What are you going to main Sup Forums? Tauron shaman here

What are you going to main Sup Forums? Tauron shaman here.

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>can't even spell tauren right
Really activates my almonds

Orc Warlock
Orc Shaman
Tauren Warrior
Tauren Druid
Undead Rogue
Undead Priest
Troll Mage
Troll Hunter

I gonna get good and comfy in the 30-45 range.

First time playing Vanilla ,gonna roll a priest, probably undead

Still butthurt about the staggered server launches though desu

I'd probably roll alliance if it weren't for my brother who is really adamant about going for horde. So I'm going to roll an undead warrior.

Can someone give me some info on this?

I dont know jack shit about private servers. I dropped wow after cata and never went back, but the idea of starting back in vanilla again sounds like fun and quite frankly ive got nothing else to do with my time.

How do i get started? Is it safe to do on my computer? Is it difficult to install everything?

Also, is it really vanilla wow? No ridiculous exp gains insta 60's?

Tauren Warrior or NE Warrior.

Haven't decided yet.

Why don't you fucking Google it rather than looking to be spoon-fed you fucking red.itor

orc huntard maybe

I've always wanted to roll a vanilla mage but I feel like the server is gonna be all rogues/mages again.

>that comfy feel of discovering new things in vanilla wow again

Is there any better feeling?

Discovering new things in wow legion

I haven't played Vanilla so I'm looking forward to it.

I am probably going to shit up everyone's parties with my day 0 tanking experience.



I'll probably go something Alliance on PvE because fuck PvP realm if population ends up like Nostalrius. That shit is just not manageable.

>Valkyrie WoW site has been dead for over a day
Oh boy.

I played Nost pre-deletion, and I was quickly hit with the realization that a very vast majority of specs in that stage of the game were meaningless.

It wasn't until late TBC to mid-WOTLK where every spec was even comparable.

Hopefully the feeling of doing it for the first time

>discovering new things in modern wow
>everything is datamined before it's even released

You kids really missed out on the good ol days.

Never played horde so i'm looking forward to discovering new shit as orc hunter.

Tauren Warrior
UD Warrior

>what are kosumath the hungerer and all the hidden artifact appearances

Undead rogue obviously

What professions and spec do I go?

Night Elf priest just so I can mind control people off the boat in Booty Bay and off the cliff in Thousand Needles.
Except I feel like priests are terrible outside of raiding. Anyone can confirm?

Human Paladin desu senpai

Unless you're a tryhard poopsocking raider, any spec is viable.

gonna main the sage button freindo

Sub + engineering gank all no honor.

>fire mage in MC, Ony or BWL


I played a bit before they got shut down, honestly was just as fun as I remember

Orc Warlock

>any spec is viable

There were a lot of specs that literally held NO value in vanilla.

It's the same people saying this who were the first to jump on Thottbot.

A night elf Warlock

is there a release date? probably tauren hunter

This is exactly why legacy WoW will never be relevant.

Everything there is to see has been seen and documented.
Every encounter has been analyzed and optimized in every way possible.
There will never be any new patches or expansions to look forward to.
No new bosses.
No new zones.
No new abilities or classes or re-balances.
Everything is in a permanent state of stagnation with absolutely no hope of ever seeing something original.
Even if they patch in old content over time, there will never be anything to surprise you or any new sense of discovery.

Wow is not a sandbox game where players can create their own new content. In a themepark MMO, fresh content is the lifeblood.
You're visiting the gravestone of Vanilla WoW and reminiscing while the rest of the world goes on to create new memories.

Have fun.

so what?

>le hidden transmogs
epic mmo gameplay friend

Human Mage

sounds like atypical retail cuck.

Every single spec had some crazy shit they could unload in wpvp (There was a lot of wpvp back then on my server even after BGs).

I remember even shit like Disc priests getting Power infusion and holy fire was a one shot with just MC+ZA gear and them OP trinkets you could double pop. There was an Ele shaman who would 1v1 people(AQ/ZA raid gear players) naked with just his dagger/shield and a fuckton of engi gadgets.

Holy FUCK can't wait to double pop OP Trinkets on some fucking NOOBs around Blackrock MT ALL DAY. just loaded up with stacked alchemy flasks/elixirs fuckin just fully buffed one shotting hoes. 2h enh

Nothing. I play vanilla when it was live. It was good then. However it is terrible now when compared to how good legion is. I swear most the fuckers that want this shit either never played or forget how fucking broken and terrible vanilla was.

>le "I only mention things that support my argument"
epic Sup Forums gameplay friend

mmm *slurp* yess blizzard sama, your dick is fine

People do find it fun. And they are going to play it. Wow is not what it used to be. Its a completely different game.

>Have fun.
We will, retailcuck.

Until your server gets shut down again lmao

The only cuckoldry going on around here is everyone who missed Vanilla WoW when it was current having to beg Europeans to dodge Intellectual Property laws so they can pick at the carcass.

No they will not. Only reason people did last time was because WOD had a terrible content drought. This expansion blizzard is pumping out content. One patch just came out and the next is already going up on the PTR. And night hold not far off that. People are going to be far to busy to go play broken arse vanilla.

Human Warrior so I can relive my youth and waste another 12 years of my life playing the same game I played 9 years ago.

Hold on Ill translate for you guys

He said
"Stop having fun, your fun is triggering me"

So what class should I roll if I want to have a reasonable chance of finding groups and raids without playing a druid

>want to be ret pally
>never ever get into any PvE content
>or BM hunter
>lol BM
>or shadow priest
>"hey dude, we only need a healer, can you pleaaaaaase heal just this time? ;)" every time

Dwarf priest will get your dick sucked but play what you find fun.

enjoy being a healer

I plan on GMing a laid-back pvepvp Guild. Ill slack a bit on pve specs. Its not like you really need to powergame until nax.

>vanilla Druid leveling

Never again.

>i only use "muh ebin transmogs as argument" and then complain when people point out that the only thing that I think is good about retail is dressing up my barbie doll

too much so that i quit playing recently because i could see why this game is so addictive, it never ends

So basically an underachieving guild with no discipline and raid schedule?

>Discovering secret bosses with elaborate paths towards summoning them is less interesting than just moving to the next shitty old style zone
>Finding more rare ways to change the look of your weapon so it doesn't look like anyone else's is somehow something worth making fun of while getting rare mounts, pets, and other general non-direct combat affectors is still cool
Grow up and take those damn goggles off for once.

Did I say that?

Just people Ill let one or two people play ret, doesn't mean they're competence or our schedule will fly out a window.

get a grip.

Reminder OP is a shill who has been making this thread back to back for months in a desperate attempt to hype up this garbage.


Reminder to sage and report to keep Sup Forums shill free.

Nice post, the text being green makes it twice as good.

Its a pretty common image

nobody wants this epic meme content that is so fucking predictable its so fucking boring
there is not a single new boss to discover anything about in legion
its already been discovered. the only difficulty is the overtuned damage done to you. its garbage

You're partially right.

I personally don't think vanilla WoW is anything but a nice nostalgic novelty that people just hadn't quite gotten sick of when Nost was taken down.

Like you said, the world won't evolve without input from the developers, and a game like that can never survive WITHOUT said input from the developers.

The only way this type of server could actually sustain itself over time would be if they actually got a dev team to develop NEW content in an attempt to take WoW down a path more vanilla-players would have liked.

As it stands, all they can do is add content everyone's already seen, and by doing so, reducing the nostalgia effect this type of server has on people.

Sounds cool. So when does this get released?

>meme content
Lmao just admit you are poor

This is the dumbest argument

its entire foundation is built on people wont enjoy it because its old.

I go back and play my favorites often, becaus eI love them as video games.

Every year I get an itch to play 1-60 vanilla and have done so five times. I stuck with nost people the playerbase was so enjoyable and had a blast.

like 4-8 weeks

vanilla WoW was shit, no thanks

Vanilla was really fun sign me up

Reckoning Female Human Paladin
Enhancement Female Orc Shaman
All about that PvP, babyyyyyyy! I just have to pretend to be a girl in some raiding guild to get a weapon for both characters and I'm all set.

>How do i get started? Is it safe to do on my computer? Is it difficult to install everything?
you have to download the proper version (1.12.1 I think) they may even have it on their site, yes it safe. literally dont have to install anything

t. legioncuck

>this shit again
Why do you post this every time knowing that you're wrong? Kosumath was unheard of for quite a bit until some people spent a fuck ton of hours just messing around the order of activation of random set of things they found. Unlike Hyjal in Vanilla, Blizzard actually rewards players for finding obscure shit.

Oh and as for raid/dungeon difficulties, most bosses learn a new trick for Mythic so overtuned damage is far from being the only thing. Unlike Vanilla, the variety in mechanics from encounters means that you actually have to pay attention instead of "CC this one guy then just tank and spam by standing in one place." Because of the change required in tactics per difficulty, you are actually able to get more variety of raid gameplay from ONE raid with its multiple difficulties than all of Vanilla WoW could because of how simple and straightforward everything was back then.

No, the foundation is that people won't enjoy it because it will never change. Big difference.

You might enjoy leveling 1-60 every year, but a majority of people will burn out over a few months and then never touch it again.

The world is filled with more entertainment than we can consume, and our generation (assuming you're under 30) bores easily. You'll run out of steam eventually, the rose-tinted nostalgia glasses will come off, and those dated mechanics will start showing themselves for what they really are.

WotLK > Legion > MoP > Cata > BC > WoD > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > vanilla

Tauren balance druid

>No, the foundation is that people won't enjoy it because it will never change. Big difference.


easypeasy once you get catform though

I wasn't aware anyone was having fun yet considering the servers don't exist.

If people want to have a bit of a flashback for a month or two, that's cool.
What I don't get is why everyone is so excited over something that has been around since early 2015 now that it's been pawned off to scummy Elysium.

You are not very smart are you?

Things that are old and things that don't change aren't the same. Old things can change, and still be old.

Retail WoW is such a thing. It's an old game, but it's had tons of changes.

>WOTLK at top
>arguably the worst butchering of lore than any of the other expansions
>most casual WoW iteration which lead to a huge gain in subs but ultimately delusional expectations from its fanbase
>everyone shits on Cata for Dragon Soul but WOTLK has TOC and RS with TOC being mandatory for people who want to advance in tiers
>probably has the worst balanced PvP of all iterations
>LFG which also lead to LFR eventually in future iterations
The rest is a good order, but shit there's no way WOTLK can be considered best in any way except how much it sold.

>Tauren balance druid
Maybe in ZG, but before then you're an innervate bot or a flag carrier.

>started nost back in may of 2015 with like 4 friends
>2 quit after like a day
>2 left, 1 is completely retarded and not on much, other is competent but really childish
>childish one quits after I get a free mount (lock) and he doesnt even though he had aspect of the cheetah the entire time while I didnt
>retarded one is left, help him level to like 50 because he cant do anything without me
>one day im doing a dungeon and cant help him out, so he decides to download hacks and fly around, obviously gets banned
>reach 60 all alone, no motivation to progress so I do nothing but spawn infernals and doomguards in goldshire all day
>still wearing greens when server went down despite being 60 forever

and yet im still excited for it to come back, kill me

I play the entire metroid trilogy every year,

Its the same game every time.
Are you telling me I should not enjoy it?

I'm telling you that you are a statistical abnormality. I'm telling you that your nostalgia goggles are allowing you to overlook faults you'd call out in other games. I'm telling you that you will get bored with it eventually.

When you're 97, and on your death bed, you're not gonna' think about not having played the Metroid series in the last 40 years.

>God Tier:

>High Tier:

>Mid Tier:

>Low Tier:

>Shit Tier:

[citation needed]


I'm gonna roll warlock here since they were pretty underplayed on oldnost, torn a bit on the race but I've never got one above 20 so it'll be a reasonably new experience.

I have a question though for any warlocks and especially warlocks who leveled on nost at launch, obviously I get that affliction is probably the best leveling spec for perfect (retail) conditions, but since we're going to be overpopulated as fuck and tagging mobs is going to be a pretty big part of leveling, what do you think of rushing down to Shadowburn and then switching to Affliction, with maybe a respec to full affliction once I get shadow mastery?

I played a Spriest on nost launch and I remember it being a nightmare not having any instant damage spells to tag with, with a huge amount of wasted time sitting around waiting for mobs (especially quest mobs) to respawn.

>childish one quits after I get a free mount (lock) and he doesnt even though he had aspect of the cheetah the entire time while I didnt
What an utter and total faggot. I bet you are a skinny cuck.

Everyone knows about it already, no point in trying to hide it. All of the "gammmmmmmr" online magazines covered nost coming back


Really? You need citation on that?

How about your favorite thing when you were little? Did you love your Legos? Did you play Pog religiously?

Obviously I don't know where you were born, when or what your childhood looked like, but I'm also guessing you don't play much with Lego anymore.

why would you assume that about me while I describe someone else?

Have fun ruining the launch with 7k noobs camping for mobs as well as 7k Xiaos. Then you will post about how it's overpopulated, even though you couldn't stop whoring and attracting newfags.
God you're so stupid.

fem orc warrior

>played on nost at launch
>remember how there was nothing to kill with 4000 people all in the starting zones
>had to group up with 4 other lvl 1s to kill lvl 8 mobs for exp
>tfw so many more people are going to be playing at launch

Are you going to keep pulling logical fallacies out of your ass to justify your dumb argument to why people cant have fun?

I honestly wish you the best of luck.

Because you tolerate having friends who just ditch you, treat you like shit, quit the moment they stop having some arbitrary advantage over you
Yet you can't figure out how to get new friends and stay cucked in Goldshire while I am collecting my pre-raid gear. That's why you're lanky and also you're weak.
Solution is to lift, and you will begin to command more authority and not be treated like shit