I'm AlonelyBard by the way, say Hi or whatever

I'm AlonelyBard by the way, say Hi or whatever

Other urls found in this thread:


okay i'll join sounds fun


Got these games who wants to play?

2/4 Kirby air ride lobby going on in the discord,
join up

Join me I have 2/4 on kirby already


we can make it 4 now :D

Already winning

i beat cloudy

that's it

Air ride starting now!!!!


Who is it

Sure are you on discord

Look how much fun we're having!!

anyone playing any shooters?

yeah join the discord


I'll play timesplitters, can you set up a server?



bump and is this server still up? I wanna join too.

I'm up for Mario Kart.

time splitters server?

I can open my own server. you wanna join?


how did I lose connection?

The connection kept timing out. sorry.


for time splitters before it times out again. if it does you should host.

It timed out again goddamnit. someone else do this.

gonna test this shit, i have double dash, d.o.n and nba street 2.
who up

I have double dash. lets go. set it up

running nightfire: 44f12204
lets see if I can handle this

I need to download it first.


what just happened

glorious lag.

You needed to set the controller buffer. put up another id

Is there any way to play MH4 in netplay?

doubt it would help
but whatever.

>Foward port
You dont need to do any of that you autist. Just pick a vidya and host.

Nothing's happening, is the connection timed out?

tell me what number should i put on the buffer thingy

Traversal server, reset traversal settings, host,etc.

Also disable memory cards or have identical ones.

disabled, only thing i have is the cheat to unlock everything

I guess I'll figure this out later

Traversal connection. try to connect to me this time.


Double Dash test
I don't know how to use cheats so I have them disabled, along with memory cards.

scratch that. I'm going to join please. some video game time pls

Are you using 5.0? It's not loading.

i cant even enter that room lmao

Test failed. Saw a connection but they timed out twice (showed up for a split second).
It is 5.0

NEW CODE for testing
Same results might happen.

are you on traversal for connecting? Make sure it isn't direct connection.

Do you have widescreen on? Another person has connected fine.


(dolphin stopped responding)


Can a ps4 controller mapped to gamecube controls feel good?


Just get ScpToolkit.

Host here.
Did Van Darkholme get kicked out as I started the game?

my connection died

Here is another code for testing.
After this I might try SSX Tricky/3/On Tour netplay Or Tony Hawks/Aggressive Inline.


I see you trying to connect. This is strange. I have changed no setting.

gonna try Double dash again, if it doesn't work, i give up

I'm already in a mario kart game. try to join

.Ranmafag has finally created a joinable game.

>my new GPU/CPU will be in by the end of this month
>Just in time to play comfy games with my Sup Forumsros around Christmas time
I'll see you then, guys

well, even with that massive fucking lag and desync, it worked.
gonna bump these threads more often

SSX Tricky test
Since I know I can create a joinable room, this might be fun.

For connecting, sometimes it allows you to join by random chance.

Well I guess people would rather play the PS2 version then.
