Dubs of japanese games are always ba-

>dubs of japanese games are always ba-

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The dub of the first few Silent Hill games was pretty bad.

They were just bad in a way that worked for the games. In SH 2 everyone sounding vaguely confused and emotionally unstable just happened to compliment a games where the whole cast suffered some severe emotional trauma.

That isn't a dub faggot.

>tfw the dub is better and there's nothing you faggots can do about it


Silent Hill games aren't dubbed though.

weeb BTFO

>They look like monsters to you? :^)

english voice acting in japanese games is usually good
english dubs of japanese games are almost always bad

SH3 is shit though.

Seriously Heather is always high, Vaincent sounds like he's talking through a cardboard tube and the detective needs acting lessons.

claudia is an f tier villain though

vincent was scarier. shit even douglas would have been scarier as a villain

*dub is shit

this and persona games are good examples of dub that is better than the weeb version

A: Japanese game which is Western themed, therefore Japanese developers spend money, time and effort to capture a ideal "Western" feel and voice acting, usually hiring English Voice actors that usually work in Japan

Result: Authentic Western themed game made by Japanese studio

B: English developers working on a Japanese game who lack time, money and / or effort to accurately capture and portray the theme and voice that the game portrays and translate it into English

Result: Poorly translated / acted English dubbing of a Japanese game

Who was phone?

then how do you explain devil may cry which is anime as fuck?

>then how do you explain devil may cry which is anime as fuck?

Its a matter of perspective and culture.

To the Japanese (and in a "objective" way), its very Western. A "Devil Hunter" who hunts demons and devils (very Catholic, Western culture) in vague European cities and demons... Seems very Western to me.

Actually, now I'm not sure how it is 'anime' to you. Because of "increasing levels of power"? Its Fantasy, and I'm pretty sure its just a common way of making the game / story more interesting.
Because of cheesy romance? Apart from Devil May Cry 1, (should have been the one who filled you with liiiiiiiiiiiiight) I didn't find the romance part to be really standing out in the games.

Because it's cheesy and therefore anime. If it was badass and grimssrk it's sssrern and infinitely brtter. Proof is DmC

Oh, haha


>Devil May Cry feels like a very "authentic" western themed game

DMC is one of my favorite series of all time but you should really just shut the fuck up.

Japanese have a skin deep understanding of western culture and they just go with their first impression ideas of it.

>he literally can't see how fucking anime the game about a white haired half demon who kills demons with his magic sword who can teleport all over the place run DOWN towers and a bunch of other shit.

>an overpowered character is anime
Fuck I LOVE Superman's anime man!

Nah Superman too well written

oh, so you're just baiting, don't mind me then, carry on.

>weeb damage control
Every time.



They're done in English first, like the Souls games
I'm sure you knew that, though

dub of japanese games are a god send
I can't bear with the shitty high pitched voice of a japanese female, that is also why I only read manga

This is John Mirra

Remmy, get off of Sup Forums and go apologize to Al.

English-only voiced Japanese games are usually okay, or at least ironically enjoyable.
Airship Q's voices are legitimately bad, though. Everyone hates it.

English dubs are always bad, no exception. I play Fallout games with French dubs because they are so much better than the English ones.

The hell are you smoking?

I'm not an Americuck. Your dubs are just plain bad and make me want to puke.

You posted the wrong game, faggot.
>cancerbook memes
Double faggot

Are Silent Hill games recorded in Japanese? I always thought it was like Resident Evil where there's just an English track with Japanese subtitles.

I got to admit, the first time I saw that scene, I did not expect that "happy birthday" shit.

the latter

So then it's not a dub and OP is just stupid. Got it.

Anyone else sometimes turn it to Japanese if the voice acting sucks? Not because I'm a weeb, but just because I can't tell if it sucks in Japanese so it seems less cheesy.


Gideon Emery in FF12 was the bomb and I don't care what you fags think.

Xenoblade Chronicles

I'll make you eat those words!



JRPG's greatest dub

Any reason why? It's a well known story that Resident Evil was originally supposed to be voiced in Japanese but some higher up hated the quality of the voice actors so they hired english speaking actors instead. Either the irony is hilarious or the Japanese voice actors were somehow even worse.

Anyway, is there a reason why Konami opted for only english voices in their series? SH1 and 2 weren't that great as far as voice acting goes but 3 was excellent.


Probably because if the games look western they don't want them to speak ching chong


The VA might not be really good but the game is amazing.

Basically this. I think it's because the series takes place in a western setting so Japanese voices would seem really out of place. Similarly, it's super weird to hear Miyu and Mayu with British accents in the Wii remake of Fatal Frame II.

keep telling yourself that

I don't know about SH1 but Silent Hill 2 has that silly dog ending where the characters seem to speak in Japanese. I could be wrong about the language.

In SH3, there is a very odd easter egg that triggers when you fight an Insane Cancer with a Maul in the Otherworld office building (the room with the uncooked pork in the fridge) while wearing the Princess Heart outfit. Both Heather and, apparently, the Insane Cancer speak in Japanese. I don't think it's a glitch but I have no idea about it. Look it up as it's extremely strange.

Oh, and, if I recall correctly, the alien ending in SH3 has a bunch of guys singing in Japanese.

You're right about that part. It's there as a silly easter egg since part of Silent Hill's charm has always been that it was a sleepy American town as viewed through Japanese eyes. Hell they based Midwich Elementary on the school from Kindergarten Cop.

Japanese games? They look like Japanese games to you?

Fucking why?? It's not like the voice acting was top notch in the original FF2 but it was alright. Why would they change it?

Man, the video game industry is the only one that has to put up with stupid shit like this. If Disney re-released Toy Story but replaced Tom Hanks with Pierce Bronsan then there would be a fucking uproar.


I'm pretty sure that the cutscenes were rehearsed in english i.e. it was the intended language

I'm playing SH3 for the first time and Detective Douglas's voice is really weird. It doesn't sound like it fits his design at all.

How do I filter this stupid "interrupted speech" meme?

Filtering comments that end with a hyphen maybe?



Yes, rehearsed, go look up the Silent Hill making of videos if it's too hard for you to believe

I just thought you meant to say recorded. Rehearsed didn't seem like the right word to use.

The cutscenes were rehearsed and later motion captured by the english voice actors, meaning the japanese voiceovers were dubbed later and that OP is a fag

>stupid memes don't exi-
Fuck off


There are literally NO Japanese voices for Silent Hill and Resident Evil games. Those were made in English day 1, with Nips only getting subtitles.



>I'm not an Americuck.
A fucking million times this. The biggest problem with English dubs is that they aren't English dubs at all, but American dubs.
I don't want your faggot Californian bullshit and cultural in-jokes about the different states, I'd rather have the culture shock that uses the original source if I have the choice.