Say something nice about how beautiful she is after making deepthroat to Zoltan
Say something nice about how beautiful she is after making deepthroat to Zoltan
i hope she has a spin off game
Zoltan The banger
the stars and the sun looks dull in comparison to her beauty
Was she raped? Never played any Witcher game before but still wanna know
She was more or less forced attempt to get pregnant with the king of those other world elves. He had issues though so I'm not sure if they ever did it.
No but she fucked allot of guys, because dude lmao she is such a tomboy female version of geralt, sex for her is just a bit of fun
Sexually liberated female characters are the best kind, Ciri and the Major.
I want them to make me their plaything.
>that watermark
fuck off shill
>tfw you will never get to play witcher 4 as ciri
>tfw you will never get to play witcher 4
She is pretty clearly established as a lesbian.
CDRP said they TW3 is the end of the trilogy. This doesn't mean we don't get another Witcher game.
>inb4 The Witcher Online, published by EA
>cameltoe in the pants
She's Bi though. She was engaged to Radovid, kissed Hjalmar when they were kids and kissed Skjall
None of the actions you've listed described her sincere sexual interest in those people. Being "playful" or "engaged" does not define sexual orientation, user, please don't be retarded.
In the books? She's bi, IIRC.
>There are people here who fucked up bad enough to get any ending other than Witcher Ciri
I didn't even know it had multiple endings and I still got it, you have no excuse.
Alright, I was not lazy enough to get my ass off to the shelf, and looked through the books. I would say she is either a lesbian or a curious lesbian/bi. So I probably concur this , and was probably too harsh. However, it's not that clear in the books, and I'd say it's for the good.
"a lot" in the books she fucked exactly 2 guys. WOW, A LOT.
So Galahad is a female? Good to know.
Just to be clear, games are a sort of fanfiction.
In the last book is implied that she is gonna marry her buddysword. Also, she had only one lesbian relationship. And wasn't exactly an healthy one.
It's pretty clear in the books that she's bi and her virginity was taken by a bandit girl.
she was kinda raped into lesbian relationship. She was in band of robbers and when one guy from the band tried to fuck her, other woman from the band chased him away and raped ciri in his place.
In the book canon she gets kidnapped at 14-16 by some elf and he creampies her every night trying to impregnate her but he dies after overdosing on some viagra potion
This is conveniently dropped for the games because muh pure waifu
Actually he couldn't get it up once, because she was a disgusting ugly human, he tried the viagra to actually get it up, but it ended up killing him. Good job not reading the book and just going off of what you read on reddit, faggot.
>making deepthroat
>not wanting to suck ciris feminine cock
baka 2bh fäm