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Swap System Shock with Doom
Fact, and it shows how PC gaming is fucking shit now compared to what it used to be
Trinity of Decaying Garbage
what's your obsession with the number 3 you fucks
there were way more than 3 good pc games at the time of their release
>no HL
All overrated garbage.
I'm not crazy about the bottom 2 and I didn't play the top one.
I would probably have brood war in there somewhere and maybe BG2. I just think you basically have the same general game 3 times.
>single player games
Swap out thief with vtmb.
Doom supported all these. That would throw the balance of the whole triangle.
I'm not even sure what to compare Doom to. It'd have to exist in a different genera and time. Something like:
>Command and Conquer
>Bitches about single player
>Tries to post muh multiplyer pwnage
>Includes Fallout and Morowind
>And some fucking moontune game
What are you getting at user?
You guys really overvalue story driven fps games imo. I played them at the time and honestly think half life 1 and 2 as well as games like bioshock are all pretty dogshit.
For what purpose? Thief The Dark Project deserves to be listed a lot more than SS2 does if we're going to cut something.
Whre the fuck is Doom and Runescape?
I like SP games but I don't think they're the be all end all, king of pc gaming experiences. OP listed 3 great games but to say they're the best 3 ever is purely subjective. It's like all these Doomfags itt who prefer it to Quake, purely subjective.
diablo 2, mega race, that one game where you play the mouse getting the cheese that came with old windows
Becasue HL1 did something much different than those other games you just mentioned. HL1 did an amazing job of letting the setting tell the story. Black Mesa is iconic because of way the story flowed seamlessly at it was shown and never, ever, told to you. There were two really true "cut scenes" in the game, and one of them was with the G-man.
HL2 was a shit show as people read novels of dialogue at you and tried to make you bond with characters like some Final Fantasy game. Why do I have Alex memeing at me in Ravenholm. Instead of showing me why we don't go to Ravenholm anymore, the bitch just says it. The team working on HL2 fucked it up.
Why was Bioshock dogshit? Yes they fucked up the ending with Fontaine, but was it dogshit? Was Fort Frolic dogshit?
holy fuck, did you mean genre?
Because all 3 of those games have really poor gunplay and enemy/encounter design. The combat aka what I consider the meat of the game is pretty crap and is more of a vehicle to tell a middling story.
I read enough that I don't generally look to vidya for my stories.
>that image
my nigga i want to kiss you
Hm, interesting opinion. What are games with good gunplay, according to you?.
>Deus Ex and SS2
>literally two of the best games ever made
Is Thief 2 really that good?
Vanquish, Stalker, Unreal, Quake, hell I'd even rather play through Halo again than any of the 3 I listed earlier. I'm sure I could come up with more but that's all that's coming right off the top of my head.
>New Vegas
It's just as bad as Fallout 3, I don't get why you fags suck its dick so hard.
Do you like sneaking?
Of course you do.
Thief 2 does it best.
>new vegas
>as bad as fo3
it really isnt. anyway this is more of a personal list of games i put the most time in to and i put a ridiculous amount in to fo1+2 when they came out.
>low level bait
take this (you) and fuck off.
system shock 2 is not really that good a game and has certainly aged the worst of the 3. there are so many bad builds in ss2 it's ridic
The writing is marginally better but the gameplay is just as awful.
SS1 > SS2
Literally was about to put this same exact thing. SS1 is so much better outside of controls, and even then you can get around the bad controls by changing the control file or using a Steam controller.
Yuu know that you define gameplay in bethesda games by yourself?
You can shoot, can stab, can sneak and also talk and let your partners do all your job.
You don't need to kill legendary deathclaw to complete game.
>No forged alliance
Fuck off
writing is infinitely better. the factions, characters, lore, literally everything about the world they built in nv is better than fo3. not to mention how skills affect dialogue, crafting or the companions or main story which actually arent awful like they were in fo3. gotta be trolling because i could go on about how fo3 is worse but no TUNNEL SNAKES RULE
>not total annihilation
no you fuck off
you have the option of using vats or going real time. that's enough for me in fallout. and the writing is much better, really.
Deus Ex/System Shock 2/Portal
Yes, with no qualifications. It is as fundamental to the modern industry as Half-Life or Deus-Ex, even with acknowledging (and ignoring) that it directly inspired both of them.