Why is everyone so cancerous in online games nowadays?

Why is everyone so cancerous in online games nowadays?

People troll and lose on purpose.
People are rude as fuck for no reason.
Hacker, griefer, botter and buguser.
People are either completely incompetent, to the point where you aren't sure if that is a bot or elitists that flip their shit if someone doesn't do it like the "pros" it seems like there is no middle ground.
It's in every game I play, it even started in Monster Hunter, I get kicked all the time just for playing Gun Lance.
No fun allowed basically.

I have fond memories of playing games with random people online, the most fun with video games I ever had was playing with others online.
Why did it become like that?


there's still some nice people, you just gotta find what games they're playing, I meet nice people all the time on r6 siege

part of it is the type of game that's popular nowadays. Dota 2, LoL, CSGO, Overwatch. All these games push competitive play hard. If you play you are expected to know a lot of information about how the game works.
You need to know meta, different characters, classes, weapons, csgo has a freaking econ system and that's not even the beginning.
tldr: games are less about having fun and more about winning because of lobby matchmaking, lack of dedicated servers, lack of community building and focus on quickplay game modes.

it's a modern cultural thing

constant surveillance and facebook culture make most people gravitate heavily towards the "norm" and anything outside of that is rejected

this is mostly an unconscious thing

what is the context of this image

is the loli ok

idk what the scene is but it's from Cardcaptor Sakura. It's an anime about a little girl who fights monsters and doesn't afraid of anything.

Hiding behind a monitor and keyboard sure helps.
Plus these days there all these "competitive esports" games that only encourage someone to chat shit because they'll lose their precious MMR.

Trolling because youtube made it popular.
People are rude because games aren't allowed to be fun anymore. People treat them like an actual sport, so the fun has to take a backseat to competitive gaming unfun.
Hackers and botters have always been around. Bug users and griefers again fit under troll, they've been made by youtube pretty much.
People might not know how to play the game, everyone is bad every now and then. But the elist comes from competitive gaming again.

Basically competitive gaming killed multiplayer. Its not about just having fun anymore, no you HAVE to win. Started with shit like MOBAs, but its spreading into other games, and now multiplayer is on a downwards spiral into shit.
You're not allowed to have fun. You have to follow the meta, follow the rules precisely, if you didn't win you didn't have fun.

Maybe one day competitive gaming will die, but right now we're in a slump for it and we have a very obvious cause.

Sounds like you suck.

This is how it's always been.
But worst thing is now you can't know if someone is just asshole/moron or be behind 10 layers of irony

why is it so hard for people to understand fun things are fun and the purpose of fun things is fun.

Thats why i EXCLUSIVELY stick to games with LAN or singleplayer mode or pure singleplayer RPGs.

Fuck the internet.

And basically just going a little further. Having to memorize a whole bunch of information for a game makes certain people feel like they can be a dick. Picking the wrong character, buying the wrong item, making a bad play are all enough to have someone sperg at you and feel justified. Because they think they know everything.

show us on the doll where esports touched you

Cardcaptor Sakura was my first and only waifu. I still remember when I was 5 and she broke my heart.

She got sick but there are monsters to fight so she's struggling to stay awake. Luckily she can conjure a doppelganger to fool her big brother while she goes out to risk her life in fighting super monsters with her rival and best friend.

Can we agree that assfaggots, assfaggot shooters and hide and seek shooters are the cancer killing video games?

If you play any of these games, you are a fucking sub-human lol

Enforced metagame is one of the worst trends to happen lately. I've avoided any of the large competitive game communities but this shit has wormed its way into just about everywhere.

The greatest experiences I've had in online games is using the worst class/weapon in the game and absolutely demolishing with it. Now try anything like that and you are kicked or reprimanded for it immediately because this is serious business.

The only game where i've found a great community is Project Reality.
Sure there are the few bad players here and there, but they're usually newbies or russians.
The ''pros'' at the game are always extremely nice and know how to play for fun.
No griefers, good admins, no hackers.
I guess it helps that the game is bit autistic and not mainstream.
>Pictured: Me in a squad of Chechens dribing around in a shitty 70s van blasting folk music while assaulting an airfield.

Because people are making money off it now. Everyone wants to be the guy with the sponsored stream making cash off playing a game.

Right there sir, right on the lighthearted nature of gaming. He pressed it so hard it exploded, and now games aren't allowed to be fun because he said I have to win.

Yes definitely we need a good ass kicking deathmatch based arena shooter. There is way too much competitive team based class based ass shooter moba clones.

Most of these people are concentrated in esports garbage, but you do get some refugees.

The reason is that these people are physically inept in real life, but still extremely competitive at heart, so videogames are the only way for them to feed that desire. Being good at the game is also probably one of the few things they can use to feel better than others about, so of course they're going to be shitheads to everyone else; they can't do it in real life.

deathmatch gets boring fast

it also kills any sort of creativity anyone could have. The fact that there are now always going to be some sort of definitive meta provided by some guy online who everyone believes, means that no one can every try a different composition or style. It also kills different styles developing among friends and meet ups creating regional differences in styles of play.

>using worst weapons
feels good man killing metaplayers with fucking whip in dark souls 3

This fellow has wisdom.
But what good multiplayer games are there that haven't been tainted? Steam keeps showing me the shit.

i find killing other people more fun than capping a point or pushing a payload. I'm always down for different game modes but it's the class/meta emphasis I'm tired of.

Everyone you loved playing with either moved on or just play single player video games now.
This is the era of multiplayer games where following the meta is essential or you'll suffer the consequences of a report/ban/kick. Playing outside the box? Enjoy somebody intentionally throwing the game and griefing because everything has to go according to that person. What's even more obnoxious is that they will state that even professional players throw games as if that still makes it okay to ruin an entire game for the rest of your team. And to add on top of that, if professional players actually do throw games if things don't go in their favor, how are they called professional players? That's what sore losers and amateurs do. I seriously wonder what these professional players who intentionally ruin games behave like in real life.

Good taste lad.
Mine was Tomoyo.

It's easy to tell if someone is being ironic unless you're playing some shit game with no voicechat or you actually have autism

Try Splatoon. It really shits on the meta since you're going in with a random team with random weapons. Can't organize the meta team in most cases, sometimes you'll have all snipers, sometimes you'll strike gold and get a perfect group.
Hell the player base is pretty cool too, still active, and not very aggressive on account of the main game mode being just 'Paint the floor'

here you go famalam, it's even in comic form, contains all your answers

This unfortunately, doesn't help that overexposure to a negative environment creates an automatic defensive wall.

Considering these games depend deeply on a team, especially to recover on errors quickly. Everyone functions like robots and sheep, they don't understand what is required to make a great gamer that they desire to be.

Sure you want to win, but boy do people have no idea how, or the attitude it requires.

yeah i've had fun with splatoon the lack of communication actually helps that game feel fun and not like a huge hassle.

>hurr if it's not one extreme it's the other
you're a retard

>or you actually have autism
My best friends started yelling at me they other day. and said they actually understand my social problems are genuine instead of just awkwardness.

I thought they would have understood that it wasn't just a funny inside joke a long time ago...

no you

But you can just ignore the tryhard fags or stick to individual games. Them dictating how to play the game is something you have to let them.

There's a mute feature in every single online game, friend.

Yeah, the little voice commands are fun as fuck too.
Just yesterday I was playing a match with an inkbrush and got caught by a kraken, panicked and just kept swinging when a team mate falls behind me and watches, then helps me kill him. Many 'Booyah's were had, couldn't stop smiling for that match. Think I sacrificed myself to a sniper for him too.

>Because people are making money off it now. Everyone wants to be the guy with the sponsored stream making cash off playing a game.
Dude that's retarded. Do you really think anyone in fucking 3k dota, for example, really think they're gonna go bro?

Holy shit I thought I'd never see someone express so eloquently how I feel

Fucking stop. Each and every one of these games has unranked queues and muting features. If the tryhards are getting to you it's because you're letting them.

Yeah there is a mute, but theres also report and kick. I've been kicked from a lot of games just for not playing the meta, and in my brief time in Overwatch I got reported like three times for playing the wrong character.

So what? Blizzard won't touch you unless you have a 500 line chat history of calling people faggots and calling for the gassing of kikes and race war now.

Your team mates can't kick you in OW either. There's literally no problems other than the ones you whiny faggots make up.

Not him but I'd believe it. Hell I knew people in school back in 2010 or so who wanted to get capture cards and be the next big thing on Youtube for whatever game was popular that year. Gaming videos/streams/etc. have only gotten bigger and bigger since then, so it wouldn't surprise me to find out that there are still kids who think they can make it big off of their "sick snipes" or whatever.

Not really, but thats sort of the sign that 'Well shit, this is serious now!' when money starts coming from something. It signals to people that its serious now, and they start having less fun and focus more on winning.

To piggyback of the real sports comparison:
In real sports you have refs, umpires, trainers and your clubmates to keep you on the ground if you start getting cranky.
Don't have that when you're solo queueing rankeds in your assfaggots of choice.

you just need to look more, i often think in the same way as you, but sometimes we find cool people. i just have a problem attaching to new friends, i feel uncomfortable making new friends and keeping them.

Its a matter of presentation. All I know from the OW community now is they're all to happy to consider playing the wrong character a bannable offense, even if I don't get banned I know how bad that community is.
Gets even worse when they decide that just because I'm not being optimal they can entirely throw the match so nobody can have some fun. Just turned me away from that game so hard.

thats why I only play online with people I know. Fuk asshole randoms

If anyone in an average skill bracket thinks they're going to go pro, then you should call them naive retards.

Shit if they follow esports they'd how far they are from being good. If they can't see how bad they are in comparison, then they're full dunning-kriger and completely safe to ignore.

>Gets even worse when they decide that just because I'm not being optimal they can entirely throw the match so nobody can have some fun.
Make up your mind. Are they tryhard fags who must win at all costs or are they griffers?

>Each and every one of these games has unranked queues

I like how you actually think this stops anyone from being competetive to a cancerous degree.

They are tryhards, but they do just give up when someone isn't following their orders. Its possible for these things to overlap.
Some asshole ranting at the entire team, screaming at one to change class and after the first point is lost he just says fuck it, stays in spawn, and berates everyone while they try and play the game.

I really do. In my dota experience, unranked queue is way more relaxed than ranked. Exceptions happen, of course, but that's what mute button is for.

Then they're actually ruining the game and that's actually a bannable offense as far as I know. As opposed to just playing however you want.

autism and children

You're right. There is unranked matchmaking but I feel like with the matchmaking systems they utilize it still puts you in that system.
You try to top the scoreboards, you level up, your bar goes up, you move on to the next game of strangers.
Because everyone takes it seriously there isn't much else for you to do but also try to win. And pissing off your teammates causes them to tilt or to throw, and turning off team chat cuts off any potential voice chat teamwork or niceness that could come your way.
It's mostly just that the matchmaking perpetuates solo queuing and teammates that are not fun to play with.

don't play console games

I swear PC games are worse about this now. With Mobas like Dota and Lol being so popular its just shit up the place hard.

How could anyone still think a matchmaking queue becomes somehow less overly competitive, only because it doesn't wager imaginary dick measuring points?
The culture has been established and is sadly here to stay.

I disagree. I have played a lot of games of unranked dota, and while I've seen a lot of shit, the majority of these games have been relaxed pubs with people picking what they want and players playing how they want. Even made some friends along the way.

Of course I'm a 3500 mmr shitter, and I'm sure it only gets worse as skill level increases, but I highly doubt relaxed players just looking for a game to play are gonna go very high.

Actually, at least for assfaggots, it is less cancerous and competitive in unranked games. The reason why is because many of the overly competitive cunts won't even play unranked if their friends are begging them. I have friends that are really good at assfaggots tell me they'd quit immediately if ranked was removed.

There is no point to playing for most of them if there are no dick measuring points.

I'm glad you have had a very positive experience with dota and I'm not saying that can't happen. I used to play a lot and it wasn't like it was every game there was an asshole. Sometimes there was a very nice guy and mostly it was almost no interaction.
I don't think this type of online game shouldn't exist and for a game like dota (where matches can take up to an hour) I think it works well and there's basically no way around having to deal with the occasional sore loser.
I just wish that not every game nowadays felt like this. Overwatch was for me kind of the tipping point where I felt like"really another game that follows this model?"
I prefered TF2's server list system because I would frequent servers I liked and meet people I liked very easily. But that's just my personal experiences.

beyond ~4k is where all the trashtalk is at because people think they're good enough to be leader or some shit. Thank god I quit dota, it was detroying my sanity.

The thing is you can't choose with whom to play. The system can and will allocate assholes to your game.

Matchmaking should be reserved for people who wanna climb the ladder while the others can build lobbies and communities to play as they please.
However, especially for f2p games it makes sense to foster this overly competitive bullshit in order to keep players unsatisfied and buying into their stuff.
If esports is the cancer killing online multiplayer, matchmaking is the gene deffect causing it.

I agree that old school community servers fostered more, uh, community, but those times are sadly over. No games release their server software any more, and yes, that's pretty sad.

However there's a long leap from this and to declaring multiplayer gaming as a whole a soulless husk exclusively infested with pointchasing no-fun retards.

I agree completely. Matchmaking is user friendly. It appeals to dumb babies who just wanna hit the find queue button and play "just one more match!" because they almost reached level 50 and now they get a new hat. It is much more profitable to capitalize off of that than to promote a game that can create communities.

Heroes of Newerth was the best community
The trashtalking was off the charts

You still can. I'm sure every major MP title today has some custom lobby system for setting up pre-arranged games.

It's just a matter of finding some community that you can stand and participating in it.

I should probably elaborate: with esports I mean more like: "esports culture running rampant in playerbases"

Right now I do feel it's a bit overblown. The trend for these games is stronger than ever. It's a winning formula and people are replicating it.
Does that mean online games are doomed forever? Of course not.
I'm waiting for a new idea to come out and be very good. It could be something small like how cs was a mod at first. That or some kind of return to form/nostalgia appeal for people like me (although those usually turn out worse).

As time goes on and my mind falls apart I end up retreating into a bubble with my brother and singular true friend. They accept me. I can barely handle talking to strangers online nowadays. I used to run communities. I used to be skinny. I used to go outside. Fuck. I'll share more if anybody wants to hear it.

This has been a thing for any and every game that strokes your ego. You can go as far back as Ms. Pacman or pinball and find legions of assholes. Singleplayer games arent exempt from assholes abd may even have a higher concentration in the RPG genre.

Games with smaller communities, comp or not, generally have really chill players. Easy way to get a relaxed community is to: avoid games with a heavy emphasis on stat tracking, avoid ranked modes, avoid fotm, and avoid games with a Russian or BR population.

Esports and anime are two peas in a pod

You forgot people who use anime reaction macros. Especially from garbage anime a la:

Youtube / Streamer / Meme culture. It existed before this but no to the degree it does today.

I just want people to take fun seriously again, You know? Youtube / Streamer / Meme culture. This is why people can't work together online anymore. Do it for the subs. Do it for the meme. Scream for the laughs. Throw the round for the lolz. Beat each other over the head until you can't find a reason to get out of bed anymore.

>it also kills any sort of creativity anyone could have
this so much

Yeah well that's just like, uh, your opinion, man

This. Lack of dedicated servers in a lot of recent games certainly hasn't helped. Take tf2 for example if you just want to dick around and have fun there are servers for that.

>do it for the subs

They all think they're gonna be millionaires like Pewdiepie


I don't like being a shill, especially for a game most people would consider dead and buried (~600 online at absolute peak times).
But the one game that was able to rekindle the joy of playing with strangers within me is Guns of Icarus Online.
All the matchmaker does is place you in one of the lobbies which you can also just pick from a list.
And in there people actually use the time waiting for players to SOCIALIZE.
The game is also incredibly team focused and not just in the assfaggots style of "couple of dudes doing their own thing and happening to have a common goal". That has made the community super dope and happy to help and teach each other.

It's certainly not for everyone, but if you're looking for "peak of a holy mountain"-tier of fresh air in terms of online gaming communities I can't reccomend it enough.

its always been like this, you're just tired enough to see it now

though some things externally have changed that influence this. community servers are almost gone and that kills me

i miss ubercharged.net

NS2 is this for me
A small community of friendly people

>implying it wasn't like this before
you must awaken the asshole in you if you wish to get on their level
soon enough you'll find it fun too

Not really unless you're only watching English dubs of shōnen.

>Bashing the only redeemable part of the medium

And this is why NO ONE likes animefaggots.


A macro has text you idiot

>unless you're only watching English dubs of shōnen
English dub of Keijo is fun

Totally depends on the game. The more effort the game takes to start and finish the more nice people you will find.

You can play the game like overwatch which you literally can press a single button and then spend most of the time shitposting while the match starts. No wonder you tend to not take people seriously, most likely you will never meet them again. The game barely requires anything except for hit things > use skills on people > do objectives so people are mostly mute. That's not a good enviroment for a healthy community.