Say something nice about how beautiful she is after making deepthroat to Zoltan

Say something nice about how beautiful she is after making deepthroat to Zoltan

i hope she has a spin off game

Zoltan The banger

the stars and the sun looks dull in comparison to her beauty

Was she raped? Never played any Witcher game before but still wanna know

She was more or less forced attempt to get pregnant with the king of those other world elves. He had issues though so I'm not sure if they ever did it.

No but she fucked allot of guys, because dude lmao she is such a tomboy female version of geralt, sex for her is just a bit of fun

Sexually liberated female characters are the best kind, Ciri and the Major.

I want them to make me their plaything.


>that watermark
fuck off shill