>tfw to intelligent to enjoy video games anymore
Tfw to intelligent to enjoy video games anymore
>tfw to intelligent for WRPGs but not enough for JRPGs
>tfw work too much to play video games
>tfw to physical fit to play on PC
>tfw to poor to own a PC and join the masterrace
tfw know nothing about pc's but want a good gaming experience
Most people on pc play on their mommys computer and play F2P games, not much expense
>tfw built a pc to have romantic evenings of tf2 and wine with some asian lady i used to work with
>whole thing is a disaster of solitude
So get a PS4 Pro
>tfw to intelligent to play anything but fighting games
don't like ps, and have no friends on ps
>inb4 you already have no friends
wait a minute
how are posting here then?
Sup Forums don't like mobileposters
but too dumb to spell "too"
>inb4 correcting my grammar
but that's half the joke.
can't game well on a shitty pc like a dell or some shit
>wah i'm so smart i can't solve my problems
do people actually feel this way, or is it a meme?
>tfw too intelligent to to intelligent meme
o ok
>he's so unintelligent he has to correct obvious mistakes to feel smart
I could care less about my typo.
>or is it a meme?
>tfw so smart that people literally cry when you get into arguments
>could care less
Now you're just intentionally baiting.
>not liking the saviours of gaming
tfw to intelligent to get a gf
tfw have a shitty pc and cant game most games above around 480 something p
tfw when no tfw
tfw to inteligent to attach an image
i don't care what you have to say
>tfw to intelligent to have friends
Post more rare Teds.
>in 2016
no wonder you're a moron
>tfw to intelligent to post gifs
>to intelligent to love my own momma
>using a shitty 2015 meme to feel relevent
So your IQ is about 60?
>implying I watch anime
>tfw to intelligent for anime
>posting 2D
kill yourself neckbeard
>tfw to ascended to be intelligent
Is she retarded or what?
tfw to intelligent to enjoy memes
Korean or Japanese? Your life could depend on this answer.
why she do this?
obviously Japanese
use your eyes
it's supposed to be sad and histrionic
like my sex life
>tfw too intelligent to be self deprecating
>tfw too divine to do anything but masturbate to anime
Why did i have to become a demigod bros?
2D was better all along
It's hard. We live in a strange new world where Korea's plastic people can confuse the average white man.
The word you are looking for is autistic.
You aren't autistic enough for them.
>tfw this thread doesn't get deleted by mods but the last spoony thread did
Fuck this board
Looks like assburgers or maybe a mild case of retardation.
op >357724119 too embarrassed to continue
>tfw dumb enough to play FPS games
>he cares about ecelebs
You are the worst kind of cancer.
>tfw to intelligent to get a 5
>tfw to intelligent to make a good thread
>tfw too dumb to read karl marx
>just smart enough to play and understand TF2 parodies of the post WWII era
you seem to take it for granite in this doggy dog world
if I had to guess, she's making her lips redder by bringing out the blood
Just end your life my man
Good. Fuck e-celebs.
He was watchable back in the day and very enjoyable
>tfw pedophile
I can't help it little girls are just too cute.
tfw to intelligent to get a Wii
Then obviously you should make your own, OP. Take this.
>tfw get soft at the sight
feels bad
>tfw to intelligent to get a 3
Why would you feel bad about that?
Don't worry degenerate, liberals will raise pedo acceptance since they already got homo acceptance done
>tfw i know full well I would have been that kid to wear this nonsense and get into CoD MLG culture if I were born in 1995 abouts
I really, really dodged a bullet there
reported to the fbi
no joke
>tfw to smart to fall for Sup Forums bait
I don't want that though.
You got that right.
I on the other hand will without any doubt get a 7.
>TFW too busy planning to run the country to play video games anymore
>get into CoD MLG culture if I were born in 1995 abouts
Now you are in the culture of complaining on a image board lol
Fucking little girls is a pretty conservative thing to do though.
impotency doesn't feel good
You would want to get a boner to enjoy it. sexual pleasure is fun.
>tfw too arrogant to enjoy video games anymore
>tfw born in 1997 and I was like this until I was 16
I guess I didn't like Fedoras because it was a meme to hate them
Not sure if serious but you have to be retarded if you are
You can already see liberals defending proven pedos you twat
>mfw in the olden days you could marry little girls but not anymore thanks to progressives
try again
Nice try, observe this 0.
>tfw hebephiles and pedophiles will run rampant across the border under Trump's presidency
>but not anymore thanks to progressives
>thinks liberals had any impact on the matter
Don't you got a protest to be at
I wonder how recovered fedoralords feel. Must be fucking disastrous whenever someone mentions it.
>tfw too intelligent to know you're not intelligent
Funny, I see way more people on Sup Forums defend pedophilia than anywhere else.
Sup Forums is mostly liberals
can somebody sauce me up?
Most people are liberals who also defend homos and trannies too