So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
I mean I like the setting and there aren't many other musket-era games, but I'm not sure about buying a new console for just one game.
So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
I mean I like the setting and there aren't many other musket-era games, but I'm not sure about buying a new console for just one game.
user, what are you trying to do?
That's a big doll.
>So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
>I mean I like the setting and there aren't many other musket-era games, but I'm not sure about buying a new console for just one game.
Yes, easily, if you can afford it. Anything else that comes out for the console (Automata) is basically a bonus.
Please delete this thread right now.
>So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
Nah, you will have buyer's remorse and will be pretty desperate to justify your single game on useless console on Sup Forums.
Automata comes on PC.
>It's another 'PCfag is unable to read' episode
So? I didn't imply that it was exclusive. Just that in my opinion, the PS4 is worth it solely for Bloodborne. I still buy games on console if they're fun.
Good taste, though.
What's Automata like? Any good?
PS4 you.
Why is the doll wearing Smough's armor under her dress?
For you.
>So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
Well I got a PS4 for Bloodborne and I don't regret it. It's the only game I really play on the thing.
Mind you I got my PS4 on the cheap, so only get a brand spanking new one if there's anything else you'd like to play. I also got the Godzilla game and Infamous First Light and those are cool too. I'll probably grab some more games like Mad Max when I feel like it (because fuck Denuvo on the PC version).
that's not thick that's a fucking sphere
>So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
Someone took time and patience to carefully draw this pile of shit.
Well, getting a PS4 depends on what kinds of other games you like. Yeah sure, you have BB and then Nioh in 2 months, but what else is there that potentially interests you?
Of course it's worth
Because Demon's HD is inevitable on PS4 and Fromsoft has apparently 2 exclusives for it lined up as part of the deal
Not to mention Nioh and other stuff you ain't getting on PC
>Fromsoft exclusives
>on consoles
Great, can't wait for those framedrops
>What's Automata like? Any good?
It's not out yet.
But it has insane composition of developers and artists involved into process of making it.
I'm full idort this gen. Usually this means I can just brute-force my way through most bad dev's lazy programming but when a bad game is console-exclusive it stays bad forever.
I'm asking for one for Christmas since I want to play Journey too.
Silly user, it's not Thursday yet!
How can a doll get fat, let alone this fat?
Thick Thursday began to spread out into the other days of the week.
Dolls I suppose needn't worry about health
OP's pic doesn't even fall into Thursdays because thickfags get upset at fat. That's why fatposters started trying other days to begin with.
Fat Fridays
>ruining Fridays
Literally fuck you.
What's special about Friday?
>PS4 for bloodborne
As someone who just bought one no, but I also bought it for nioh, friends also dragged me into destiny which is ok but still should have been on pc. still holding out for dragons crown coming to the playstation store for ps4 and demon souls.
What's the full image?
Yagyu and Hibari.
Firekeeper > Doll
smough without armor?
Kip sure supplies a lot of good reaction material for fatposting.
Nioh's coming out soon so you'll be buying it for two games.
The fact that this image is so well drawn is worrying.
That really is drawn very well. Have fatfags started to lure good artists away with their filthy money like furries now?
I played the demo and it ran like shit, will the finished product be any better?
Thanks senpai! 10/10.
I think so. There's an option to lower the resolution to play at a constant 60fps and I think it's getting Pro support as well.
nice n thicc. sauce please
Kip supplies reaction images for any occasion.
True enough.
>thread turns into a Kip thread
>tfw kip will never draw any soulsborne girls
Kipteitei is god.
Me on the right
Is it wrong if I wouldn't mind being left either?
>Pulls the strings behind her back
>retracts back
Not at all.
why the fuck did i laugh
You'd think a boutique employee would be more tactful, even if they are rude.
>Thursdays on Sup Forums
It's fiction
I worked at a lingerie shop for 3 years, this is pretty par for some of the stupider employees
First chapters called breakfast with sister, made by kipteitei on deviantart.
The other chapters are lunch with sister, and dinner with sister.
Great Ones' semen is rich in protein.
Kip is probably reading this thread right now
Hi Kip.
Kip, I wanna request you do an Ankha. please
Kip, I like the subtle and alluring features of your perfect crooked teeth.
Kip please
God creates the perfect woman and of course she has to be lesbian.
Kill me now.
I've actually been thinking of doing another run through the game for fun. It's been almost a year since I last played.
>He doesn't know
Wait what, is she bi or something?
>So is it worth getting a PS4 just for Bloodborne?
It IS worth getting a PS4 for Bloodborne, Nioh, Persona 5, and The Last Guardian
Cease this line of questioning, it leads nowhere.
B-but he/she implied he/she knows something I don't!
Cease this line of questioning at once!
How could she fart if she's a doll?
I think I heard once that Kip was a trap
How did she get fat if she's a doll?
Extra stuffing.
Like this
>she swallows the lobster whole in the next part
muh fucking dick
Was that a bone for the vorefags? I just found it weird and a bit out of place.
Probably. Kip used to draw vore and I heard from someone that he mentioned wanting to do it some more.
Yeah he did a fair deal of it in the past. Wasn't sure how much of it was about his tastes and how much was about commissioner dosh.
who the heck is Kip?