
>*click click*


"NIGGA turn off your goddamn happy meal toy before I punch the crackah out of you!"

he has headphones on, you won't be able to hear anything

What is the sound effect for half an A press, though?


Did the black dude die of second hand embarrassment?

people use their laptops all the time too user

people use technology, and that technology makes noise

He died of aids

i am actually 35 and am unironically thinking about purchasing a switch to play breath of the wild in public places

>sharp turn
>open window

This image never made sense to me. He detaches the controllers from the tablet... why? So he can move the 6" screen further away from his eyes? It makes no sense, in this context he would be holding the entire handheld.

because holding 2 joycons is a lot less weight than holding them + a screen.

>I have to pee but I'm too shy to get up and walk by everyone




"Get used to it, nigger! This is Trump's America!"


I made poost!

well meme'd

It sure is ;_;


>FUCK trump and FUCK white people..... lets kill the president you guys... heh... thatll show em... he better count his days.... not in my country....

>decide to play my new switch on my flight to help pass time
>hear a raspy breathing coming from across the aisle
>look over
>some fat guy with a scraggly beard running down his neck is staring at me
>"can I help you?"
>think maybe he's retarded for a second, but realize that his labored rasps are some form of laughter so it might've been a joke
>he pulls out a small handheld system, recognise it because my overweight cousin who still lives with his mother has one
>he switches it on and loud, hyperactive music comes out of the speakers
>Japanese voices accompany it
>he points the screen towards me so I can read the title
>Senran Kagura: Tactical Booby Jiggle Action
>flight attendant walks up to him
>sir, I'm going to have to ask you to turn your device down, you're disturbing the other passengers"
>a tired, frail woman leans forwards, didn't even know she was there because her sons body fat was blocking her
>"honey, just listen to the nice lady, please..."
>"baby, please, just put on your headphones, mommy needs her sleep"
>he let's out an exaggerated sigh, "FIIINE"
>decide to put away my switch for the moment because the battery was almost completely drained during that entire conversation

>so long gay bowser

Game critics on suicide watch

I would consider this a forced meme if i wasnt sure it was just one person making these threads

nah thats a little too quiet. the trailer was more like

>capping all those obvious ironic shitposts

I seriously hope nobody kills Trump. I don't want to play Nintendo Switch on a plane in Pence's America.

>playing switch, a flight attendant approaches
>"Put the toy away faggot, or we'll throw you out the open window next time the plane stops at a red light. "
>"I have rights! You can't do this! My husband will find out and he'll sue, he's Jewish!"
>"Your marriage is no longer valid, and we have instructions to take you to a labor camp upon descent. Your Switch will be given to a heterosexual child."
>Oh jeeeze.

Hey don't say mean things about Mike "Like the cock? Electric Shock!" Pence.

He won't kill gays, he just wants to shock the gay at of you. At its worse there will be a supply of portable electroshock helmets on the flight to purge you real quick

There is literally nothing wrong with Mike "Crave the cock, get a shock" Pence

"Ayo new kid! Is that the Switch you playin with? Hand it over nigga!"

How do you respond?


Well look, I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just saying that if Mike "If he's gay, shock away" Pence was president, I'd be in a pickle instead of having a pickle in me, you know what I mean?

>cubs won the world series
>Trump is president
>Nintendo is great again

2016 has been one hell of a year.

I just noticed this, but his headphones aren't even plugged in

We're trying to shitpost about the Switch. Take your politics elsewhere

Aren't you responding to direct quotes from the Chappelle Walking Dead sketch?

This picture, unedited, is actually still hilarious.


Nah, I think Mike "Deus Volt" Pence knows what's best for gays.

More politics you say? If you insist. There have been over 300 reported hated incidents since Trump has been elected, like women getting their hijabs getting torn away from them.

I ask them if they want to play some smash or street fighter

We're making America great again, back to when we hanged niggers in public

>playing OoT on the 3DS in public
>get to the Forest Temple

>Buy your own son
>the Nintendo Switch is Available in Stores today for only $299.99
>Don't forget to pick up your favorite Amiibo of your favorite characters so you always have more ways to play.

I've always wanted to purchase my own son. My wife's son is okay and all, I guess, but to have one of my own?

Are there really that many hate crimes being committed as of late?

Where's the wire going from the base of the headphones to the headphone jack?

Sucker punch. They always do it. If I start to lose the fight 4 of my white boys will come out of the woodwork and back me up.

well, that's what the Southern Poverty Law Center is saying at least.


>le edge
>ooohhh it's too much le edge

I wouldn't say it's necessarily all "hate crimes" so to speak. Some of it is just vulgarity, like saying "Trump's America, whites only".

You also have to keep in mind that some of it could just be satire, people mocking voters after the results.

>Oh no! They tore off my hijab! They should be more tolerant like Muslims and only rape and stone me to death.

me on the left

It's just a prank bro

>implying you can hear any of that over the fucking airplane engines

No one has any right to do that, and you know it.

Did his dick ever recover from the Mewtwo in smash 4 announcement?

And of course the (((SPLC))) would never act in a political manner to discredit a person or movement now would they?

No one has the right to shoot up a night club, but that doesn't stop them.


There's that word again...

I dunno why, but i never get tired of this meme

I wouldn't suspect so, given they're a law firm and all.

I just wish people would stop behaving in such ways.

Wireless headphones are a thing that exists.

I wish people would let me play Mario Party 12 on my Nintendo Switch in public without harassing me. We have a long way to go, but let's never stop fighting bigotry.

I do too. But unless these "moderate muslims" start taking effort to reform their faith, they have no place in the US.

God, it's a professional advertisement and a real actor, but it still looks embarassing

Well yes, I don't think extremists of any faith belong in this country.

Every Muslim believes in the literal truth of all of the Quran and hadith. To do otherwise is apostasy. In western countries, Muslims are free to question their texts, but under sharia, apostasy is death. There are no moderate Muslims. They all believe the same thing. It's just not all of them are violent.

Muslims need to be killed and/or deported

Niggers the same

Mexicans just need to come over legally -- and a whole lot less of them

All women, gays, trans need to be locked up and re-educated

and now we're having it again today

>It's OK to play "Panty Seeker 4: Loli Molestation" on your Vita
>It's not OK to play Mario on the Switch
Stay mad Sonyggers

That's good.
Just remember, in moden times, a radical Christian makes "God hates fags" signs is a loud mouth, pulls hijabs etc.
A radical Muslim fucking kills you.

Killing every nigger is impossible, best we can hope for is smashing black culture and making them all Uncle Toms.

Well yes, and there there are radical Christians that have killed. Typically we just call those people psychopaths.

Their excuse is their belief, but the behavior is much the same, psychotic.

I wish Muslims would completely fuck off out of the West, but we can't have everything we want can we?