Would anybody else pay good money for a 3rd?
Would anybody else pay good money for a 3rd?
We just gonna pretend the prequel never happened?
It'd be for the best to never mention Burch era Borderlands ever again.
Good money? No. Inevitable sale money? Yeah sure why not
With the way the gaming industry is pumping out trash I'd pay "good money" for another real Borderlands.
>Siren will never be fun for the first time again
>Have to beat it 3 times for it to be fun
Yeah, no.
Who says they can't change it up in the next? There is always room for improvement.
I'll pay money for another Tales from the Borderlands
not at all. enjoyed 1 quite a bit and was excited for 2, but it lost most of the charm the first had, and even more of the bad parts.
I think 2 was the best of them. I went back and played 1 and lost all interest really quick. Maybe 2's variety of content jaded me. 2 had a better story anyways.
>2 had a better story anyways.
If Gearbox can
-find a good balance between BL1's black humor and BL2's over-the-top characters
-make the talent trees more interesting and more useful talents
-bring the movement mechanics and cryo weapons from the pre-sequel to Pandora
-keep Anthony Burch and all the SJW bullshit out of the story
then I'll consider buying it.
After pre-sequel and the huge letdown that was Battleborn my hopes aren't high though. Which sucks, because both games are actually decent at their core, its just everything attached to them drags them down.
>Pre-sequel was short, the DLC's outside of the last one were a complete ripoff, the talent trees were pruned down significantly, Burch's writing was awful all around and the loot changes killed the game
>Battleborn had zero advertising prior to release, has a very busy and over-the-top design, is STILL poorly optimized and somehow got it in its head that it could compete with blizzard and have any sort of chance against Overwatch
I'm still sad about Battleborn. Had they actually put out some advertisements for the game, gotten more testing and polish in, waited a few months after Overwatch launched, and kept Randy Pitchford away from a microphone or twitter account it could have been great. Its still a great game, but its become a meme here on Sup Forums and the game's gonna die the second BL3 gets announced.
Burch supposedly now works at Riot. I would be more worried about Randy and whoever else at Gearbox being on his same line of thinking, however.
The only thing Battleborn has left to do is one character and a few more story missions.
At least we're getting Easter eggs out of it.
I got my fix with shadow warrior 2 desu
Wouldn't even pirate it to be quite frank with you
I would buy it if they had
-Better loot system, BL1 had a good loot system, BL2's loot system was terrible, millions of guns with .01% being good, that was my biggest gripe with BL2, nearly all the guns you got were shit with only a few being good and a select few being stupidly strong
-More balanced skill system, I liked BL2's skill system for the most part, but a lot of classes had a mix of downright useless skills and some outright OP skills i.e. money shot
-Story on par with Telltale's writing in TFTB. I really didn't mind BL2's story, it has it's moments of Gearbox writing, but it also had some humorous moments, it kind of balanced out for me, but Gearbox has gotten a lot worse since then
-Maybe some interesting new mechanics or something like that, maybe akin to the gravity stuff in TPS which I didn't play
-Almost forgot, no retarded level scaling, keep level scaling like it was in BL1.
I'll pay money for Gearbox to stop all games production
>Fix the writing. Like Tales from the Borderlands
Thats all I want, then I'll consider it.
You've spent around 40 days of your life playing them... how does that feel?
As long as a certain nu-male stays very very far away from it.
Time and money well spent imo.
He's busy ruining another company and crying about Trump's election.
So we will get a preachy faggot as the next champion?
I'd rather have tales from the borderlands 2
also rhysxsasha is cannon fionafags gtfo
It's gonna be voiced by Ashly
I'm always saddened how little good r34 there is of borderlands girls
user you just need to look harder, i have a shitton of good borderlands rule 34
>however, my definition of good is different than yours
No, Borderlands is cringe though the Glacier soundtrack is god-tier
I got 2 and The Pre-Sequel on sale and I feel ripped off so not really OP