This episode should've not been aired. What the absolute fuck waste of money these fuckin REEEEEEEE.
pretty gud, kek'd a lot. Also, Luna a CUTE! I don't remember seeing this scene from any gameplay footage. Is this new?
Should have told him to perve out to Cindy, but he just looked disgusted.
>This episode should've not been aired.
here comes the damage control
I don't have a problem with gays (being a fag myself), but the couples are almost identical and are clipping awkwardly into each other
It just doesn't look good