Finally got around to beating Doom after all the praise and "best fps in years"
More like most overrated fps in years, what a terribly mediocre mess of an fps.
Did anyone even bother to play it past the first 3 levels or what?
Finally got around to beating Doom after all the praise and "best fps in years"
Yeah it was pretty good. What was your favorite weapon, OP?
Yeah it was great.
Yeah, it was quite excellent.
Beyond the first three levels is when the game really starts to have great fights with a lot of demons, I had a great time with it.
What was your favorite part OP?
I finished the game, which I rarely do. It was good, quit being a contrarian faggot
It was pretty rock n roll I loved the chain gun
It's he definitely the most fun I've had in an fps. No bullshit whatsoever just running and gunning down aliens. I don't even know the story
This board really is fucked...
We had fun user, sorry that's so triggering for you.
OP here, just kidding guys i was being a contrarian faggot. my fav gun is plasma rifle with heat blast attachment bc its so versatile (clears trash + stuns mid-tier demons as well). rocket launcher is the only gun where its worth swapping between mods imo, lock-on burst for most mid-tier demons and manual detonation is god-tier for dealing with pinkies and imps
my fav level was that big smelter area desu, fighting Hell Knights with the combat shotty had me sweating
now this is fucking pathetic
it wasn't overrated, totalasscancer being a voicebox and people parroting what he said
everywhere else called it mediocre
i just beat it
what a shit blue balls ending
i had fun tho
The samefagging in this thread
Good job zenimax shills
everywhere else where exactly? IGN?
everybody praised the singleplayer campaign while trashing the multiplayer.
>replies: 15
>posters: 13
B8 harder
Game is pretty shit but numale betas who grew up with Halo and Cawadoody praise it. The ultimate plebby subhuman filter imho.
Things need to be both considered as "good" and commonly talked about at least a year after they've been released to be overrated to me. DOOM 4 is still an awesome game but there's not really much to discuss about it anymore. The story mode is definitely the most exhilarating of any FPS this year.
>"Other people enjoyed something I didn't, so they're wrong!"
No, your thought process is fucked. Doom was great. Fast paced shooter with exploration, exactly what I wanted.