Do you think Watch Dogs 2 is a great game?

It's already out on consoles and I want to purchase it but I want to know what do YOU think about it.

Some how, the first game was better. And the first game was shit.

All these shill threads

how many layers of irony is this?


>it's shittier than shit
Can you elaborate?

The first game had a "better" story.

I didn't even know it was coming out any time around now. Ubishills in shit form.

Looks shit

>Better graphics
>Cant even hold 30fps on the PS4 Pro or Xbox one S
>No story
>Shit gameplay
>le edgy cool characters
This game looks like swordfish had sex with hackers 1995 and not in a good way

Why does ubisoft shill so hard here?

Not even fucking modern warfare/advanced warfare get more than two different threads somehow this shitty fucking game gets like 5 different threads every fucking day

>tfw trump won
I wonder how stupid the devs feel now that their Thruss character is redundant

I dont find GTA games interesting and at the end of the day that's all watchdogs 1 is, I can only assume watchdogs 2 is more of the same

>tfw the gameplay is watch dogs 1 but more fleshed out and id rate watch dogs 1 as one of my top favourites
>but cant bring myself to buy such an anti-white game

it's okay. Been playing for about 12 hours now, the hacking is pretty annoying, it went from just being "press x to hack" to "press x to batman mode, then redirect all the hackpipes and internet tubes because you're playing pipe mania.

only game of theirs the past 10 years thats been any good are AC1 and 2 and RB6S and thats literally it
Shame WD1 was so fucking badly made, this looks ok by comparision but i just cant support paying full price for a game thats gonna be dead on launch on pc and denvuo crap

>press x to batman mode, then redirect all the hackpipes and internet tubes because you're playing pipe mania

you really do. Most hacking through the course of the story has you entering a long hallway, where you play pipemania and have to direct the hackjuice through the internet tubes to disable x security.

HR hacking sound like a sophisticated chess match now

I have a feeling that Ubisoft themselves don't know what to do with this franchise.
I mean seriously who the fuck is it for? It's just a shitty GTA copy with bad "hacker" mechanics thrown in. I mean yeah on paper it does sound fucking amazing but Ubisoft is full of fucking hacks that can't execute their ideas well.

Also the vision they had for the first one was infinitely better than the turd they came up with for the sequel. I assume they've got another on in them with Watch Dogs 3 but that'll be the end of it. Nobody cares about fucking Watch Dogs.

>full of fucking hacks
I don't honestly think watch dogs 3 will happen though. There's a lot of interest in wd2, but not a lot of purchases going by the online on ps4. Yeah yeah it's like midnight or whatever, but I can't find ANYONE at all for co-op. I've been waiting at a co-op zone for almost 20 minutes, just wandering around and no one is showing up.

My favorite part about this game is the inevitable montage video showcasing the hilariously shitty glitches and design choices that will come like a week after relealse.

>Okay boys why did our first entry sell so bad? What went wrong?
>We didn't have a basketball american plastered on the cover, just look at BF1's sales
>Say no more senpai ayyyy hol up is you sayin we wuz hakas n shiieeett?

And Digital Trips.

watch dogs sell pretty well

It's fucking awful.

Even IGN gave it a low score, of the lowest scores I've seen from those cucks in recent years.


To understand why WD is a thing, we need to go back to the PS2. It's an attempt at salvaging something from their attempts to make a sequel in the completely poisonous Driver franchise. There's no real drive or vision behind it, they just stuck on a gimmick (hackers) to distance it from one of the biggest disasters in video games.

i think it's the sequel of mediocre game which takes away only good thing about first installment of series, this is god-tier ugly dystopian setting.

Wrong place to ask, we hate consoles and we hate Ubisoft even more

>I want to know what do YOU think about it.

Dear not-marketing user,

I would never play as a nigger.

Sincerely user.

is this GTA if it was made by SJWs?

pretty much

for the first like 6 hours. Your team turns on you and you go rogue part way through the story.

The main character is pretty much the only one who ISN'T an enormous faggot. He does take selfies and has a gay flag in front of his house, but the way he actually acts through the course of the game reminds me more of franklin from gta5. He's just sort of "that black one" with no defining features.

thanks for the spoiler you enormous faggot

At least hackers was forcefully ironic. This game's taking itself seriously

>reminds me more of franklin from gta5
Huh. So I guess he turns colder as the game goes on.
Oh no, don't tell me he'll turn into another Aiden. Now we've got two mass murdering sociopaths on the loose.

So pretty much everything anyone's been saying. The only not terrible thing about the game is the MC

It was flying on the hype from E3

>Your team turns on you and you go rogue part way through the story.
Good, fuck these people. I might as well pirate this game now

it's really not. everything that happens in the trailer and cutscenes is in the first ~5 main story missions.

It'd be like saying it's a spoiler that winston dies in sleeping dogs.

>He's just sort of "that black one" with no defining features.

still would never play as a black guy unless it's cod maybe

What's with the games lately. None of them look remotely interesting or new in the last 5 years. Ohh look another open world tps by ubisoft, another first person open world by bethesda, another military fps by ea/activision and a million other variants on these three stale archetypes.I know that there are exceptions but they are too rare and far between,Do developers even try anymore or am i just getting old?

Things have always been like this in essence. There's a fad, everyone attempts to capitalize, fad eventually passes, new fad takes it's place.

Look at the 3d platformer boom in the 90s, for example.

"open world" stuff is just another fad, spurred on by the MASSIVE success of gta5 online. but still, it's slowly slinking back, and we're seeing a bit more diversity in games released.

also, companies are getting bigger and bigger to try and appeal to the casual market, spending more and more money on games, so they need to go with tried and true genres, like FPS, and TPS.

really, it's just business. they just have to balance making money with putting in new ideas. Money is more important in the end.

Weren't some parts in WD 1 the same though?


Makes me wonder what the next fad genre will be.

>look it up to see if its real
>it is
>he got a week suspension for sharing that

I thought it was gonna be souls type stuff, but I guess it's sort of a self-contained bubble of influence, it doesn't really reach outside.

My personal bet is on "MOBA" type games. a variety of genres where selectable characters take precedent over anything else, in round based gameplay.

Open world isn't a genre dumbass

They took out the interesting vibe of a society governed by the seizing of information and turned it into a parody of itself. The first game was shit and they somehow made it more shit.

No itll be shit

What Dedsec or something?
Do you get back at them.

>what do YOU think about it.
I'm a non-muslim white heterosexual male and therefore not your audience. Have fun selling to minorities, Ubisoft.


I am far too privileged to play such a diverse game and would just end up harassing everyone so I refuse to buy it so we can fight white supremacy

>you're the only one on 4channel who truly enjoys WD2

But I guess it is cool on Sup Forums to hate games you haven't played. Because you think you know the whole game based on assumptions and shitposting rumors.

Do you climb hacking towers to hack a map, then hack a base to unlock it for your hacking crew like every ubi game?


Game is awesome, definitely worth the price. Ubisoft has really made a good, solid, openworld game AGAIN.

No.357757631, I completely agree. It's so good that I've pre-ordered it on PC as well. Coming November 29th.

the dude with the emojis mask is fuckable and that's it


Maybe there will be some mods to trumpify the game

Sounds like Bioshock

Some of the dialogue is honestly pretty enjoyable

>Y-you've got a weird relationship with technology, you know that right?

Gonna get it soon m8, ain't judging yet.
I wanna see if the MC really does have anime posters around

he canonically jerks off to hentai

Yeah that makes sense, I forgot about Watch Dogs being a Driver game at first.

Explains a lot.

Its shit Ubishill stop forcing your france agenda bullshit into everything.

google that
it's a good hentai
and yeah it's exactly what it say

It'll soon be over guys.

Oh yes my fellow non Ubisoft employee I too PRE ORDERED IT and will soon buy the SEASON PASS to get EXCLUSIVE DLC EARLIER, the first WATCH DOGS™ was a very good game, in fact my favorite of the year I can't wait to play WATCH DOGS 2™!


i liked the first watch dogs, but this one looks pretty gay

>yfw you just wanted toaster aiden to get fucking mad at everyone again
>you get a nigger instead

I just hope he actually acts negro. Might buy it on black friday if its on sale

>Wanting this when For Honor beta was really damn good

You are a faggot

>((((((((((((((For Honor beta was really damn good))))))))))))))

Yeah once in a fucking blue moon they'll produce something that is not-so-goddamn awful
They deserve Vivendi.

Aiden fucked off to St. Louis, though. And since the place isn't "Connected" he doesn't do magical hacking anymore.
Only way he'll appear in-game is if Dedsec tries to kill his family, or if the MC tracks him down for help. Dude's a terrorist now, you don't just take down 75% of the criminals while hospitalizing most of the police force, course he's gonna lie low