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Rainbow Six Siege and DLC thread
Play it again recently. It's shit.
New nip waifu is a qt and Twitch finally got the makeover she deserves
Hopefully Valkyrie gets a bit of a touch up too
I hope tachanka gets a bikini skin
I don't like how "sci-fi" the operator's gadgets are becoming. The defender gets a drone that cloaks and the attacker's gun looks like something out of Titanfall. I'm hyped for his update still, but what happened to the "reality" of this game?
New to Tom Clancy games?
I think I love Rainbow Six Siege how about that you fucking buttfucker
Is the PC community still dead? At least when it comes to ranked play?
The tachanka buff we deserve
Right, because R6 has always been realistic and super serious
valkyrie is already waifu tier
Ranked and casual are both pretty active and only growing since the latest tourey and Red Crow announcement+free weekend. R6 Siege was dead on arrival and has only ressurected itself since then. It's a dream come true for /r6g/
Fuck off reddit
>tfw when they just announced another year of free DLC and support after 4 seasons
How the fuck did Ubi let them get away with this. They were so happy and heartfelt during the announcement too. They really wanted R6 to survive and it has. We did it boys.
Its too bad it took them like 6 months to fix the huge hacking problem on PC when it first came out. Gonna try to get back into it though.
You're not wrong. Ever since BattleEye though it's been the smoothing sailing. It's like a dream come true. Ranked used to be unplayable.
I fucking can't wait for this shit man. I don't have the pass, but I'm gonna queue up with my main nigga and make him play the new ops.
>shoot hibana gadget at the wall
>destroy all but 1 or 2 of the charges so it makes a small hole, detonate
>stick a blackbeard in front of said hole
I'm fucking pumped.
Im really excited for the new characters but I just know that for the first 2 weeks its gonna be literally impossible to play them since if you choose them some asspained teammate just TKs you.
Well yeah, it was
Eh nobody plays it anymore on Ps4 so it's pretty much only alive on PC
Yeah, I was fully expecting an R6 Siege 2 plus new season pass.
Instead it's just more maps, and another season pass to skip the renown grind.
When are the nips coming?
MOBA would imply you can choose picks to counter the opponent though
>guy with a vagina
Valkyrie is a boy(female)
Her face is cute as fuck though, and I like muscles+tattoos
>American exclusive weapon is of german origin
Valk is top tier just because she looks like she's actually strong enough to operate, unlike the rest of the cheesecake.
Please respect valkyries gender identity, he's a boy now even if he's biologically female
If you extract the models and remove the clothing, you can see the reference vagina model. Not incredibly detailed, but still there.
Excuse me?
Ash > IQ > Twitch >>>>> Valkyrie
I have a penis but I'm still a girl(male) valkyrie is just a boy (female)
Twitch was perfect before. Now she's going to look like a whore.
>Twitch was perfect before
In cheesecake terms sure, but in ranking to how realistically functional these women look, it'd be:
Valkyrie >>>>>>>> Twitch > Ash > IQ
Valk actually looks built for combat. The rest generally look like they walked out of a salon and put on operator gear.
Know how I know you don't even operate?
cute lips, I wanna kiss you
guess she fits the prostitute look most french women go for
God they ruined her
No time to waste, hostages need to be saved
What's with this sentiment today? /r6g/ said the same. Twitch was an ugly boy, get over it. I've been around since launch, Twitch has always looked retarded. Although I will admit the lipstick is a bit overboard, the overhaul is better than what we've had before.
For me personally, it's too far the other way. I'd rather have an ugly turtle lady than a tarted up tryhard like this. It reminds me of a lot of the cosmetics in this game, there's no real good subtle or realistic ones, just over the top shit.
"Oh gee fucking wiz I hope Montagne notices me"
1. that eyeliner looks horribly applied
2. any makeup on an operator is retarded, especially lipstick
3. my DICK
She looks normal right now. Who cares what she looks like under a balaclava anyway? She's there to operate, not go on a date.
I was gonna buy it after the free weekend but I don't have any friends to play with and I don't think I'd be able to stomach playing many hours of the game alone.
I'll just wait till the next sale.
>implying he isn't a fag with a tiny penis who has to overcompensate with a big shield
You're boring.
r6g has a teamspeak. I was the same way; I didn't want to play alone so I looked around for a teamspeak to join. Now I only really play when I can get a group of at least two others
>new map
boring and predictable
mite b cool
Boring but probably OP
Mostly looking forward to the quality of life improvements in the patch.
Echo seems pretty good. His Drone can turn invisible, can stun, and can act as a mobile camera.
I don't remember Hibana's ability. isn't it just a long range version of Thermite's ability but it takes longer?
Rainbow Six Siege is currently going for $18.73 on G2A, thats as low as it will get, plus you will be joining will alot of others that just got it since the free weekend
>he thinks r6s used to be realistic in any way
Valk is perfect
Just need to tone down the lipstick. She used to be the 5th lost ninja turtle
He's a cute boy(female) just like iq is a cute girl(male)
Kind of. Her ability shoots 6 of these circular pod things that breach reinforced walls, but they make a hole that's only big enough to see/shoot through, not to actually enter. Gonna be interesting to see the applications of it and the effect on gameplay. I'm predicting that this coupled with echo is going to strengthen the roaming meta for defenders.
She's basically a 1.5 thermite breach. Can either make a fuckton murder holes or a few but a big vaultable hole
You dont
Is Hibana defense or did they mix it up this time? Because I can't see much application in putting holes in your own reinforced walls.
Echo Defense
Hibana Offence
Wish you could change operatives during the setup phase in the offchance someone doesn't pick an op that complements yours.
Oh good. I just thought because so far it's been male offense female defense.
I just started playing this game and man people are fucking retarded
I'm playing casuals to level up and half the time people are afk or legit blind and deaf.
Please tell me it gets better.
You can always alt enter before the game starts
the r34 of this game is excellent
You're gonna hit this violent swing, in my experience. Starting out, you're in the retard soup. A soup so thick that you'll sink in unless you get lucky enough to have the less retarded people on your side by chance. You won't be good enough to carry, so this phase feels like shit.
Then you're gonna hit the switch. Matchmaking is gonna just give up and drop a bunch of ranked fags on you because it sees you as closer in skill to them than the retards, and you're just gonna get your ass handed to you unless you play on a day/time when the queue can more accurately give you good competition.
The fine line of a good game in between is so fucking rare, but it's awesome when you get it.
>tfw 9 rounds on Favela
When are the Japs being released? Haven't played it since the BRs, and I wanna get back into it.
17th if you accepted the Jews and 24th for everyone else.
>dream come true for /r6g/
they all went ape shit with discord/teamspeak drama and muh sekretclub right now
Does that mean it's the 17th for Season Pass owners and 24th for the rest? The map should be available on the 17th then?
I got the game with the Season Pass for like an extra $5 or whatever on a Steam sale, so playing the nips earlier is going to be nice.
It only gets worse considering it places you judged by your level meaning I get constantly placed with the most sweaty esports fags who unironically play this fucking buggy pile of shit competitively
I remember when the game was really in limbo later into black ice, glad it's back.
>mfw season pass i got on special for like $10
You just get access to the operators 7 days early, the map comes out on the 24th.
That's less exciting then. Probably still going to play it, but I was more excited for the map.
Was doc always able to heal himself? I don't remember that being a feature but it seems like something new they added. Same with the impact grenada.
it's new, he also wasn't able to heal others, he used to only be able to bring back up injured people, he could heal himself while injured though.
impact grenades and claymores are also new
the heal seems kinda OP. They should have left that out. It's not fair that the defenders can get not only a health restore but armor now to.
Hibana looks awful and her hood is seriously out of play
>mfw we are getting two maps this time since they are porting the university from the final situation to MP
not really. they said bartlett comes out in patch 5.2 which is sometime after red crow.
g2a seems to be down right now
I thought it was out with the season finale.
That lipstick is optional, right?
thats how eyesight works
t. blind
While true, not every game needs to be completely realistic in that regard. It's also a bit too exaggerated on Siege, specially because of how long it takes for your vision to adjust to the light and how reaction times matter in this game.
doc was kinda shit before, it's not that OP
>Heal doesn't really do much and is also very finnicky when your teammates are spastics that can't stay still for half a second
>Even when reviving himself or others they still take like four seconds to get up off the ground
>Doc can't save them from insta-death after the first knockdown
The heal isn't op. It's a nice tool, but Doc is really limited to compensate for this and he has a tough time in most confrontations. Most of the time when I see a team with a Doc he's dead before he even has the chance to help anybody.
>Most of the time when I see a team with a Doc he's dead before he even has the chance to help anybody.
That's the main problem with Doc IMO. In order to be useful, he kinda needs to stay back doing nothing so he doesn't die, and then he can only help if his team is losing. It's better to get an operator that can actively help and make sure you don't have to rely on Doc to try to fix shit up after doing fuck all. The self-heal is sorta useful for a more active role though.
Do you like that lipstick user? how does your dick feel?