What does Sup Forums think about this game?

What does Sup Forums think about this game?

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Kill yourself

>tfw you will never be able to actually discuss this game

where does it say that in the post?
quit shitposting retard

Good game can be finished in about 15 hours.

I know that feel bro

>tfw too intelligent for video games

I played the shit out of it as a kid. Was great

I liked the first one, but I was also in Elementary school. It's time to grow up, OP.

I love XD

What the fuck even is a gale of darkness? Why didn't they just call it colosseum 2?


idk XD

how old are you m8?



n-no u

Is this a good team?


great game 10/10
best starter and best legendary loved it as a kid

Furry detected
Shellsmashing no fun sweeper smogonite
Haha so much fun spore spore spore kys
Shit design
Shitmon. Prepare to get thrashed



Lol XD

Overrated. On Gamecube, but even the GBC games had more content. And the battles were painfully slow.

Shadow mechanic was a gimmick and it only appealed to gen wuners

Gale of Darkness would be the storms that a shadow lugia can whip up in the lore, since Lugia's appearance alone can cause hurricanes. So it's a Gale of Darkness rather than a Gale.

Dark Winds of Dark Lugia was such a better name.

He's talking about ingame in GoD, dingus

you know i beat the game but i couldn't tell you a thing about it. i honestly don't remember shit about this game.

>it appealde to genwunners
that doesn't make any sense, where doy you get that?

Let's see your team then faggot

because all the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""shadow"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" pokemon are just re-colors of gen 1, plus the game LITERALLY has XD in the title

you didn't even play the game, this game has more gen 2 mons

Also, the moveset for each is this:

>Spikes, Surf, Ice Beam, Double Edge
>Return, Earthquake, Brick Break, Rest
>Thunder, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave, Double Edge
>Bite, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Charm
>Psychic, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Light Screen
>Sky Uppercut, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Stun Spore