I did not enjoy The Last of Us

>I did not enjoy The Last of Us

Game was average desu. Same with Witcher 3.

No I did not enjoy it Sam-Wuz-Us
I did not enjoy The Last of Us

>look guys, I am projecting

It was too boring.
I'm sorry.

It was enjoyable, sure. It wasn't OVER 200 GAME OF THE YEAR AWARDS™ enjoyable.

A lot of people don't like leftist bullshit, original thread OP.

still haven't played it...

eh, it was alright. Perhaps if it wasn't another fucking 3rd-person regenerating health chest-high wall shooter I would have liked it better but alas. I did like that ammo was really scarce, which added a lot of nice tension to the higher difficulties but other than that it's a fucking zombie game we've been done this road a million times before. The story wasn't anything to really write home about either (again it's a fucking zombie game) and I never touched the multi because >STILL HAVING ONLINE PASSES IN 2015 LOL

I liked it better than the first 2 Uncharted games (haven't gotten very far in the 3rd) but that's not really saying much. Perhaps it's just me being bored after so many years of running from one chest-high wall to the next (but probably not).

I can definitely say it's not 25/10 GOTYEY though and anyone who legitimately argues otherwise is a shill or a retard

multiplayer was better than singleplayer and the only real reason to own the game

then the p2w micro-dlc that allowed you to use smoke bombs in custom loadouts or whatever it was, was gamebreaking, and made me swear off naughty dog games forever

i forget how it actually went down but it made me real mad user, real mad indeed

>multiplayer was better than singleplayer

Terribly mediocre. I would not mind if it did not exist.

>mfw people were calling this generic zombie game that tried too hard to be deep the Citizen Kane of gaming because it had a lesbian loli

>because it had a lesbian loli

I've enjoyed it once for the story. Then I tried to play it again and was like: "Eh, why bother."

>Making your brain dead ai partner undetectable by enemies because the ai is that terrible

the mechanics and implementation were sound and lent themselves to a deep tactical multiplayer experience when not played with idiots

the singleplayer was just a linear slog in comparison, with a decent but not amazing story


Ellie, the main girl, she gets it one with some black girl in one of the DLCs I think

I enjoyed part of it but the shitty combat towards the end really made it hard to remember it as anything too great. The story was good but that was it.

It's one little kiss. Sup Forums acts like the game had a clear agenda or something though.


I love Ellie now

I dont think its some kind of pro-gay agenda, but it sure is a clear attempt at capitalizing from "look how progressive we are being!, interracial underage lesbians!"

>Sup Forums is one person
>implying people didn't shit on TWD too

not to mention that theres a difference between something that straight up tells you its an interactive movie and a game that tries too hard to be like a movie

do you have a problem with that?

Not really, it wasn't advertised or even a major part of Ellie's character. Sometimes a character is just gay user, it doesn't have to be pandering.

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>1 post by this ID

Is TLoA the same playstyle as heavy rain and beyond two souls?

Because if it is i'm going to buy it right now

Wasn't interested in it especially after playing Uncharted 2. I really don't like movie games unless the setting is interesting and the characters don't fucking suck.

Are you retarded?

Serious question.

no, im an adult, i would never play a zombie game.