So I recently picked up all 3 Mass Effect games for the 360. Played through 1 thought it was pretty good...

So I recently picked up all 3 Mass Effect games for the 360. Played through 1 thought it was pretty good, played through 2 and I loved it, about 4 hours into 3, and it's just garbage.
Does it get any better?
I just saved the Krogan female, but so far it seems like a massive downgrade from 2.
The combat is way better, but dialogue and characters are awful. I loved in 2 that you got to choose basically everything Shepherd said, but in 3 whenever I expect it to give me a dialogue option, Shepherd just spouts some random bullshit that I never would have picked given the choice, and even when I do get a choice it's s lines that are "nice okay" and "edgy okay".
Like, this is worse then Fallout 4 dialogue, someone please give me a reason to finish this game, I want to know it get's better.

it gets worse, so much worse

Does't get that much better in your case . The dialog interaction is shit as opposed to 2 were you could ask a dozen questions.

Oh user, I really wish I could tell you it gets much better.

Nothing will get better ever again


best pat of ME3 was MP. take that as you want.

>I want to know it get's better.

user, I...I'm so sorry.

It gets better. Just wait until you meet the last boss. You'll actually go back to revisit that fight, and even losing to him will make you happy.

Did you seriously not know about ME3? How could you not know?

If you have no investment in the series, it might not actually get much worse. It might not get better, but it won't get worse.

If you were invested, you would know the joy of having 3 games worth of decisions, of nearly a decade of planning and universe building, the joy of an entire character, built up on your decisions get thrown out the window for a single dialogue choice that does not take any of your previous actions into account whatsoever.

>I want to know it get's better.

>I want to know it get's better.

>So I recently picked up all 3 Mass Effect games for the 360.
You fucked up.

>played through 2 and I loved it, about 4 hours into 3, and it's just garbage.
You fucked up even more.

2's plot went nowhere from 1, so 3 had to try to make up for 2's pointlessness in addition to closing out the series, and it had to do all of that with one less year of dev time than 2 had.

What you're seeing is the best BioWare could have reasonably done given those circumstances.

>I want to know it get's better.
It gets so much fucking worse right at the end, and since you fucked up by not playing 3 on PC you can't mod the ending to remove as much of the bullshit as possible.

"Maybe I'm just an AI who's programmed to think that I'm commander Shepard.."

What did he mean by this?

Too much fan service. Shit like these emails pissed me off.

Guys, I just met Tali in ME3 as femshep, and I think I read somewhere that you can't romance her as femshep.
What should I do? Can I edit the save file at this point?(after meeting her)
I just want the waifu...

you get a secret ending if you play as adept in 1 , engineer in 2 and sentinel in 3

If your complaint is about dialogue I don't know how you got through ME1, in the main plot you usually have 3 choices that result in exactly the same dialogue.

But yes ME3 dialogue is a terrible downgrade from ME2

hahaha talis romance is probably one of the worst things about ME3. It was so bad that in the citadel dlc released months after, even bioware poked fun and went beyond the shitty romance and outdid themselves more.

What? I actually played the DLC part before meeting her (except the party). Did I miss something?

Also, the citadel DLC is amazing


Citadel DLC is fan service overload, I think it's a lot of fun but saying it's amazing is way too far.

OP, for your sake, do not continue

Mass Effect 3 is significantly worse than most people give it credit for (though most people here seem to be aware of that). It's not "10/10 except for the ending", it has problems right out of the gate, and they don't stop for the rest of the game. That said, there are some genuinely great moments in that game. There are a couple of major character deaths that a actually impacting (provided the characters in questions survived Mass Effect 2), and there are some scenes on Tuchanka and Rannoch that are not only some of the best in the game, but some of the best in the series.

I still like the game, but it's purely down to personal preference. For some, they can ignore the bad and enjoy the rest, but for others there's just too much bad to ignore.

I don't know why I still hold out hope that Mass Effect Andromeda will be good. Every time they release new news it seems more and more like it'll just be the worst parts of ME3 + the worst parts of Inquisition.

Assasin's Creed 3.

>loved 2
>3 is garbage
You people are retards, I swear.

The ending sets such a low bar, though. The twist in the middle of Citadel is, admittedly, probably the dumbest thing in the entire series.

Or at least it WOULD be were there not already a magic space child who thinks that synthetics must always rebel against organics based on correlative evidence at best ((i.e, extremely anecdotal and unscientific "evidence"), and that the best way to save a species from being slaughtered is to slaughter said species before someone else has a chance to. When you set the bar that fucking low, why the fuck would I give a damn about evil clone Shepard? The lore was already raped beyond recognition at that point, and I just wanted to watch the fucker burn. The Citadel DLC let me do that.

It gets better when you accept that the single player campaign is pretty weak and jump into the (still very much alive) multiplayer.
The multiplayer mode is the only reason I'm even considering buying ME:A

from what that leakbro said multiplayer is 10X better so im hyped for that
they stumbled onto something great,

Mass Effect 3 was perfect

I'm pretty sure they're asking for applications to a closed beta test of it at the moment.

>I want to know it get's better.

The part where EDI got transferred into that female robot body and Joker started making moves on her had me in fucking tears. Who in their right mind think it would be a good idea to force the EDI/Joker relationship to a romance level? This game is such garbage.

Citadel DLC is about the only thing that gets better about it.
Actually I enjoyed Leviathan as well but nah.

EDI/Joker only happened if you let it happen, i would never let that cripple touch my EDI, NEVER.