New Danganronpa V3


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Kaede, hand over the protagonist spot


Is it on Vita or on PC?

i need to grope her fucking titties
i'm so lonely

Vita and PS4.

No English release confirmed yet.

It's MY game bitch.

>No English release confirmed yet.
Why are the nips so cruel.

>yfw worldwide release

I would if it was available, Kaede.

Dammit, I'll probably preorder it.

The big twist will be that Kaede dies halfway through the game. Rantaro is revealed to be this generation's Ultimate Hope and replaces her as the protag for the rest of the story.

>cutest girl in the series didn't even make it to a game

Make it so it's on steam, Kaede, and I'll buy it.

Buy a Vita or wait 2 years cuck

>You see her mangled with a broken neck
>Later, Monaca admits to doing it
>Komaru says she hopes Monaca comes back someday

For fucks' sake. Her only desire regarding Monaca should be to punch her teeth in.

It's here

I see a Sayaka

>make DR3 such a garbled mess that no one will be disappointed when the HPA storyline doesn't show up for V3
>total creative freedom for V3 since not having any obligations towards the previous games
This will be one of the few games I'm planning to preorder

Can someone who can read moon runes explain why the pictures are from the DR3 anime?


Why do people still shill V3 after DR3 and every games endings were such a failure? Is it the power of waifus and husbandos?


>Buying a dead console which has like two exclusives overall
Whatever, Spike Chun will bring DRV3 on steam anyway. Probably simultaneously with sony platforms, judging by ZTD and Nonary Games releases.

We have hope, that's all.

Kodaka didn't write DR3.

And I liked the game endings.

Hina is old and busted. Angie is new hotness.

>more Kaede x Maki /u/ pandering
If Kaede isn't gay she's certainly gonna come off as gay

There's nothing gay about picking up girls in a pink convertible.

If you're male.

If you're a girl, it's kinda gay.

B-but don't you need to marry a girl to have babies??


And as DR3 proved, HPA's storyline is fucking cancer to begin with

I bet you like this slut too

You're gonna be the first victim you boring bitch.

A necessary context for Komaeda's OVA.

Maki is Kaede's murder victim in the last trial

The murder is weirdly sexual

>The victim appears to have piano keys inside of her vagina
>Kaede sweats nervously

DR3 was a stepping stone for V3

Yeh, I've always been on this side. But any criticism of it is immediately shut down by
>but it's supposed to be stupid! dont take it so seriously
The trials themselves give characters and their motivations a lot of respect and logic. Then the overarching story is that a superpowered cult-leader destroys the world because despair is random.
V3 has a good opportunity to avoid this moronic change of tone altogether and even if it doesn't, at least the trials and characters will be fun

Junko sucks, and Ultimate Despair, the one thing you COULD have done well, was LOL BRAINWASHING

They even had the whole Twilight Syndrome thing but nah Mahiru and Fuyuhiko didn't give a fuck they were laughing it up and complimenting each other on their murders.

"Hey you crushed my sister's skull in pretty good with that swimsuit gravel Mahiru!"

"Not as well as you raped and murdered my lesbian girlfriend Fuyuhiko!"

"Hahahah, let's go get drinks my photographer friend!"


Cars are only for protagonists ONLY



Actually wait why the FUCK don't you own a PS4?

Localization WHEN?

Better yet, you buy me your game.

And while you're out buying it, I'm gonna kill time by bullying Saionji. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Is Lepenn enough of a bully to win control over Frogland, Monsieur Bully?

How the fuck are you a weeb without a PS4 or Vita?

Are you taking about Le Pen?

The answer is no. She may qualify for second turn, due to the most unpopular french president of all time, who's pointing at 10% of favorable opinions. But she have little to no chances to win the second turn of elections. Simply because she would have Juppe, a popular successful politician, as opponent, both of which are from right-wing. Naturally, Juppe would get votes from centre and left, since he's more of Center-Right politician.

Her bullying skills aren't on the level of Trump or Clinton yet.

Well thanks for that. Would it be good if she got into the second round? I just don't want Sarkozy coming back.




So what other than DR 1 and 2 is "canon"?

Why is Pikachu girl there?

Probably cause people liked her design

I believe she has 80% chances to pass to the second round as it is now. Juppe have as much chances to win the Les Republicans primaries.

I think her passing to the second round would start the uproar, just like it was 14 years ago. I would like it, since it would bring more memes on Sup Forums and angry left revolts/nationalism revolts, since french know how to revolt for any little insignificant kind of detail.

OUR game

Why is Junko the worst character?

I haven't watched it yet, is DR3 that bad?

I have both. I know Komaru is supposed to hate Monaca's guts because I played UDG and know she put her through hell in that game and tried to make her blow off children's heads.

It was designed to be watched while it's airing, Side: Future on Mondays, Side:Despair on Thursdays weekly. It has all the cliffhangers, red herrings and shit, and the most fun was discussing what would happen and who's the bad boy here. Ending definitely was lacking, but I still enjoyed the ride overall.

I don't know how it feels if you eat it up in one go without discussions though. Also, you should play every DR game (yes, including UDG) before going into it.

This was designed to be an anime that would revolve around expectations and discussions from the start. Hell, there were red herrings before anime even started airing.

And what they gave us was quite possibly the dumbest story ever written by a human

We find out that Junko didn't actually corrupt the DR2 cast through charismatic means, just MINDHACC

Chiaki was forced hard as shit so the """twist""" at the end is the cast is MINDHACCED by Junko showing them Chiaki getting killed in a torture maze.

We learn that literally everything just falls into Junko's hands and she never has any form of trouble going through her plans.

Future side's twist is MINDHACC too.

Honestly looking back most of my issues were with Despair chapter. It was just so incredibly disappointing.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that the entire DR2 cast survives(except Chiaki).

There's also seemingly no conflict between them. "Remember that time you killed me dude? Haha yeah that was so hilarious"

Danganronpa 3 is a good anime

>it will break if you see
>she sees the phone
>it doesn't break

You bet it is.

wtf i hate despair now


wtf i love HOPE now

>tfw bought hackable vita with 32 gb for 50$
Vita really doesn't have games. I should have bought dishonored 2 or something


Then you haven't seen very many. It wasn't even the dumbest anime airing that season.

>Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that the entire DR2 cast survives(except Chiaki).
Which the DR2 ending strongly suggested was going to happen.

>There's also seemingly no conflict between them
Obviously they resolved that offscreen. I wish we could have seen it along with Fuyuhiko crying like a bitch upon getting Peko back but them's the brakes. How does one keep a grudge anyway, when nobody died? Some frustration and tension followed by an understanding that Junko's a cunt seems most likely.