>8 hours to beat
What went wrong?
>8 hours to beat
What went wrong?
Its too short
Don't go high chaos and fuck everybody up.
I did Ghost, Nonlethal, No powers, Very Hard blind on my first game with Corvo. It took me 25 hours. Now, I'm currently playing as Emily. I'm at mission 4 right now.
> It took me 25 hours.
No it didn't.
>Dishonored 1
>Average = 12 hours
>Average + Side quests = 18 hours
>Dishonored 2
>Average = 8 hours
>Average + Side quests = 13 hours
>polled 9
It uses Denuvo. That's what went wrong.
>Dishonored 1
>Average = 12 hours
So pretty much everybody that bought this game?
You got me. I bought the game 9 times :(
And people complain that Tyranny is only 25 to 30 hours long.
>he hasn't actually played it
Yeah, only 9 people have played it. Did you not read the link?
>8 hours to beat
Me and my gf :^) play it alternately, we are at the start of 4th mission, and we have like 5-6 h each, You can deduct 30 min for bj and fukk, you virgin shitposter.
It took me 24 hours to beat Dishonored 1 with ghost, non-lethal and no powers (besides Blink once or twice). This game offers so many playstyles trying to get an estimate playtime is fucking retarded.
iam playing on very hard, reached mission 3 after 5 hours..was taking my time looting and talking to people. goty so far
I'm on mission 8 with 21 hours clocked on steam, I'd say maybe 3 or 4 of those are me being afk or running around collecting all the runes after I've knocked out all the guards while watching youtube.
I'm going;
>Very hard
>Full stealth
>not playing ghost
it took me 23 hours to properly beat and collect blueprints and portraits
anyone else think the clockwork soldiers just fucking suck for ghost/nonlethal runs?
I'm at about 14 hours on my save, steam has 18 hours played and I just entered the stilton manor, that must be like 2/3 of the game, I don't really know.
why? they don't count as kills if you rewire them
>fucking your gf
> it's a game runs like shit for the peecee masterrace so it gets trashed on Sup Forums, review sites, steam episode
Those suck
rewiring is the only option you have and that involves getting closely, some sort of weapon to temporarily blind/ confuse them would have been handy
Is it "waaaah I played it on easy and missed on all the side content, that game is so short" hours long like the first game?
Because I spent some 30 hours at the very least playing the first one, exploring everything, and then I've been replaying it countless times. If it's comparable, I'm okay with that.
You probably played it wrong. The no power, ghost, non-lethal, all black markets robbed and all runes/bonecharms acquired run I did on my first playthrough took me about 20 hours according to steam.
Wow it's almost like the first dishonored where people pushed the 4 hour meme until it became apparent that those people blinked through the game asap
Just use stun mines. If they get hit three times by a mine (or multiple mines) they explode.
My 1st run on Dis2 ended at 23hours30mins (Corvo - full ghost, missing a few collecting pieces here and there) so expect more than the first
Is the PC performance really as bad as people are saying?
I don't have a single issue with performance, runnin on an i5 44XX and a GTX 960 2GB. I think I'm running the game either on High or Very High settings. Didn't bother with Ultra.
>rewiring is the only option you have
you also have option of completely avoiding them, they can't see on the sides most of the cycle
and the only true ghost is when you do not touch anyone at all
game has internal counter right in the menu
My first run as Emily took 18.5 hours and I wasn't even going for any cheevos. I got lost a couple times, explored every inch of every room I could find, and absorbed as much lore as possible. I literally can't see beating this game in 8 hours unless it's a speedrun where you make a beeline for the mission target and ignore everything that's not on the way. Which kinda defeats the purpose and sounds very unfun.
Whatever, I'm starting my third run tonight. Which character would you say is easier to Ghost with? Corvo has Time Stop but Emily has Mesmerize, and I can see those both being good.
>no power, ghost, non-lethal, all black markets robbed and all runes/bonecharms
when do you have fun thought?
I'm 12 hours in and I only just got sokolov back onto the ship and I feel like I haven't even explored much of the levels, I'm easily going to play Emily again and clock another 8 hours minimum.
oh how MD is 6 horus
sad thing it works now because with denuvo lies spread even more
It is admittedly optimized poorly, but as countless polls have proven, an alarming majority of Sup Forums Petition Creators are using toasters. I built a PC last year for about $1800 and it runs Dishonored 2 at 50-60fps on Ultra.
would you kindly fuck off from my stealth games?
>they can't see on the sides
And if you keep close to their back they can't see you either.
I really like the clockwork soldiers. They're a pretty nice addition to the game.
Challenges are fun to me.
Or just drop a Stun Mine (with upgraded 2/3 charges) in its path and it's dead.
I have nothing against this but a least I should pay 20$
Use something like process lasso and set dishonored 2 to a high priority process and your performance should better. I've heard people say it's automatically set to low, which it doesn't seem to be.
I'd say Corvo but that's probably just because i'm more used to him,
But i think the most likable ghost run is sticking with Corvo using only blink, low possess, full agility and no crafting
>tfw you solve the riddle
How much of the level did I skip?
Ok thanks dudes. I was reading steam reviews and everyone is talking like it's the worst port of all time.
No be warn : it sucks for now and most graphic options have minimal impact on performances, it runs poorly for most, but if your rig's good enough it'll only trouble you for a few areas
Not a whole lot. Abducting Paolo can be tricky but if you had gone with Bryne you'd have finished pretty fast.
>tfw you get the solution but try to finish the ridle because you didn't notice you had it
>tfw you don't get the achievement even though you deserve it
depends, if anything the solution's isn't far anyway, have to get a key to open an appartment and find the solution on paper, but fully played through... you missed a couple of things yeah
>Creating a doppleganger, linking it to a guard and watching them fight.
Emily really has the best lethal powers.
Well, it depends. Does the game have like four endings or something to have this make more sense? Is there a quality>quantity move similar to Mankind Divided?
its only 1 ending
You skipped one entire mission.
whole district
My first run took me 12 hours,
I plan on doing at least 5 more.
GOTY. :^)
>Is there a quality>quantity
clockwork you can play at least 3 different ways
timeskip is about 4 endings I think
palace, museum and solarium are just pretty though but have their little quirks to play with too
>Games generally are 4-8 hours long and more expensive, exception being RPGs usually
>"WOOOOW, 8 hours only????
Quantity over quality I guess.
No, not saying Dishonoured 2 is good, 8 hours of shit would be as shit with 20 hours in it. Everyone is retarded.
>buying dishonored 2
>people put up with stuttering and 20fps for 8hrs
Can't believe this is the state of modern gaymurs.
The game is that good. :)
A first non-lethal run with powers and full exploration took me 17 hours.
The second one, high chaos+some exploration took me 8 hours.
I still have 2 gamestyles to try (ghost with powers and ghost without powers), and I honestly can see myself playing it over and over again. The maps are so huge and exploration is so good.
>clockwork you can play at least 3 different ways
Man that was great. First playthrough Jindosh recognized me. Second playthrough I ran up the stair as fast as I could, slipped into the ground and "Emily" was replaced with "Stranger" in each of Jindosh's dialogue. Third playthrough I jumped him without him even knowing I was there. It was great.
Is this guy autistic, delusional or just trolling. What the fuck is he even going on about in the video?
>8 hours
Fuck. Even the new Deus Ex (that's supposed to be very short) lasted like 80 hours to me.
>DX:MD lasted 80hrs
Do you just leave the game on while you leave for other things?
I don't understand how it's possible to make that game last 80hrs.
not skipping dialogue and exploring the map
If it took 80 hours to finish a single playthourgh of Mankind Divided you might be legit retarded user. I'd recommend seeing a doctor.
If you just did 5 15hours playthrough then know that you can do exactly the same thing in Dishonored.
Isn't the focus on "replayability" this time around? What with the two MC's.
>What with the two MC's.
nothing changes except powers
they really made great levels
The replayability is greater than Dishonored 1, which was already pretty fun to play multiple times.
You'll get 20fps only if you're playing on a toaster. Every decent fps will at least rock a 30 to 40 fps on medium-high.
It still sucks, but the game is very good and most people will just put up with it.
It took me 16 hours to beat it for the first time as Emily, that was on low chaos but not entirely non-lethal or really being bothered about being caught.
So... naturally there's going to be 3 more playthroughs.
>Emily high chaos
>Corvo low chaos
>Corvo high chaos
And never mind trying to beat it on the highest difficulty, never getting caught, and never getting any kills.
How can you put up with 40fps on fucking medium?
>main story is about 15 hours
>secondary missions are around 15-20 hours
>There's the whole "point of interests" thing, almost giving more missions than secondary ones
>game is all about choices, if you complete it a single time you have no way to see everything that it's offering
>dialogues can be addressed in so many ways there's no way you can hear the whole thing without savescumming or playing the game too many times
>there's a NG+ that basically double the hours you need to actually complete it
>everything has different outcomes influenced by multiple factors, you can play the game five times and still get a deeply different experience and outcome
>there's so many variables people are still trying to figure out what causes what
>if you want to play all the missions, you're literally forced to play it at least twice, otherwise you're missing a lot of content
>game can be played in robocop mode, pacifist or whatever you like in between, deeply changing the experience: you can play it stealthy like a Metal Gear or like some fast paced fps
>every single situation or mission have at least 3-4 different approaches
>Brench mode offers various of hours of extra content as post-ending, if pure gameplay/stealth/puzzles is what you like
>latest story dlc is already 6 hours long, more are coming
>world is filled with extra stuff to find; it's a legit completionist hell
>secret areas and places are also completely common, you don't need to visit 3/4 of the map to finish the game
>if you're a lorefag you can literally spend dozens of hours just reading books, emails and smartphones, or listening to tv and radio
Why even playing Deus Ex in the first place, if you have to waste it rushing to the end like a fucking Call of Duty?
Stealth is still shit in dishonored. Even old thief games made it better, why can't modern devs make it right and better?
What went wrong ?
Open world meme.
The Outsider almost mentions the fact that you refused his mark multiple times if you did.
It's not open world, retard
It's not open world...
Large hub maps, nothing more.
>Last mission
>Use the secret room to get to the throne room
>This music plays in the saferoom
jizz everywhere
you cant get 60fps on a 1080
choke on a rooster
So you spent your 80 hours on multiple playthroughs. You can do exactly that in Dishonored 2, which shares most of the points you mentioned about Deus Ex in your post.
144hz monitor
you can't tell if it's 40fps, seriously
response times do not slow down
you can tell when it's 35fps though, weird how it works
>multiple playthrough
I completed it once, I started the NG+, and I never finished the tutorial.
I'm getting 80+ on my current level with a 980, the worst offender was the clockwork mansion running at 45 the entire time but I can understand with the way the level is designed, everything is made of glass and mobile segments.
I'd complain even if it was 10 hours long, thanks to that cancer-inducing combat system.
Turning off Godrays also helps.
My friend heard that there was pheromones in piss that would attract females. He decided that more was better. He collected his piss for a few weeks and then decided to boil it down to a concentrate that he could use to pick up chicks. His parents weren't home so he got boiling. He boiled piss ALL DAY. He didn't open any windows or turn on any fans. I'm not really sure how but the entire inside of the house was covered in stinky piss steam. Almost totalled off the house according to his dad. They had to redo the walls and the flooring.
Why isn't that a non lethal elimination for Jindosh?
that's still pretty damn short
BULLSHIT, you are a fucking cancerous normie so your posts are invalid
good point, locking him in his own mansion would be more fun than brainwashing
1 high chaos run
1 low chaos ghost run
1 mostly flesh and steel run
1 high chaos run of KOD
1 low chaos run of KOD
1 high chaos run of BW
1 low chaos run of BW
How about you play through everything and get all the endings before complaining about game lenth faggot?
It's twice what it took me to play through the game thrice and get all the achievements without looking at a guide (except for that golden). How long did you play breach for? And how long is the Pritchard DLC?
The site that says that Dishonored 2 is 8hours long says it takes 42 hours to complete Mankind Divided1. It also says that Dishonored 2 takes about 30 hours2. So you might still get 60 hours out of it. Seems worth it in my opinion.
>Pritchard DLC
3-4 hours if you explore everything
No you don't.
Playing through the first Dishonored now. I'm on the fourth mission and Steam says I have about 8 hours. One of those hours I was afk and I replayed a mission. My main save is going pacifist and my alt save is going high chaos. High Chaos is very fun, especially when you get Ghost while doing it.
How differently do Corvo and Emily play in the sequel? Is Corvo the same as he was in the first game?
user I don't care if a website wants me to play faster and skip stuff. The Pritchard DLC can be finished in 5-8 hours, and you can get a few hours of breach before being "required" to pay (there's even a small story introduction that lasts a few levels).
I don't expect everybody to take their time and read every book/newspaper/email in the game, listen to hours of recorded in-game radio/tv, talk to every NPC multiple times to hear the full dialogue and overall play as a completionist of
But what's the point of playing a game set in a world filled with so much stuff if you just ignore it
i immediatly felt guilty and regret when i was about to pay real money for PS4 last night. it has no games its not worth buying.
2016 gaming sucks, hell 2016 entertainment business sucks in general. nothing interesting is going on.
Steam's got me at 16 hours and I'm on mission 7 as ghost, nonlethal, emily. I'm also going for most chevos.