Which version of final fantasy 3 and 4 should I play?

Which version of final fantasy 3 and 4 should I play?

3: DS
4: DS/Steam for challenge and low-poly 3D, PSP for character switching and 2D sprites

Play III on DS, I don't know what to recommend for IV, all I can say is play it on DS if you want to rip your testicles off in frustration.

3: NES


Going to play FF I and II for the first time; NES, PS1 or GBA versions?

Play Dragon Quest 3 instead

PS1. GBA is stuck on babby mode.


Both 4 DS and 4 PSP are great for different reasons so pick which ever one appeals to you the most.

PS1 is best

NES is great and all but missing some welcome flavor and quality of life stuff that PS1 brings with it

GBA and onward all fucked up the magic system

But one question, how is the load times?

Tolerable, not as bad as the later anthologies.

WSC version is also acceptable if you can read moon

Okay but i already started the game on the psp a while ago, but some time after i finish it i'll give it a try on my fourth playthrough

NES, the DS port sucks cock and broke a lot of things, including the original game's encounter balance.

Fantranslated SNES OR PS1, then DS, then PSP if you want to play TAY. FF2 US and every port of FF4 after the PS1 are all gimped versions of the original game and do not represent it properly.

NES is easier/more player friendly. If you don't mind the difficulty, get the steam version of III so you aren't entirely locked out of new sidequests.

IV: If you don't care that much about translation, the PSP version is the mot complete, having the main game and the After Years. DS also has enough differences that it's worth a look.

DS if you're man enough to handle the difficulty.


I suggest the NES, since the DS/all versions based on the DS version have this annoying system where your stats get nerfed when changing jobs, and the first few times you change into a specific job it takes longer for them to un-nerf (gotta fight a specific amount of battles) which just makes no sense.


Do you know Nip? If so, the Japanese SFC hard type version. If you don't, then you're fucked if you want the old gameplay with a good script. The best English localization for the game is the DS version, though the gameis wildly different from the older versions. If you want the older version's gameplay then play the PSX version or the PSP version. The PSX version has a pretty bad localization, getting nearly as bad as the J2e fan "translation" at times (seriously, don't play that unless you want a laugh, it's clear that they didn't know Japanese). The GBA version's localization is based on the PSX's but touched up a bit. The game has issues that make it easier than it should be though. The PSP version doesn't as far as I can recall, and it's script is further touched up from the GBA version.

So basically, PSX/PSP version for the old gameplay, the DS version for a more faithful localization, the Japanese SFC hardtype version if you can into Nihongo.

It's not even that hard

Well, GBA has added content, so I would recommend that. It's a bit easier and the magic system is different, but then the magic system in the original isn't all that great anyway. That and no loading times

NES version is the best.

I don't think you're going to get much better than the PSP version, it's pretty based.

PSP for both

PSP version you cuck

>Wow, the GBA has some shitty uninspired extra dungeons that reuse tilesets from existing dungeons

>That's totally worth the fucked balance and less interesting magic system