This game is bad!

>This game is bad!
>it's hard!

nobody says this

Yes a game can be bad if it has artificial difficulty

>this game is bad
>i think it has sjw undertones

Its hard cause of shit controls

>The game is bad!
>it's easy!


>This game is bad!
>I can't move while jumping!

>enemy jumps out of nowhere
>can't do anything about it

Nice game

Nigga I beat this shit with a keyboard the controls are fine

git gud.
Seriously, it isn't as random as people say. You have full control of where the jump will take you, every move is on your hands, don't blame the game for your mistakes.

>"i hate this game"
>"its overrated!"

These two are the worst. I've seen people say Siege and Dirty Bomb are SJW shit because they have black people and women.

>uses stock photo
>doesn't even pay for proper version

>This game is good
>Because it's fun

>This game is bad!
>It's because you like it.

>FF9 is better than 7!
>because FF7 is overrated!

What's this called?
A dagger
Ok that's my name now

Worst opinion.

Too bad 99% of the time someone claiming this is just shit and won't listen to reason when prove wrong.

Those folks are the worst, they can't enjoy anything because they see an enemy political agenda in everything.

>This game is bad!
>it's hard!
>but you're not using a lot of things in the game
>I shouldn't have to learn how to play a game, pretending it's another game should let me win
>devs, change the game so I don't have to! I don't care if it ruins the combat or breaks anything! Who cares about the people that learned it and already had fun?

>Brother refuses to play any game that doesn't have voice-acting.

And people like you are part of the opposite group: You deny that a political agenda is being pushed through the medium of video games. Dont know which of the two is worse. The paranoid one or the naive one. I think I prefer the nutjobs over the rainbow retards.

I'm just glad devs are starting to realize there isn't really any extra money in pandering to SJWs.

Please beat him to death for killing the CRPG genre and forcing the world to suffer through Kickstarted imitations.

>"I hate this game!
>"Because the graphics suck!"

This is a legitimate complaint tho

Even SJWs can admit Bayonetta is a good game before ranting about the narrative and oversexualization of the protagonist. 8gaggers can't even seperate their personal beliefs from discussions that generally attempt to be somewhat objective.

Can you imagine if liberals tried to call Mark Twain absolute irredeemable shit because his works were a tad bit racist? That's you, but wirse because narrative is only a meager fraction of a video game's worth.

The crpg genre was never alive to begin with.

>this game is good!
>it's hard
dark souls fags don't reply to me

>existential shit
>nothing about that smug staredown he's having with another protestor