Look at this qt, she's from GOTY 2017

Look at this qt, she's from GOTY 2017.

Also, another BLUE REFLECTION thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


We barely know anything about it, there's nothing to discuss other than the pretty art or which girls you want to fuck/ship with each other


We've got a trailer now. I for one can't wait to be the magical lesbian.

>yet another must-have Sony exclusive

jesus christ I can only buy so many games

I ship them.

Who here /gust/

I really disliked Sophie so I might skip Firis which I already have negative impressions about. A shame since I liked all the previous Ateliers I played.

You don't deserve ateliers anyway. Go play neptunia.

>Not with the blonde lolis

Is Firis a good/going to be a good entry for someone new to the series? I have no idea where to start.

Will I know what to do if I import it? I know a little moonspeak, not much moonrunes.

PC? This looks cute and the enemy designs are awesome.

The twins need to engage in twincest. The MC can join in, but the main focus needs to be the twins fucking each other.

Firis is a sequel to Sophie so it'd be better to start with that. Atelier games work in trilogies where each set of 3 games are direct sequels with recurring characters than after 3 game they start over with a new universe. The trilogis available on PS3/PS4/Vita are
Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru
Ayesha -> Escha&Logy -> Shallie
Sophie -> Firis -> ???

Gust games are never released on PC and very unlikely to happen any time soon due to how they budget their games.

So, Sophie is a good choice for someone totally blind? I know I'm asking to be spoonfed but I've only just gotten interested and not sure where to go with my ps4.

fucking nips

Shirai Hinako x Saiki Yuri(her first name is fucking yuri)

But English when

Where did you get that Hinako keychain?

Don't digging the wubwubwub parts but I'll buy it for the music.

Do your reps.

No. It's not even out in the west. Go start with Rorona/Ayesha/Sophie.

It's like 800 yen at the gust shop, I was hoping to get Firis but it's not by set and you get it randomly so I got her.

It's good to begin with, tough I personally think it's a somewhat boring entry. All I'd say is if you end up not liking Sophie, don't write off the series because you might still like other Atelier games, since despite all being turn-based games about cute girls doing alchemy, they can be pretty different in story, difficulty and battles.

Gust games all get localized late, 2017 if we're lucky or early 2018

I hope it's not only these 3 that are playable. They're the only one we saw in mahou shoujo outfits and the only ones on the box art.

>not threesome with the twins


But in this case it's spelled ζœ‰η† which means rational instead of η™Ύεˆ which means lily and of course female to female romance. Chances are she's going to be more of a nerd than a superdyke.

Her bio says she has an IQ of 300