Member N64??
Member N64??
Member when Sup Forums wasn't an autistic shithole filled with the same threads started the same exact way? oh wait...
Oh! I member!
Member local multiplayer games?!
'member Neversoft?
Member when every thread on Sup Forums wasn't eventually derailed into garbage american politics?
member cheat codes?
I'm gonna KEEL you member?
member rumble paks?
thats the best part
we're living the nostalgia
>cheat code books
>those youtube 240p guides
>19 was considered old (tony hawk fags know this feel especially well)
yeah, i member! oh member the golden skulltula's?
No, what was that?
yeah! member paintball mode?
oh i member! 'Member game shark and game genie? mmmmm...
haha yeah! i member, member all guns cheat?
that was awesome! member unlocking invisibility?
Member when Reddit stayed in their hugbox?
I member
member when we didn't have a fascist dictator for president?
yeah i member! wait! do you member slow mo and fast animations! ahahaha that was great!
>Watching any season of South Park after 10
Member Chef?
user i really miss that :_:
remember friends?
This season of south park had a great couple of starting episodes but the quality declined the more it goes on
yeah i member! ooh ooh member Gameshark?
Remember basic human interaction? People you care about, and who care about you? People you can confide in?
memeber when Sup Forums wasn't full of kiddie memes?
Member these guys?
Sounds about right, I think the overarching plots are taking their toll on the series
'Member when you bought a game, you actually owned it?
their whole planned plot got BTFO when Trump won
the problem is that they have to resolve/"defuse" the absurd situations somehow and it's always a shitty way. it's especially bad because they have to reset things to 0 since having after effects/some sense of continuity isn't allowed
Oh i 'member!
'Member competent devs?
'member when autists like OP were put away instead of being allowed to live among civilized society?
Oh I 'member.
'Member when we had four consoles and they were all pretty good? And actually had games?
Member when you were happy?
I 'member...
Why is pc principle still around then
well obviously some changes are kept. he's still around because the character was popular, sjw are still constantly whining and because he's been somewhat nerfed in terms of what he does in regards to guiding the plot
member when Sup Forums made their own memes and didnt reusue normie shit from facebook or other crap?
I member... Member when your family cared about you?
Yeah now anyone memeing or having fun is a redditor
No, not really