S4 League

Moving at speed of sound, SUPER SONIC!

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Jesus christ, it's been such a long time. Too bad the game was ruined by swords only elitism. It was so much fun.

playing this with Sup Forums was some fun shit


I remember once, it was a match on Station, a Sup Forums match.

The game went like, 12-12, and the team I was on was set for a loss with like 20 seconds left because we were behind in kill points by like 30.

For some reason, even though I'm support-style(I double wall Senty Nell to stop quickchains,) I ran forward, grabbed the Fumbi, was somehow missed by the their entire team, walked over the bridge they DIDN'T break, and won the game.

The chat explosion was so good. So fast you couldn't read a goddamn thing.




Getting/fighting against the pity bonus was actually one of the most fun things to do.

I remember that I would always defend on ST2 with my HMG, Sniper Rifle and Sentry nell with shield as skill. Hardly anyone was able to score. Fun times.

My dick. Why did the game have to die ;_;

I only ever played early on before they added a lot of extra weapons but I remember the Gauss Rifle making my dick rock hard
Dropping niggas from across the map with three shot bursts into their fucking skulls, well before they could get into semirifle/smg spray range

did you ever fapped to sl user ?


I could never give up my Revolvers.

Because I was a cheeky kunt I ran Revolvers/Energy/Shock and I was a fucking crackshot with those fucking Revolvers, headshots for days

I kept a revolver as my backup in case the sprayers actually got close enough to spray me to death. saved my ass plenty of times.

Yes. These bitches were so delicious at that time.

Wasn't the Gauss able to almost one shot people if you hit them in the head from behind?

:o i thought i was the only one, please tell me more ~ any picture in particular ?

>why did the game have to die ;_;
This, anyone know a similar fast based shooter with qt graphics? Haven't looked actively but would be real nice to play something like it again. It's been far too long.

How do we make S4 great again, gentlemen, How

a miracle is required
KRS4 is basically dead and the western version is pretty much on life support
i like to find something like that too

I've lost all my S4 League pictures and memory is failing me, but the racer set that you just posted, the summer sets plus the lilith set always got my dick hard.

There isn't anything that comes close. The excitement of playing an actual sports game with those dodge and jump mechanics hasn't been recaptured in any game that I know of. I loved those futuristic designs and it'll always have a soft spot in my heart, hell, I'd still play it if it wasn't for the lack of gun rooms. Every single room has the swords only restriction nowadays. Arguably you could say that Overwatch is somewhat like it but even that is a far stretch.

Remove restrictions such as swords only, give it a major graphics overhaul or simply make a successor that builds on the fun aspects. I could honestly see a game like this becoming big in e-sports if it's handled properly. Touchdown is the most e-sports like game mode I've ever seen in an online game.

Putting that aside, what was your favorite map? Mine was pic related.

Hey guys, whats going on here?



I always loved Tunnel, Dm with a fumbi

They should definitely make a sequel but I have the horrid feeling theyd either fuck up terribly or pander to SO and kill any interest for me right away

remove anyone who was in charge of the cash grab

Don't forget about taking off expiration from cosmetic shit so when people leave and come back after a long while they can at least they won't get bummed out because they lost essentially thier avatar as well as there gear. The expiration can stay on weapons

dont forget BR's and hackers

I remember the beta.. where they fucked up the reward System. You actually could not play this game anymore when nothing was repaired and you dont had a spare

I fucking love when matches get down to 1 point deciding the game for both teams. It's always the hypest shit.

Who /bat/ here? Loved using this thing.

i wonder why ;)

So we got any custom servers, boys? I want to be dat man.

I miss pre-nerf breaker
sure it was broken as fuck but goddamn if it wasnt hilarious and a salt miner

Nothing more satisfying than hitting someone off the map with a bat.

Is that a new costume? I don't remember that one.

Well, I just found a private server


I wouldn't mind not playing swords only if a lot of the guns wouldn't kill you in one shot WHILE having long as fuck range like the rocket launcher and rail gun. I'm guilty of over using them though. When the rocket launcher was first added it was easy as fuck to kill anyone from all the way across the map because the alternate shot let you shoot 3 rockets at once. Got people so mad.



Okay how about every weapon type has basic variant with no perks that is always available and will never break to choose in reserve but weapons with perks and whatnot will expire and/or break

it was the new succubus halloween costume i think it came after lilith, do you like it ?

god RL before nerf was so fucking retarded
>slap on wings
>just nuke everyone and topscore with 0 effort

To be fair the rail gun is a sniper rifle after all. I don't see why it shouldn't be able to kill people quickly as you're not able to pray and spray

I know, but it's what I found after a quick search. According to the site, the server is set up to be exactly what people wanted from the game.

Bring it!

Nostalgia /thread?


How is this still alive? I'm pretty sure it died

-Update Graphics like Closers Dimensions or something like this
-Make a City Lobby like Street Gears
-Fuck Sword match
-Hack/Cheat protection

Superior game.

It most certainly pleases my dick.

port it to phone

Who turret shotgun master-race here

ive got tons and tons of pictures user i post your discord or skyep or someshit and ill add

>try playing again after not playing since 2012
>find out I can't migrate my old Alaplaya account anymore
>play anyways
>servers are even worse
>playerbase is even smaller
>still can't buy perms anymore
>there will never be another game like this again
The dream is fucking dead

in fairness the server issues is because of a butthurt kiddy constantly crashing them

Not able to buy things perma with ingame money is already a Deal breaker for me.

>use the shocking health absorb weapon
>players cry like babies


S4 league 2 fucking when



The new female set looks like yet another dick pleaser.

that thong and that fucking cleavage... .this game still makes me mad hard

Never. Pentavision is dead.

I still play sometimes, if you feel like joining, add Lycad to your friendlist, it's always nice to have people to play with
