Who is the worst con man of these three?

Who is the worst con man of these three?

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What did igga do?

The Hidden Choice

One of those three men claims something that is false.

delaying Bloodstained


this guy

>con man
>alpha demo was amazing
>every new thing shown looks great

so butthurt mn9 supporter OP?

Inafune, because I don't give a shit about the other two and Inafune only because he dangled Call E right in front of me. I don't care about his shitty game or Mega Man.

Absolutely fucking nothing, it's just a bunch of memers who are hyping up everything that could be taken negatively as the beginning of another Mighty No. 9 trainwreck even though every single thing we've seen of the game looks fantastic and the playable demo was incredible and a great vertical slice look into what the game will be. The doom sayers are acting like the delay is proof that the game is going to be garbage and Iga is a con man, but if you played the demo the delay sounds like a great wonderful thing because you know that time is going into polish and not going into making the game actually fucking work properly like what was the case for MN9 (that they still failed at).

NMS might have turned out to be shit (I don't know why for so many people it was unexpected), but they didn't scam thousands of people for millions of dollars before even releasing the game.

Tim Schaffer

iga is by the worst conman of the three. He's so awful at it that he decides to make good games instead.

Tabata's not a conman, just a mediocre director given a project way too big for him to handle.

>the creator of megaman

did he really claim that

Yes, he actually did.

He didn't claim it. he is. read a history book sometime.

Randy Pitchford is the only answer.

Anyone who saw his introductory MN9 kickstarter video and can understand basic Japanese heard it straight from the horse's mouth that he is "Megaman の creator".

no fuckin' way.

what a fuckin con man.

They are guilty of false advertising, though.


>be 14-15
>watch demo disc documentaries advertising upcoming gmaes
>this faggot pops up and starts talking about how fucking huge Fable's gonna be and that you can do anything and everything, even get fat as fuck
>I'm fresh off of Morrowind
>assume this means this is gonna be Morrowind with better graphics and a new world to explore; he's gotta push that envelope
>rent fable
>can't go into the forest backdrop
>can't leave the designated map
>it's still pretty big and pretty fun
>it's absolutely nothing compared to what Morrowind was to me
>even San Andreas fulfilled Molyneux's promises better

Much as I ended up liking Fable, this was the first time I felt lied to. Molyneux was a master of overselling.

He's giving those numale faggots exactly what they want. He's a piece of shit, not a conman.

He's been pretty upfront about production, actually.


Too new to remember Aliens Colonial Marines?

I honestly can't imagine they made all that much money off of NMS in the long haul.

Molyneux atleast made a few good games and sought out private investors for most games.

This is the real answer, dude is so toxic to investors he needs to scam the public, just wait till the fig scam blows up. Don't worry man to make back your money he just to sell 6 million copies of psychonaughts 2 at 60 bucks a pop

Randy Pitchford

I knew it was shit, but couldn't be arsed to care who made it.

>Molyneux atleast made a few good games and sought out private investors for most games.

No doubt. He wasn't a bad developer at all. Just a massive overseller.

>I knew it was shit, but couldn't be arsed to care who made it.
it being shit is only part of the problem. Gearbox stole funds to make garbage.

Holy shit they did.
Fucking lol I should've paid more attention to that pile of shit.