Quest: collect 10 wolf's hearts

>quest: collect 10 wolf's hearts
>not 100% drop


>quest A: collect X object 1s
>quest B: colelct X object 2s
>Object 2 drops more than object 1
>There are more iterations of quest A than B



>collect 10 bear pelts
>"great I've collected like 14 already"
>only pelts collected after accepting the quest count

You're a fucking retard.

>spend day inside of a gamestip
>Sup Forums is a completely different experience

>>only pelts collected after accepting the quest count

Yeah, everyone knows only one in 4 wolves have hearts.

>slay some trash mobs
>nothing but beasts
>they drop gold
>and potions
>and armour

>dark souls
>spiders drop 2handers and spears

>Need 10 items from an enemy
>Enemy has a 4/10 chance of spawning
>Item has a 4/10 chance of dropping from said enemy

It's because you damaged the heart while fighting it.

>collect 20 wolf claws
>have to kill like 40 wolves for them

How is this thread related to videogames frogposter??

dumb facebookposter


>Ultimate weapon has 1/128 chance of dropping
>Enemy that drops it commonly spawns along worthless enemy that fucks your shit up

What games are you guys referring to?

If only you played more videogames, pepe, this wouldn't have happened.

Sometimes you damage them.

your games todd, they're all fucking garbage
