Webm Thread

Webm Thread

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Does it require skill to do this or just mash button?







It looks like a of both actually. His stamina bar drops with each dodge so it could just be good timing.







The traffic sim in C:S is so fucking bad


First time I saw this I found it weird Interstellar Marines made it in.



>artillery shell basically plummets vertically after about 500 yards
What the fuck



Is this some kind of puzzle game?

its a field gun, a kind of howitzer/cannon

its not meant to be long range you doofus, its meant to be close infantry support, hence why it has a FUCKING SHIELD

long range artillery pieces dont have shields, why the fuck would they?

As much as that bar simulator is a game, yeah.


That's so cool


And those guns still have really long range. The shell doesn't suddenly stop moving forward after a after it crosses a distance threshold. The barrel is basically perpendicular to the ground lmao.





Damn shame about those damage numbers otherwise it would've looked cool.

learn physics underage faggot



>I don't need an existential crisis right now
war is hell



Man those finisher animations are some of the worst I've seen in a AAA game in a long time.


>The shell doesn't suddenly stop moving forward after a after it crosses a distance threshold
neither did the shell in the game, it has a parabolic trajectory

man you should learn about shit before you start spouting off bullshit like some sort of retard

field guns in WW1, especially light guns, had firing ranges in the maximum of thousands of meters, not tens of thousands... and that is if they are fired at artillery attitudes, ie: high trajectory

because they all fucking used slow ass projectiles

3,7 cm Tak for instance, one of the most prevalent german field guns of ww1 had a projectile that fired at 500m/s (slow as fuck) and had an effective firing range of 1000m and a maximum range of 2600m... they were largely used at much much closer ranges as their penetration would deteriorate at longer distances. the penetration for most guns was about 10-20mm of armor at 500m, the TAK being 15mm at 500m.

so next time before you shitpost, actually learn your fucking shit




that fow..disgusting


Thankfully you can disable them.

>Prefers low FOV.

How to spot a console player.

Max really let himself go

maybe modern artillery, but definitely not ww1 light guns


>these caps sure showed him how clever and random I am LOL


gave me blue balls


Holy kek

auto finishers in an fps yawn......whats next WTE's in fps mid combat


>tfw the HellMOO one is blurred as fuck but I can still recognize the Crazy Sargo message


How badly did I fuck up if OBS make me lose frames but Fraps doesn't?

OBS is fucking weird. I've yet to find good recording settings that don't result in stuttering without having to lower the resolution to half of my native res.


Lol that's a good webm

That was pretty satisfying, wat game?

If it makes you feel any better, Shadowplay absolutely DEVOURS your VRAM and you end up playing games like this and . That said, I only have 2GB VRAM in the year of our lord, 2016.

Wolfenstein: The New Order
>tfw about to make the jump from 2gb to 6gb
It's either going to blow me away or disappoint me incredibly.

jesus fucking christ im glad i waited until this was released on pc even if it took 5 years, fucking gross

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

I need to do the same. I have the cash, I just don't want to go through the effort of backing up all my shit. Also not looking forward to Windows 10.

I still can't figure out why my fucking server isn't working

>Also not looking forward to Windows 10.
Are you really going to force yourself to do that user?
Why not just use Windows 7?

"yep its over over go home guys no savior, prophecy was BS"

I never had issues like that with shadowplay, and I had it on for a 770 and now a 970

NOW with the new shareshit I have problems, but not really performance ones.

Sadly setiing up shadow recording in OBS classic with nvenc is like 2.5x the cpu drain than just having shadowplay on and also unreliable.

>tfw can't name a third of the games
Feels bad.

Better with sound

It can still fly


I hope you're not implying that the webm is in any way realistc. Yeah guns of that caliber had relatively low range, but what's that, 200 meters maybe?

>tfw only miss one
>until I get to Tribes
>close it out of sadness
I'd rather be in your position.


what game?

Literally in the title.

Those notifications for getting kills are so fucking AIDS that I can't even stand it enough to play it.

It's AoE3

Stop being retarded

but it's not


>what is love.webm

Maybe you should stop being fucking retarded.
>inb4 hurr not everyone uses extensions
Then read the title out with something else, like a fucking media player you tech illiterate niggers

Stop being retarded

Stop shitposting.

Fuck off faggot.

>tfw lost all my DCS webms



>Swat 4
I should reinstall this game



What game?