ITT: Video game characters who you would immediately suck their dick

>ITT: Video game characters who you would immediately suck their dick.

Pic related.



Since I'm not gay I'd only suck the dick of a futa or a particularly cute trap, unfortunately non-eroge don't have this kind of characters.



>I'm not gay, but here's a list of situations where I would strongly consider sucking dick


There's nothing inherently gay about dicks, it's the male body that makes it gay.

It's the dick that makes a body male.

Come on it's 2016.

>Tfw Bigby will never by real

What's even the point in going on



So if I cut off your dick, you're suddenly not male anymore?

thinking about it

will the phrase "come on it's 2017" gain any new meanings? you know, with the whole trumpocalypse going on and all

oh shit we got a philospoher here

>tfw you'll never be a master race eunuchus free of the burdens of lust



You're catching on

>you will never

it's not impossible to do

Do transgender operations really imply cutting your weenus off?

Do slimes have dicks?

Dwarves have the biggest cocks: fact

It's too late for it to have any effect. Back then the operation was done right before puberty.





Was about to post this

post it

You will never chock on Poison's feminine cock

Fucking kill me

Poison is post-op, idiot.


What would it even look like? A shriveled and dried Vienna sausage?