Draw your sword, Ramza

Draw your sword, Ramza.

FFT thread. FFTA and Tactics Ogre only slightly allowed. Disgaea is banned.

Other urls found in this thread:


>switch is released
>FFTA: 3 is a launch title
>FFTAs story
>FFTA2s class, quest and equipment variety
>FFTs art style
>online guild wars


of course it's never ever, FFT/A1's director was fired from Square Enix nearly 10 years ago

blame yourself or god

>shit ton of shitty PS3 games getting PS4 HD remasters
>no one bothers putting out an HD remaster of FFT with a trophy list for the PS4 or Vita
Why is the universe so terrible? Shit just give me War of the Lions with a trophy list at the very least.

Thinking about it Ramza was a punk
>Fuck orders
>Fuck family
>Fuck Algus for thinking differently

What about A2s?

Kek'd heartily

why would you need that faggot did you not play A2?

Sorry I can't hear you over how many people I'm carrying right now

Does anyone have this art in 1920x1080? I've been looking through google and can only find blurry, shitty versions. I quite like it.

>FFTA2s class, quest and equipment variety

Literally could not get used to this shit. I loved the original FFT and even the War of the Lions version but twice now over the past decade I have tried to play A2 and only got a few hours in before I gave up.

>only slightly allowed

Why restrict the better game, OP?

A2 was a super polished game but something about it just never captured what was interesting about FFT (the world building, the lore, the 2D sprites on 3D field, etc.) and FFTA (the story).

It seems the director of A2 is a literal nobody who doesn't even have a wikipedia page, Yuichi Murasawa.


Looks like he did the interface for FF14:ARR as early as 2013, so I imagine he's still at Square. Could be wrong... but on the other hand interface work is bitch work, nothing like being a director of a whole game. I think he got demoted.

>Fuck orders
Yeah, pretty much a punk
>Fuck family
He watched his brother order his adopted sister's death. I'd say fuck family too.
>Fuck Algus
See above. Plus, dude was a twat.

>with a trophy list
Who the fuck cares?

Never played a Final Fantasy Tactics game. Which one is the best one? Need something new to play.

>muh cheevos

FFT ps1 version or War of the Lions if you have a vita m8. I've played the vita version a few weeks ago and its still great, we're not just nostalgiafagging.

This is the largest one I seem to have, bro

Too much party choice? Man FF games with a fuckload of choice are the best, titles like III, V and X-2 are my favorite mainstream games. FFTA2 is a fucking treat.

The original, hands down. Also, do yourself a favor and not read any faqs/guides. It's admittedly a poorly balanced game that's a lot more fun when you don't know all the optimal builds. Also, save before every battle. Also, when you're forced into several battles in a row, do you in-between saves in a different slot.

Shame, A2 gameplay wise was pretty much perfect for SRPG. The only weak point of that game was the main story, the side ones were great too.

Is tactics on the ps4 store or any pc marketplace?

>Have a team of soldiers I've trained and served with since the start of the war.
>They all get replaced by hero characters.

Cool thanks guys. Got a rom downloading now.

>Trump in tactics style

Fuck me, the 2016 election is the gift that keeps on giving

>Shame, A2 gameplay wise was pretty much perfect for SRPG.
This game has a fucking modding community, why doesn't some broke ass indie game studio just make a carbon copy with modding capability, they'd never have to work again after release.

For me it was needing equipment to learn abilities and not just job points like the original. Shit drives me fucking insane.

I liked the idea of unlocking classes through quests though and I liked the barter? system where you trade items for ??? loot.

>PS1 game

>cloning FFTA2 and not FFT

2D isometric is garbage because you can't even rotate the map. Not to mention map design is usually awful because it's designed in a way not to obscure the units (since there's no rotation), which leads to "rolling hills" type maps. It's just bad

Oh you mean the Bazaar yeah that was pretty intuitive. I can totally see why the ability unlock system would turn people off though.

Because noone thinks of the fucking maps when they talk about A1 or A2 they're referring to the gameplay and mechanics you retard.

FFT has the best story and a nice challenge

FFTA has a pretty good story and adds some quality-of-life changes to make the game a bit easier to get into, though the Law system can really fuck you if you ignore it

FFTA2 improves everything about the gameplay of Advance, but kinda removes the story component


Because FFTA2 is the better game. FFT is the better... book. Gameplay wise it's the least interesting of the three.

Hell, I didnt even mind the story. I found it to just be a pretty chill game. I can see why in contrast to the original people may be disappointed.

Exactly as you say buddy, literally cannot disagree.

>maps are not part of the mechanics

I'm afraid you're the retard here. Height system, obstacles, impassable terrain, and even tile identity (for geomancy) is part of mechanics.

That's primarily why Banner Saga (and every other flat tactics RPG) is boring as fuck. Maps matter.

I liked it better personally, made me use a variety of equipment instead of just minmaxing, but it's probably a bad opinion

>comparing lightweight handheldshit to a console game

next thing you're going to tell me is that Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town is better than HM: Back to Nature

Good thing FFTA/2 do literally everything else gameplay related better than FFT, then, or it might be a significant issue.

So does everything else invovling mechanics you nutcase. FFTA2 objectively perfects the gameplay you nostalgiahomosexualniggerfaggotfuckingpieceofcockdoodoobatshithonkeywoman

Shit, meant

>but it's probably a bad opinion
No it's an objectively good opinion. People who shit on A2 have either never played it or heavy nostalgia fags. Minmaxing is what makes alot of JRPGs boring and if it weren't for FFTs story it would have been incredibly generic.

>No new SRPGs.
>No new FFT on the horizon.


yes I forgot the "learn Ultima____ ability" and spam it, massive combat depth

>race based class system
more dumb mechanical shit

>keeping the remnant of the law system
even more dumb mechanical shit

I don't know why anyone in their right mind would call these mechanical changes positive.

The worst part about SE is that they've totally killed the Tactics spin offs and after getting the rights to Tactics Ogre making no new games.

If an incredibly niche game like Disgaea can still get new games made then why can't something with the FF name?

You don't gotta be a cheerleader for your favorite company, my boy. Good games come out on all sorts of platforms.

>FFTA2 objectively perfects the gameplay you nostalgiahomosexualniggerfaggotfuckingpieceofcockdoodoobatshithonkeywoman

I didn't realize winter break was already out for school children. Then again why am I surprised, that's the demographic Advance targeted.

>yes I forgot the "learn Ultima____ ability" and spam it, massive combat depth
As opposed to "Pick Calculator"
Strong ass argument there my man

>race based class system
If you don't understand the design benefits of gating specific ability sets to specific demographics then I can't help you

>Law System
Literally more interesting than anything FFT did, FFTA2's biggest gameplay sin is nerfing the Law system to such an irrelevant state

>Good games come out on all sorts of platforms.

Yes, and a game released on a platform with lower RAM, lower CPU, lower storage memory, lower resolution, etc. is struggling uphill.

That's why phone gaming is largely laughable.

Too bad good tactical RPGs don't come out on PC. There are a variety of hybrids (Banner Saga is Oregon Trail TRPG, Invisible Inc. is stealth TRPG, and Massive Chalice is XCOM TRPG) but none of them focus on being an RPG.

Tactics needs more named and playable waifus.

Good good are you retarded?

It has a couple


>Yes, and a game released on a platform with lower RAM, lower CPU, lower storage memory, lower resolution, etc. is struggling uphill.
So you're stating FFT is worse than any modern TRPG because its specs are lower? That's a pretty insane statement. Limitation breeds creativity, and less resources don't make for a worse game any more than more resources make for a good one. If you're such a PC buff, try emulating FFTA some time. If you enjoyed FFT's gameplay you'll have a dandy time, SNES tier specs or no.

Do you know how to read? I never said "too many mechanics," I called out garbage mechanics.

Just like the Mako in Mass Effect is a garbage mechanic, and so is the fact that the curse status effect from Basilisks in Dark Souls 1 is more dangerous than many of the game's bosses. More does not equal better.

>If you don't understand the design benefits of gating specific ability sets to specific demographics then I can't help you

You're the one who hasn't thought it out. The game split what was previously hume-only into multiple races to add stupid clauses to the law system, ex. "do not attack bangaa." So what do you do? Bring out more bangaa. But that means you keep redundant characters, such as both a bangaa fighter and a hume fighter, gearing up both, training both, because of the law system.

No thanks, that's bad design.

>Literally more interesting than anything FFT did, FFTA2's biggest gameplay sin is nerfing the Law system to such an irrelevant state

Now I'm convinced that I'm being trolled because there is no one on this earth that thinks the law system is a good system. Not in nearly 10 years on Sup Forums have I ever seen anyone say that.

Done responding to you pal, good bait

>try emulating FFTA some time.

I've finished it twice. I've also finished FFTA2 twice. And then I've finished base/WOTL FFT around ten times, plus one for the 1.3 mod and plus one for Monster Tactics mod. And after playing those multiple times, the only conclusion I can reach is that FFT is a far stronger game than the other two.

>So you're stating FFT is worse than any modern TRPG because its specs are lower?

The specs are a cap. For example, FFT can do 3D map rotation while FFTA2 and FFTA1 cannot. That is a limitation that is hit, and the two latter games suffer immensely from it.

It's funny because of the 3 hybrid games I mentioned, only 1 of them is 3D, and it has more interesting map design despite the fact that all of them are mediocre.


this much mad

>As opposed to "Pick Calculator"

Way to show everyone that you've never actually played the game.

how many babies did alma have after the end of ftt

I remember a summer off from school where all I did was smoke weed and catch weapons from the ninjas in deep dungeon. Also putting boss enemies to sleep and stealing extremely rare weapons and armor at early levels will never get old.

I've only played FFT once and I kinda went all-out with class grinding. If I ever replay it, what are some fun classes to use with minimal grinding?


Theif so you can steal shit. Archers are extremely useful because of their dick range from high locations. Summoners/mages with shortened CT skill decimate everything. Monks (especially with Ramza) for high att pwr, chakra move, and earth slash skill.

all the characters in tactics ogre were so fucking forgettable. i only remember the main character, the bitchy princess/sister, the pyscopath that always took the opposite path you did and lady ravness due to her delicious legs

>Disgaea is banned
You'll never silence me.
I've played FFTA and FFTA2, should I play Tactics Ogre or FFT next?
Also have any of you played Phantom Brave? It's a really unique SRPG that ditches the grid, I wish more people played it.

>If I ever replay it, what are some fun classes to use with minimal grinding?

Monk, Thief, White Mage, Ninja

Most people unlock Ninja and grind dual wield out of it, but if you just play it as a base class you'll have native access to the skill. Throwing stuff is pretty fun, but possibly expensive. Unless you're throwing weapons your Thief has stolen, that is

I think that blinded/slept enemies are more prone to steal, so maybe you could roll with an Oracle too

>forgetting A-Loser
PSP version renames her to Arycelle... holy shit, how did that original translation happen for SNES?

Disgaea looks and sounds like everything I want, but it feels souless when I'm actually playing it. I think it's just me, but I wish it wasn't :(

>NIS shill
As for FFT or TO:LUCT I'd personally recommend LUCT, but they are very similar. I just can't get enough of the art.
Real cool dudes play Ogre Battle 64.

>tfw no Canopus lewds

I'm the same way, but fortunately I have a borderline autistic friend that spent over 30 hours grinding before Dorter to build his perfect party.

Arycelle was the best character in the game, for me at least.
>Dem stats
>Give her a great bow
>That damage
She could one-shot even medum tier enemies.

I dont care what anyone says. Disgaeas characters are shit and character/humor is major class weaboo trash.

>just got to the part with the gallows trap after recruiting holy knight grill
>somehow become suddenly horribly underlevelled and have to grind to make up the difference
>havent played in weeks because i know all thats waiting for me is more grinding mindflayers which endlessly cast berserk and confuse

Exactly, I figured it would be perfect for me. But the game just feels like I'm pressing buttons.

>FFT's useless archer class vs. Tactics Ogre archer

Also that beautifully orchestrated tactics soundtrack compared to the wonky cartoony soundtrack of disgaea doesnt help their case much either.

Jump up the gate and doink those time mages homie then just hold the routes up and butt fuck Cuckgarrion while he fucks about under you trying to get night sword to work.

>FFTA3 never ever
>now we just get Bravely

Its not the same Square Enix-sama..

>let us cling together

i vaguely remembered her now but i don't think she was even important to the plot

there was also that semen demon (ozma?) whose name i probably remember due to the ff9 stupid ball boss. but yeah, overall very forgettable cast of characters

i remember before luct came out, people saying that tactics ogre had much better characters and story than fft. so much bullshit. it's the typical case of weebs claiming it was better because most people didn't have access to it. the gameplay was worse too, and don't even get me started on how retarded the ui for that game was

>the sound quality on WoTL

Holy fuck, what a disaster.

Still, I enjoyed grinding like an autist and having four dark knights in the middle of the game. Speaking of which, it's kind of bullshit you couldn't be a holy knight class.

I think you have a serious case of nostalgia.

>'s the typical case of weebs claiming it was better
You don't know what you are talking about. Also, maybe if you didn't skipped over the dialogue in the story, you would had remember the characters better.

Considering how similar the games are, I'm pretty sure you're somehow biased.

Tactics Ogre is better than FFT in almost every way i m h o t b q h

Played Ogre before FFT, and I just couldn't get into FFT at all.
Storytelling was a clusterfuck of a mess with Ramza being a literally nobody the entire game, the whole story got really dull once they introduced the zodiac mystical junk. I also didn't like how the side characters "disappear" from the main plot once they join your army. And I didn't like how the merc army or whatever Ramza was controlling, was mystically missing from the storytelling itself. Its like they are just hiding in his pockets and pop out when there's battle, so most of the time it felt like it was just Ramza + one side character, doing something.
Delita was literally the only reason I bothered to finish the game.

Combat at its core was great, much deeper than Ogre for sure, but all the fun was sucked out of it due to how slow the turns take. Was really hard not to blast through the entire game with turbo mode on.

But then again, Ogre did get an actual fucking remaster/remake for PSP while FFT was a sloppy port + cutscenes. Maybe its different when comparing to the PS1 versions only.

FFT shits so hard on LUCT it's not even funny. They might both be subpar SRPGs, but at the end of the day LUCT will forever be a proto-FFT.

>n was sucked out of it due to how slow the turns take. Was really hard not to blast through the entire game with turbo mode on.
> PSP while FFT was a sloppy port + cutscenes.

They literally dropped the ball with War of the Lions by adding in a slowdown to the spells and abilities, one that wasn't present in the base game.

There's a patch to remove the slowdown, but it's just straight up unforgivable. TRPGs are already one of the slower genres (not as bad as 4X games and MMOs I guess) so making 20 minute battles take 40 minutes is just unacceptable.

>Maybe its different when comparing to the PS1 versions only.

In terms of speed and pacing yeah, it would be better to compare the PS1 versions, or even the PS1 FFT to SNES TO:LUCT. Or a patched WOTL vs. TO:LUCT PSP.

One thing you would need to comment on for speed is the fact that FFT is generally an 8v8 game and LUCT can go all the way up to 12v12 (or was it 14v14?) which is significantly more.

Yeah sure, 1-to-1 both sides will get slaughtered quick after the forces clash, but there are 2 particular quirks where 12v12 kinda sucks. The first is that a lot of maps are a little bit too large and it takes forever for your forces to actually meet the enemy.

>select unit
>creep them up
>end turn facing direction

gets super old when you're doing it for 12 units, 2-3 turns, and then watching the enemy do the same exact thing. Some characters do have buffs like the wizard/witch, so you can do those while you creep your forces up, but generally most characters don't have anything to do.

The second thing is that undead are far more annoying in LUCT than FFT due to the number of max characters per field. If there are 12 undead on the field you better hope your ass brought an exorcist because otherwise you'll be ringing the fucking rosy in a near-endless loop of undead revivals.

The first instance is consistent and annoying, the second one is circumstantial and avoidable. But both slow down the game


I swear nintendo fags ruin every thing they get their hands on

It's not nintendo's fault the gameplay is better than FFT

Algus was a wonderful asshole. Too bad War of the Lions prettied up all the dialogue.

At least they gave him an extra battle in WOTL

try waifu2x (site)

Next best thing is to play the patched version of war of the lions on ppsspp
imo the mobile port is objectively the best version of the game


PPSSPP is like black magic. It has no right to be as good as it is, but it's fucking excellent


say what you will about marche and luso's outfits but i think the outfits from both of those games are some of the coolest fantasy outfits in vidya history

I played the fuck out of all Tactics Ogre games. I tried to get into FFwotl but i couldn't stomach the beginning. Does it get better? I dont know why its so praised.

>Does it get better?

Chapter 1 and 2 are the best chapters in FFT, and it slowly goes downhill with "lol demons" deus ex machina in Chapter 3 and 4.

So if you didn't like the beginning, I'm not sure if you'll like the last half of the game. Unless you like dark fantasy like Berserk or something I guess