This is your coop op partner for tonight
This is your coop op partner for tonight
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She's actually my daughterfu and it's a school night so she's done playing at midnight.
i am now boarding the 5 train to's apartment
She's 19 user.
ur cute
post more gremlin
C-can we be coop partners forever?
>implying she's not living at home while going to college
I'm keeping a close eye out
Can I have this one instead?
I second this.
can i call her mommy?
the only thing im really doing is masturbating so she can help me all she likes
Where do I find a girlfriend like Dva?
Good, I suck at Trials and want to go to the Lighthouse.
I want to know this too.
Call me a heretic, but I like how thick Orange makes Zarya
Makes her a bit more soft and feminine while still being beefy
Asses too big.
ireland pls
Make those asses bigger ASAP
Delet this
user stronk-thicc is elder god tier. Literal perfection of the female form which is why it doesn't exist
>tfw have to wait until tomorrow before buying OW
Why is capitalized cuck filtered anyway
>Zaryafags shitting up yet another thread
Good going faggots
>not playing Zarya because "ieeeuw muskles"
>best tank since she can protect other players from a distance
Just try it. The only place Zarya doesn't work is in a bot match since the bots never fire at her shields.
Wha the fuck
Zarya is NOT that fat and disgusting, fuck that awful artist.
I know you mean that as a insult, but the existence of that term is essentially a formal recognition of Zarya's waifuhood. This makes me happy.
I've been playing as her in about half my games tonight anyway.