I'm bored. Ask me anything about Final Fantasy

I'm bored. Ask me anything about Final Fantasy.

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Why is cocobolo?

what's the best triple triad card in FF8?

What the fuck is Alexander supposed to be

Do you think the class-based ability system of FF4+9 are a better direction for the genre, or the mix and match ability system of FF7+8?

Which is superior, Triple Triad or Tetra Master?

why Celes is best girl?

a fortress

Have you played all the FF games?

You ever done any interesting playthroughs

but then why name a fortress "Alexander"

why not name it the Fortress Materia

How resets did it take you to fill your Rage list?

Remind me: Did Ninja get nerfed in the DS remake of III? I found something interesting and I need to know.

>Ask me anything about Final Fantasy.
>i won't answer anything though

nice thread OP.
do you get paid for threads/hour or something?

Best FF8 girl?

if you don't say Selphie you're a faygit

Edea for that two aces in the corner

A castle-sized robot.

Class-based in the start, but the game allows you to change up roles in the endgame like FFX.

Tetra Master, but I like how Triple Triad had a larger impact in its respective universe, both in story and gameplay, even if it absolutely broke gameplay.

Strong woman but without being a PMSing bitch like Lightning

All numbered ones and the main spinoffs like Tactics, Crystal Chronicles, Crisis Core, Type-0, X-2, and the two 13 sequels, also Vagrant Story.

In FF, no, but in KH I did kingdom key-only, no equipment run.

I didn't use Gau much.

Yes, but the NES version of FF3 is so much harder than the DS remake, it kinda balances itself out.


>hungry for squall's cock

Rinoa is the worst girl in the entirety of FF though

Cutest looking FFV job?

Thank you. Say, by chance, can you also speak Japanese? I'm sorry for the weird question but I think I just found why the Ninja class got nerfed?

It's still boggling that SQ went through the trouble of doing 3D versions of FF 3 + FF 4 but they ignored the games from the 2D era that had the biggest potential to draw a bigger audience. Still mad V and VI got ignored.

Hell they even did the fucking After Years

What is the best Final Fantasy?

They went back to those games.
and ruined them on the IOS

Why are there no good Final Fantasy game?


A little. Not that good at it.

The ninja class got nerfed because of its insane damage output on top of almost always going first each turn.

I'm not really a fan of remakes, because its so easy for me to go back to FF6 or FF7 and play it. FF3 definitely needed a remake because the original is bad, it has a bland story and bad gameplay, the DS version tries to fix these two (I don't think it succeeded). FF4 didn't need a remake either, but I enjoyed the remake nonetheless. FF5 could definitely use a remake especially since it was never popular in the west.

Whichever you played first.

Will ffxv be good

Depends on if you consider 84 on metacritic good.

Do you like type -0?

why are they rereleasing the shittiest game?

Oh, okay.
DS version tries to fix these two
Part of the reason the DS version screwed the gameplay was because Square couldn't at the time, make it so that there were more than three enemies on screen, so they simply buffed all the enemies.
As for story, see this:
They had plenty of cutscenes and party chats for the four main characters but backed out of it. Castle Hein, in particular was going to be extremely different.
That's partially why I asked about Ninja and your japanese skills, because I found this text with the Castle Hein stuff:

And Google Translate gave me this:
>I received a piece of crystal!
>The job change of a genjutsi has become possible!

Why is the soundtrack to Crystal Chronicles so comfy?

>DS version tries to fix these two
Forgot to highlight that part.


Yes. It took me a while to get into it. I can't really words what put me off in the beginning, maybe it was how each character always had a limited moveset or how you held circle to do a stream of attacks. It feels weird going from continuously pressing X in KH to just holding O, but I got used to it eventually, and ended up really enjoying it. Each character is very unique (though I found myself playing as Trey and Cater the most due to how powerful ranged is), the game is easily the most difficult FF game, in terms of world map, game progression, and endgame-related side quests, its the closest modern FF game to the PS1 trilogy, and the story is pretty good at times, mostly when its focused on how people instantly forget about others when they die, which is a really interesting plot device and makes for fun scenes.

why do missables guides only exist for the 3d era games?

There's lot of missable guides for FF1-6

I prefer Aeris to Aerith because Earith is too on the nose

hurr get it Aerith sounds like Earth and Cloud is referencing the sky and the endgame is about stopping a meteor and trying not to kill the planet's life blood and aliens and yadda yadda

I like you user
Type-0 is my favorite FF

I also had trouble getting into it because the game just throw you 14 characters with a different moveset each and let you decide who you want to play without explennation
Took a little while before adapting but once i did the gameplay got a lot better (played mainly ace, trei , and seven)
And the end of the story is my favorite vidya end of all time
it even made me shed a tear
Glad someone else than me enjoyed the game

But SE is finally done with Lightning's trilogy.

The game is tied with FF8 for comfiest FF game.

Unless I'm not remembering something, the only 3d FF game with real bullshit missables is X-2. Most other FF games don't really have missables, just really hard to discover secrets. Like in 2d games, there are tons of classes in FF5 you may not find on the first playthrough or tons of characters you may not find, but they aren't missable. They aren't as bullshit as Yuffie's mission and Yuffie actually is missable iirc.

I feel like FF7 onwards, the games were pretty much made so consumers would buy the official strategy guide in addition to the game. Its a total bullshit practice when you think about it, but back then, it made for holy moments when you discovered the secrets by yourself or when you heard about unlocking Vincent in some magazine or on the playground.

Which versions of 3 & 4 should I play?

What's your stance on the FFIII remake?
Would you a Viera?

Steam release of the 3D remakes.

Selkie > Viera > Mithra

but yes anyway

What's your take on XV? Just wanna hear someone else's opinion. Oh, and will you play it?


I think this is shaping up to be pretty good. After the clusterfuck that was RE6 they are being smart in going on the complete opposite direction. Thoughts?

thoughts on this guy?

Not OP but Sahz looks cool, I haven't gotten to his games yet though

Why did Venat attack the party in 12 multiple times if he presumably wanted them to reach the pharos and destroy the cryst?

Why did the final fight take place over rabanastre? Why did Ondore move his fleet so that the engagement would endanger the city? Especially heinous because the framing of the events paints the poor rabanastrans as in danger from the big evil airship crashing on them but apparently the blame is only on the empire?

fuck RE7
resident evil is iconic when it comes to characters.
all characters are loved and memorable.
by making it first person they completly fucked it up.
also there's the bad aftertaste of "let's ride this Outlast/Amnesia/Alien/PT train, oh also VR"
i hope it flops and REmake 2 will be glorious.

>finally done with Lightning's trilogy.
You know damn well I'm talking about 12. Even IZJS can't save that disaster

I think its going to be good after playing Type-0 and realizing the hold O to win isn't as bad as it seems.

My major gripes as of right now is that:

Noctis looks retarded flying all over the place just to damage a low-level monster out in the wild. His warp attacks only fit the rest of the tone when fighting a large unit of magitek soldiers or against a massive enemy like the leviathan, otherwise its just silly. Magic also feels really weird, but I like the direction they're going with it, making the rest of the environment affecting and also being affected by the magic spells.

I really don't like the art direction, especially when FF13 had great looking environments and models. I'm not talking about going into the very realistic territory, with like modern clothing and such, I'm talking about the more technical side. The hair in particular is god awful looking at times. FF has always been one of the most graphically impressive series.

Last major issue I have is how they turned FF15 into a multimedia series of all of a sudden. I really hope FF16 is far more "low key", no movie, no anime, just the game and that's it, not even any sequel unless the game calls for it. I would have loved to see scenes from kingsglaive or omen within the game itself, but this overexposure to Noctis and the rest of the universe has already made me less interested in it.

Not FF, but I'm cautiously interested in it.

He almost kills Vanille, one of the worst FF characters ever, so Sazh is cool in my book.

I wonder how Sazh feels about his chocobo chick turning into Chocolina?

>Vanille, one of the worst FF characters ever

why is ff a shallow shitty rpg.

I see. I do yearn for a more fantasy-esque environment. XIII is quite a spectacle in that sense. I hope the more linear segments of the game will have the more-to fantasy setting. Hopefully Tenebrae doesn't dissapoint. Magic I think is not really that hard, if you just lock and tap, it will throw the grenade at the target instead of the weird aiming mechanic. (if that's your gripe is).

>FF has always been one of the most graphically impressive series.
They really have massive problems with the in-house engine they used. Should've used a more established engine. Even 7R and KH uses U4. Nice confidence there SEnix.

>Last major issue I have is how they turned FF15 into a multimedia series of all of a sudden. I really hope FF16 is far more "low key", no movie, no anime, just the game and that's it, not even any sequel unless the game calls for it.
They really are banking on this to be the next VII. At least they did manage to pull some new audience for the series. Will this be a bad thing? Who knows, time will tell. Thanks for sharing OP.

is kuja going to be in dissidia ps4?

yes, all characters in dissidia psp are going to return eventually

When are we getting another Tactics game?

Two years on mobile devices

Was Marche wrong?

Do you agree that XIII > X?

what's your favorite monster

Which games are worth playing for someone new to the series at this point in time.

I think so.

Absolutely not.

I've always been fans of bombs.

Wait to see if the reviews of FF15 are good or not and then start there. If FF15 ends up being shit, go play Final Fantasy 10.

>Absolutely not.
Then you're absolutely fucking retarded, friend

good taste

do you like amano's art?

>If FF15 ends up being shit, go play Final Fantasy 10.
Am I alone in thinking 10 is a horrible first impression? It does a lot of things differently and takes some getting used to

Favorite class in Tactics?

Sometimes its amazing, other times its bland and repetitive. Overall, I like it. My favorite art work comes from Dissidia, Nomura basically taking Amano concepts and making them look like something that isn't chicken scratch.

All FF games do something differently. I see FFX as a good starting point because

>has been released on PC and PS3/4, as well as Vita, recently
>extensive tutorials in the game, you're allowed to fight a number of fiends on the crusader's computer terminals rather than risking a game over, these tutorials also teach you about status ailments and other elements of FF and JRPGs in general
>a good balance between modern (voice acting, visuals) and retro (turn-based, not open-world)
>easy at first, but with a number of difficulty spikes, and an extensive and really hard endgame
>the world of spira is the best put together imo

X is shit in general so no


so blue haired girl turns evil in kh3 right

I'm about to play Tactics for the first time, emulated

Any tips, tricks or things to know?

>Any tips, tricks or things to know?
Have multiple save files because there's some points where you will simply get stuck to the point the game could become unwinnable, and also there's a number of missables

Alchemist so pick up your sword man doesn't kill you in a duel

I have no idea what that means.


fucking hell

Anything that's important for an ultimate weapon or a class or a summon or something like that?

alchemist so "pick up your sword, ramza"-man doesn't kill you in a duel

who is your favorite villian?

i once played every final fantasy and almost every spinoff in a row, and killed the superboss in each as well. Took me 3 months straight, and I was NEET so I put in ~16 hour days. Shit was fun. Ever try any of the challenges like 1 whitemage FF1, or no materia FF7?

>still no answer for my qualms with 12

I'll pile on more.

Why was Larsa just standing around in broad daylight outside the bhujerba airport when the guards were everywhere and looking for him?

Why did he even go into the mines? Ostensibly it's to 'see the magicite' that Draklor is getting to make its nethicite. But what the hell did this accomplish at all? It's pointless and matters not for the rest of the game.

Why is a significant portion of the plot the subject of who would influence Larsa were he to replace Vayne as Emperor... but Vayne explained early in the game that Archadia is democratic and he only personally gets power because he goes full Caesar and becomes a sort of acting-war-chief for the duration of a conflict. How does this translate into Larsa having hereditary access to the throne?

Why does everyone forget about the great crystal when they cheer themselves for destroying all the deifacted nethicite?

Why is a major plot point the fact that Ondore can't publically help Ashe because it'd reveal he bent to the Empire and lied on their behalf? Who is he going to upset? People who already hate the empire and would expect them to pull an underhanded move? The resitance that's planning a betrayal alongside him? This makes no sense. Is it just a more elaborate roundabout way of the game developers excusing themselves by saying "A large force would attract too much attention, we need a small group like your party, that's why we can't give you hundreds of troops"

Why does Ashe spend the game from Jahara up to Giruvegan agonizing over whether to use the nethicite even though she immediately learned in Jahara that the nethicite she has is worthless? Sure the moral dilemma after giruvegan makes sense but up to that point she's whimpering over an empty gun.

why is terra considered waifu bait?

Can you give me a brief rundown of all the jobs in all of the games?