I'm looking for other games, preferably ARPGs that allow for an actual skeleton or otherwise summoned army that sweeps the field and wrecks everything. It's criminal how ignored this playstyle is.
Hopefully the D3 version will be good.
I'm looking for other games...
Try the MedianXL mod and go with summoner barb.
>Hopefully the D3 version will be good.
It won't. It's just going to be another spam fest like everything else in the game. That's why D3 has failed as a successor to D2. The game is OK, but it doesn't have an ounce of the ambiance or atmosphere that D1/2 had. I miss exploring in that dark, gothic world, killing demonic fucks at a nice pace. Now the game is a fucking speed run of blowing up mob after mob and not taking any time to enjoy the world.
I just made myself depressed. D2 was my favorite game in high school. Fucking Blizzard.
Play Grim Dawn if you haven't. It's what D3 should have been.
>army that sweeps the field and wrecks everything
Wrong genre.
I haven't. Played a lot of Path of Exile about 3 years ago. Grim Dawn is on my wishlist, I might wait until the Steam sales start popping up soon and see if I can snag it cheap.
>tfw keep forgetting what that game was
>no way to army of summons
yeah, if D3 should've been "OK but still kinda shitty"
Post one contemporary ARPG better than Grim Dawn.
wtf is going on with all these diablo 3 threads lately? have blizzard really hired shills after blizzcon?
>retards who crapped up runs with worthless skeles in D2
The absolute worst.
Useless in both PVP and Hell PVM.
Grim Dawn is very atmospheric for an ARPG. I really enjoy the lore and class building. That is why I keep coming back. PoE and D3 are very different because they focus on end game and community interactions. Lore or story wise it's not engaging.
Path of Exile. by a fucking mile.
Grim dawn is shit. it has 2 dungeons at endgame, and only like 5 viable builds to clear the crucible on the hardest difficulty.
>Community interactions
hellhound + briarthorn + og'napesh + rifthound + relic summon+ up to 5 skellingtons
Here, it's possible
POE got you senpai.
>playing Diablo for the "ambiance/atmosphere" outside maybe the first one
Well, at least you admit that the game's gotten less casual ultimately unlike some delusional idiots here.
Diablo 3, PoE, Torchlight 2
GD is jack of all trades, master of none. It kinda sucks as a loot hunt combat ARPG because of shitty DOTA crafting system and not having the kind of crazy fights/variety in enemy mechanics and abilities that D3 offers. Then you have the fact that it also tries to be an actual RPG, but sucks ass at that, too due to shit writing and the consequences not having and real long term effect on gameplay.
in PoE im playing a animate weapon build, I have 50 animated weapons ( white weapons that drop from enemies, raised up) for 81 seconds each, and im summoning up to 50 Summon Raging Spirits, flying skulls. it gets pretty hectic and awesome.
I really love Grim Dawn but Path of Exile is leagues ahead imo
PoE isn't flawless, but it's been the best ARPG I ever played since Diablo 2
>anyone uses vaal skills
I sure do love my minions disappearing after about half a minute.
> PoE
> Community interactions
> Hi I want to buy your X Item for X currency
> The player is AFK
> Hi I want to buy your X Item for X currency
> The player is AFK
> Hi I want to buy your X Item for X currency
> The player is AFK
> Hi I want to buy your X Item for X currency
> The player is AFK
Not sure if you play PoE or not but note how it says "Base Time".
You can very easily increase the duration through support skills and passive. Leveling up the skill increases it as well.
This is as criminal as "shapeshifting" abilities in most games where it's just a buff for 20s and other than that you're just a normal dude. D2 did this right. True, there was a timer but literally anyone using werewolf or werebear leveled up the talents that made the duration super long + there was no cooldown on it.
You are so fucking stupid. If you get your mouth shit in a million times by Blizzard why would you crawl under that giant gaping infected asshole and open wide for round million+1 expecting something good?
>diablo 3 is less casual
that's subjective
they removed shittons of rpg elements and streamlined the whole game but added more lategame content/difficulties for the "hardcore" players
Overall d3 is aiming more for just quick shallow gratification isntead of a proper arpg experience.
D2 had pvp which I never really tried much, D3 has GRifts leaderboards. Both seem to me like non-casual things since to place high on the leaderboards you need items, luck, proper team composition and skill alike. We will see how it goes when they release the new GRifts with standardized gear for everyone.
>torchlight 2
opinion 200% discarded. Take your shitty taste and hang yourself faggot. Post hidden
How much can it be increased?
>Reaching ~150% increased duration is not difficult, after that you start having to stretch and gimp yourself to get much more
>Now the game is a fucking speed run of blowing up mob after mob
Because Blizzard thinks for a game to have longevity it has to feel like a daily chore. But since chores are boring, they have to make it as flashy as possible so kids with short-attention span can enjoy it.