>point out obvious game flaws
>"Lets see you make a better game!"
Point out obvious game flaws
Why don't you make a better game then if the flaws bother you?
Wow addicts every time.
>I dislike x about y, I think they should make it z instead
>"that's just because you suck lol"
Well why don't you?
I honestly hate that. And people use that shit for everything.
It's almost as if inside their head, nothing that THEY like can be criticized constructively.
who is the redlettermedia of video games?
>Start pointing out flaws about a game
>Everyone starts calling you a shill for the company that made the game
Can't make this up
Whats the context? Maybe you actually do suck
>make fun of shitty low quality games
>produce a shitty low quality game that's ironically bad on your own
Really gets my noggin jogging.
You have a serious problem.
>posted 9 times
>"serious problems"
First day on Sup Forums, kid?
If it was forbidden for one to critique a work greater than that which one possessed the ability to create, critics would not exist.
Really makes you think...
>newfags think this is supposed to be the norm
Fuck I hate you reddit rejects
Well... could I make a better game?
Not true. Some of the best critics are the ones working in the field itself. Chefs judge other chefs all the time for instance. In all honesty, it certainly wouldn't hurt if the critics actually did learn how to do elementary programming and actually looked into what goes on in video game development. At least the so called critics would actually have reasonable arguments and can argue them better than going completely apeshit like the majority of Sup Forums.
>Point out obvious spammed thread
>"But it's board culture!"
>game is boring
>that's the key to being comfy!
Hey, Vsauce here
And I'm going to kill every gentle here
I could actually see that vsauce guy being involved in a massacre. Something about him you just can't trust.
>Hey Vsauce, Mike here
What did he mean by this? Am I Vsauce?
To be fair Spacecop isn't much better than the phantom menace
Fucking snowbeasts in Ratchet and Clank 2.
>If you can make a better level in 3 days then I'll admit that it's shit
They should have let him tell them some facts about spit.
Do you like the attention that much or are you so boring that you can't even come up with an original thread
>devs remake some old franchise and dumb down everything so that milenials can play it
>say that i like the old game better than the sequel
>"Shut up old man, you're just blinded by nostalgia"
Name 10, faggot.
You realize you are a "milenial", right kiddo?
I don't see the problem there.
>Devil May Cry
>Command & Conquer
>Resident Evil
>Deus Ex
>Silent Hill
Quoted wrong.
I agree with this list...
>Dumbed down "spiritual successor"s
Fuck you Dragon Age and Bioshock
>We're professional critics, not professional film-makers
Is not an argument anymore
>Point out that a certain type of a thread doesn't belong here by the rules
>"W-well last week I saw someone else do it too!"
I didn't even think Space Cop was so bad it was good, it was just plain awful.
Come on now that guy wasn't saying it was a good level or anything, just that it turned out so shit because he was under pressure.
Only Metroid are good out of that list. Everything else is shit.
Maybe if you stated it calmly and without calling it nuGame for 'millenial numale cucks' people would respond to you seriously and not just think you're a bitter faggot.
Literally can't argue against it.
How is Castlevania dumbed down? The first game is as simple as it gets. You move mostly to the right, sometimes to the left and you hit things. Dumbed down isn't the same as made easier.
>Devil may cry
>Dumbed down
>When DMC2 and 4 exists
Those are all accurate except Thief. No one defends the remake over the originals.
>points out the obvious
>gets upset by not-even-subtle bait
Definitely not RLM. PreRec is such shit
>quietly don't like one game
Is that the one with the bald faggot? God he is such shit that even retarded youtube comments hate him.
you can, because it happens so often that it would be a very believable lie.
most of those are not remakes, noob.
In fact, none are, except maybe DMC and perhaps thief.
> he is such shit that even retarded youtube comments hate him.
What a high threshold to reach that level.
>that perfect list
>being right on the internet
My only return would be to call you a faggot. Faggot.
>critics would not exist.
Sounds great.
the argument really should be that as an arm chair critic, which most of us are can't really say much other than our subjective opinion on a game. Since games can be a giant machines that have many moving parts we don't know where a game was hampered by higher ups and etc. In short not a lot of people go out to make a bad game, they happen. Also all those brilliant ideas that a lot of people come up were at one point voiced in a meeting by someone by was shot down for this that or the other.
Do you need to have been sitting in on the design meetings for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to tell someone they made a crappy one?
Once again its a subjective opinion.
People had a problem with snowbeasts? It was the best place to max out your weapons too.
Isn't that still true even if you did know what happened behind the scenes? Objectivity doesn't really enter that process anywhere. Knowing your cook had a hangover and absentmindedly put baking soda on your sandwich instead of jelly isn't going to make it taste any better.
How's DMC4 dumbed down? DMC4 has the best gameplay, but lacks in everything else
Nero's grab.
he's right though
But you are saying that good is a subjective thing. When it is objective. What you like isn't what I like. But neither are truer or better opinions.
ops, meant to quote
Yes they were actually incomplete enemies that shouldn't have been in the game.
Their preattack animation doesn't meet the minimum time required for all melee enemies so they attack you from off screen instantly .
>point out company x's flaw
>"Yeah but at least they aren't as company Y!!!"
Every time
So what separates a critic from an arm chair critic? Do even the directors in charge of making the game know enough about the decisions made at the lower levels during development to be "allowed" to criticize it, and vice versa?
It's only available on one of the characters. Why can't you just play Dante instead if it bothers you so much?
It's not even that broken. Enemies will hit you out of the lengthy throw animations on higher difficulties if you're not careful about when you use it, so you want to focus on other attacks instead.
Hi Dobson.
Because I'm forced to play Nero for half the game
And then I'm forced to replay the game but backwards with Dante
But yeah, the fanboy coming out of the woodwork as usual
>point out obvious unbalancing of character in an online game
>all the mains of that character come running out to say i'm wrong
>they don't have any counter arguments, they just assume i'm a idiot who isn't using the correct pick
>"Lets see you make a better game!"
"I don't have to be a chef to know a shit sandwich is a bad idea."
Ah, so you attempted to discuss overwatch with Sup Forums
>post obvious OP faggotry
>"Lets see you make a better shitpost!"
no u
What anime
>I dislike vehicular missions, escort/fetch quests, and timed missions
>"that's just because you suck lol"
That is you sucking, but I do agree that it's also bad game design.
lel. That's fair enough.
Compared to DMC4, DmC is absolutely dumbed down. It's like comparing a series of rollercoasters to a teacup ride based on a rollercoaster.
I did, but it only took me to sankaku, which I can't use because it's banned in France
Also, I'm on mobile so I don't have wait
Yep, it's a fanboy in defensive nostalgia goggles mode
we are all sauce
>Say that new game sucks compared to previous entries
>get called shill/autist
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
Tough luck, also get fucked mobileposter
Fuck you
fuck off
>point out annoying fault in an otherwise solid game
I think Jack is fucking hilarious. Get a sense of humour, retards.
If you disregard all negative opinions of your hip and edgy Hot Topic branded Ninja Theory garbage as fanboying, then you're beyond saving and not worthy of appreciating better games.
You should try Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. It's almost as bad a bastardization of a famous franchise as DmC so I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Very edgy also, would suit a frequent Spencer's Gifts shopper like yourself.
true art
>hip and edgy Hot Topic branded Ninja Theory garbage
Yep, still a angry fanboy
Who the fuck is this disgusting piece of shit?
>point out flaws in a game
>"It gets better!"
>"But I sank 30 hours into the game because people kept telling me it gets better. It didn't get better"